So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.

You don't know that Trump is President? Seriously? What cave do you live in?

Do you not agree that the statement is a fucking lie?

And lol @ your president Trumplethinskin's economy once he slaps a 20% border tax on groceries. Good luck, middle class! What a hero this guy Trump is!

the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that's what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.


How is it possible to be soooo wrong, wrong and wrong again? Do you seriously not understand that population grows and with it individual categories of people?


What's that have to do with anything?
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.

Obama's unemployment rates doesn't even pass the snicker test. Not when during his administration we had increased poverty, decreased family income. increased welfare and not even one year that had as much as a 3% GDP growth.

He was lying and only the Moon Bats believed the lies.

Dipshit, the jobs #s are provided by the BLS, not Obama. And they're STILL provided by the BLS.

But tell me more about how Trump is going to do so much better by spending $7 million in tax breaks for 300 jobs in Indiana.
But tell me more about how Trump is going to do so much better by spending $7 million in tax breaks for 300 jobs in Indiana.
I'd rather a company in the U.S.A get $7 million in tax breaks
so 300 people keep their jobs they would have otherwise lost,
then give $221 million to Palestine and fund our own attacks!

I, too, want to know what we spent 10 trillion dollars on
over the course of 8 years!
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.

Obama's unemployment rates doesn't even pass the snicker test. Not when during his administration we had increased poverty, decreased family income. increased welfare and not even one year that had as much as a 3% GDP growth.

He was lying and only the Moon Bats believed the lies.

Dipshit, the jobs #s are provided by the BLS, not Obama. And they're STILL provided by the BLS.

But tell me more about how Trump is going to do so much better by spending $7 million in tax breaks for 300 jobs in Indiana.
But tell me more about how Trump is going to do so much better by spending $7 million in tax breaks for 300 jobs in Indiana.
I'd rather a company in the U.S.A get $7 million in tax breaks
so 300 people keep their jobs they would have otherwise lost,
then give $221 million to Palestine and fund our own attacks!

I, too, want to know what we spent 10 trillion dollars on
over the course of 8 years!

We all want to know what Obama spent 9 trillion plus on..

Did he build a death star we don't know about?

I, too, want to know what we spent 10 trillion dollars on
over the course of 8 years!
Ask the Republican House you reelected, they spent it!

But, guess whose to blame....

I didn't vote for any incumbents!

I voted for Trump because he wasn't a politician.
He's a business man and this country is a business
that needs to be managed as such!

I couldn't stand Bush either, I couldn't wait til he was gone!
McCain was a joke and Palin as his choice for VP
was an insult to my intelligence!

The only reason why he chose her
was because she was a woman

I didn't want Hillary to win the nomination,
I was all for Obama.... until the bailout

I said, if he signs off on the bailout,
I'll know he's just like the rest of them.
He signed off and I stayed home on election day.

My opinion as to why our elected officials
and Washington buerocrates have been up in arms...
because an outsider is getting an insider view,
of the true nature of business as usual.

You think they want him going through
finances and expenditures, spending, borrowing,
and the amount of money we gave away and who to?

Hell fucking no!

They know he'll be tweeting his ass off,
naming names, dollar amounts, the works.
Then we'll see them all throwing people under the bus!

Trust me, we haven't seen anything yet!
And, I, for one, can not wait!
I, too, want to know what we spent 10 trillion dollars on
over the course of 8 years!
Ask the Republican House you reelected, they spent it!

So does that you mean you are against excessive government spending no mater who does it or are a partisan pigs that tries to deflect Democrat spending on the Republicans? You know like the grade school on the playground that claims he is innocent because Johnny also did it?

If you voted for that asshole Obama and supported that shithead Crooked Hillary you have no credibility to attack anybody on excessive spending.

You would think that if you are against excessive government spending then you would support Trump because he is not owned by filthy ass special interest groups like Obama and Crooked Hillary. Unlike Crooked Hillary he is already rich and doesn't have to sell government influence to foreign governments and Wall Street to get rich. Unlike that dipshit Obama he is not owned by the welfare queens, unions, Muslims and environmental wackos.

Republicans have enabled the Democrats to be big spenders and that is one of the reasons I am not a Republican any more. However, that does nothing to excuse the really bad fiscal irresponsibility of the Democrats.
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
the one living in the WH performing EOs.
Yeah, like the "so-called" judge who blocked his EO, that so-called president!

You don't know what "so called" means. President Trump is very much your president. The butt hurt just flared again, didn't it?
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!

My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Nope another Tramp lie.
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
the one living in the WH performing EOs.
Yeah, like the "so-called" judge who blocked his EO, that so-called president!
You don't know what "so called" means. President Trump is very much your president. The butt hurt just flared again, didn't it?
So-called president Tramp is every bit a so-called president as Judge Robart is a so-called Judge.
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Your MessiahRushie set the standards.
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock
So how long until Trump gets a job for all 95 million of those not in the labor force?
That's President Tramp to you
That's So-called president Tramp to you.
the one living in the WH performing EOs.
Yeah, like the "so-called" judge who blocked his EO, that so-called president!
You don't know what "so called" means. President Trump is very much your president. The butt hurt just flared again, didn't it?
So-called president Tramp is every bit a so-called president as Judge Robart is a so-called Judge.

Who said Robart is a "so called" judge? He's obviously a real one, his order was followed. He should be impeached and removed from the bench for Unconstitutionally overstepping judicial authority, but he's an actual judge, not a so called one
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock
So how long until Trump gets a job for all 95 million of those not in the labor force?

Grandpa can't wait to get out there and build some walls!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said that liberals do this. You are implying it's what he said he does. Lie 1 Truth 0

You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you.
Rush Limbaugh

- This is you lying. Rushbo said this about Obama, not himself. Lie 2 Truth 0

Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here. Rush Limbaugh

- He's being funny, not serious. Lie 3 Truth 0

Ooops what you exposed is that you are a liar.
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Your MessiahRushie set the standards.

That is alarming. So I was programmed by Rush? Just curious, why is Rush programming me to be a libertarian when he's a conservative. Is he just fucking with me?

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