So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

The POS is probably taking credit for NE win over Atlanta last night What a schmuck
You are probably right, but Tramp gave up on the game in the 3rd quarter when New England was losing!
maybe America will have a better chance when his ass is out of our wh
I love to watch butt hurt live.
LOL I'm making money hand over fist with this trump ah ,,,,no time for hurt butt,,,still can't stand the pos
The POS is probably taking credit for NE win over Atlanta last night What a schmuck
You are probably right, but Tramp gave up on the game in the 3rd quarter when New England was losing!
maybe America will have a better chance when his ass is out of our wh
I love to watch butt hurt live.
LOL I'm making money hand over fist with this trump ah ,,,,no time for hurt butt,,,still can't stand the pos
so you hate success. hmmmmmmm go figure.
The POS is probably taking credit for NE win over Atlanta last night What a schmuck
You are probably right, but Tramp gave up on the game in the 3rd quarter when New England was losing!
maybe America will have a better chance when his ass is out of our wh
I love to watch butt hurt live.
LOL I'm making money hand over fist with this trump ah ,,,,no time for hurt butt,,,still can't stand the pos
so you hate success. hmmmmmmm go figure.
my success doesn't depend on who is president ,,,,I did well under clinton and obama not bad under gwb but this guy is a compete ah as a person Maybe as a businessman he could tell people to shit and they'd ask what color? Can't get away with that as a leader of a country dealing with other leaders
Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

Social Security is just another welfare program anyway, it should count
not so fast on that one. we pay into that program. It's my money coming back I invested.

You invested nothing, the money was spent as you paid in like any other tax. Do you have a defense trust fund too for all the defense taxes you paid?
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.

That's President Tramp to you
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

Social Security is just another welfare program anyway, it should count
not so fast on that one. we pay into that program. It's my money coming back I invested.

You invested nothing, the money was spent as you paid in like any other tax. Do you have a defense trust fund too for all the defense taxes you paid?
then why is it a separated from normal income taxes?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
the one living in the WH performing EOs.
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.

As for your cynicism, it's hysterical how cynicism is typically directed at the PTBs. You direct it at any one who questions the powers that be. Very funny. So you question that government is all good and cares about it's people? I'm cynical about that, LOL. Very odd

The power of accurate observation is commonly called Cynicism
by those who have not got it. George Bernard Shaw

Cynics regarded everybody as equally corrupt...
Idealists regarded everybody as equally corrupt, except themselves.
Robert Anton Wilson
Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows. David T. Wolf
When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
Number one, 96 million did not "give up." Only about half a million did.
And number two, people not in the labor force are NOT counted as employed.
It takes a special kind of STUPID to believe both of those OBVIOUS Tramp lies!!!

Repeating that lie again, I told you to look up what the number means because what you are saying is not true
4) I don't bet without a clear standard that is easy to measure

Your offer violates every one of my four rules
The not in labor force is easy to measure, it is reported every month by the BLS, now, according to the Right, run by Tramp!!!
You won't bet because you KNOW you will lose, and no other reason.

You're a naggy little bitch. I said there were four reasons, you only addressed one of them. I'll give you that one if you can solve the other three
1) I won't bet presence on the board with anyone on any subject, I think it's a stupid bet

2) I won't bet anything with people I don't trust, and I don't trust you

3) I bet for fun, you're just being a dick and taunting me, that isn't "fun"
Well the other three are purely subjective, unlike 4 which can be shown to be absolutely false.

I am willing to negotiate 1 and 3, but 2 is just ridiculous.

1) how about sigs?
3) what kind of bet would be fun for you?

1) Yes. I am willing if the other terms are satisfied to bet sigs. So you cleared this now.

2) No. Still don't trust you. Do you have someone I'd trust you've bet, lost and honored? For example, I saw several liberals honor Obama bets like Candycorn. I'd be willing to make a bet with her. I've made two bets with liberals. I won them both. Both pushed that we bet, it wasn't me. One honored the bet, Bodecea. If you read her sig you'll see that and what the bet was. Seawytch pushed me into a bet, lost, then just flat out reneged. You have not cleared this. If you can't it's not my problem. I'm not big on betting, you're pushing me to do it, I'm not asking for a bet. The onus is on you

3) No. On your question, "what kind of bet would be fun for you?" The problem is not the bet, it's the way you act about it. I'm not into betting to get you. If I bet, it's for the spirit of the competition. Another reason I won't bet leaving the site. I'd be just doing it to get an annoying liberal to leave, and even if I wanted to if they annoy me that much I almost certainly wouldn't trust them to follow through. You seem to be betting out of Trump bitterness. I'm not even a Trump supporter and I didn't vote for him. I just said I'd give him a chance. So no, this is still not fun.

4) Yes. I agreed to your standard for the bet

5) Yes. I'm adding this to my list so I'll give you an automatic pass. I don't bet things I don't care about. You're lucky I'm giving you a pass because betting on the 95 million isn't something I care about and I never said Trump would deliver. I just pointed out your obvious partisan motivation against Trump.

So, I'll give you 1, 4 and 5. if you can clear 2 and 3 then we can bet. Again, don't care if you can't. I'm not pushing that we bet, I don't particularly want to. But I set the hurdles so if you clear them I'll make the bet
Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

Social Security is just another welfare program anyway, it should count
not so fast on that one. we pay into that program. It's my money coming back I invested.

You invested nothing, the money was spent as you paid in like any other tax. Do you have a defense trust fund too for all the defense taxes you paid?
then why is it a separated from normal income taxes?

It's a scam. Regardless, how can you have a trust fund with no assets? Zero of your social security check is taken from the money you paid in. That was paid as it came in.

Regular welfare. Money is taken from current taxpayers and given to someone else

Social Security. Money is taken from current taxpayers and given to someone else

So try this at home. Let's declare your groceries a trust fund. You and your wife every time you buy groceries write down how much you spent on a slip of paper and put the slip of paper in a shoe box. At the end of the year, get out the shoe box. Now, how much money is there?
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When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.

You don't know that Trump is President? Seriously? What cave do you live in?
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.

You don't know that Trump is President? Seriously? What cave do you live in?

Do you not agree that the statement is a fucking lie?

And lol @ your president Trumplethinskin's economy once he slaps a 20% border tax on groceries. Good luck, middle class! What a hero this guy Trump is!

the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that's what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.


How is it possible to be soooo wrong, wrong and wrong again? Do you seriously not understand that population grows and with it individual categories of people?


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Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.

You don't know that Trump is President? Seriously? What cave do you live in?

Do you not agree that the statement is a fucking lie?

And lol @ your president Trumplethinskin's economy once he slaps a 20% border tax on groceries. Good luck, middle class! What a hero this guy Trump is!


AHHH, OUIIIIII, WEEEEEKKKKKKEEEEEE. You with butt hurt. When you want to ask a real question, let me know
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
the one living in the WH performing EOs.
Yeah, like the "so-called" judge who blocked his EO, that so-called president!
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

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