So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Your MessiahRushie set the standards.

That is alarming. So I was programmed by Rush? Just curious, why is Rush programming me to be a libertarian when he's a conservative. Is he just fucking with me?
Your MessiahRushie is no CON$ervative and you are no Libertarian. And yes he is fucking with dumb SUCKERS like you.
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.

I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs. Of course many don't want them, such as stay at home moms. However, tens of millions of them are people who would look if they felt they could get a decent job
Stop kazzing. Less than 6 million (not "tens of millions") of the 94 million not in the labor force say they want a job now.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Your MessiahRushie set the standards.

That is alarming. So I was programmed by Rush? Just curious, why is Rush programming me to be a libertarian when he's a conservative. Is he just fucking with me?
Your MessiahRushie is no CON$ervative and you are no Libertarian. And yes he is fucking with dumb SUCKERS like you.

President Trump
Well that went completely over your head! no surprise there.
"Accuse your opponents...," it is the hypocrisy I'm accusing your MessiahRushie of.
"You know, when you are a Messiah...," my example of what your MessiahRushie does that he accuses another of doing.
"Don't doubt me," the proof of his own defined messianic attitude. And he says it habitually and means it literally.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
You're a liar, Rush was talking about what liberals do
And hypocritically doing the same thing he accused Libs of doing as proven by my sig. Your MessiahRushie projects everything bad about the Right onto the Left!
My messiah? Rush taught you that trick, you got nothing but insults that Rush gave you, huh? Figures
Your MessiahRushie set the standards.

That is alarming. So I was programmed by Rush? Just curious, why is Rush programming me to be a libertarian when he's a conservative. Is he just fucking with me?
Why do you persist with the lie kaz that Libertarians can't be conservative?

He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock
So how long until Trump gets a job for all 95 million of those not in the labor force?

Grandpa can't wait to get out there and build some walls!
Well either Trump can put all 95 million back to work or he's a failure.
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!

Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Obama, beloved by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

Trump, hated by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Trump is no saint but he is much better than that filthy ass failed affirmative action disaster that you stupid Moon Bats elected in 2008 or that corrupt,dishonest and incompetent piece of shit you voted for in 2016.

If you don't accept Trump as President of the US then move to either Cuba or Venezuela. You can get the Left government you really desire.
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Trump is no saint but he is much better than that filthy ass failed affirmative action disaster that you stupid Moon Bats elected in 2008 or that corrupt,dishonest and incompetent piece of shit you voted for in 2016.

If you don't accept Trump as President of the US then move to either Cuba or Venezuela. You can get the Left government you really desire.

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Obama, beloved by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

Trump, hated by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

He absolutely flipped the Iranian president into a more moderate posture, something Trump and his chickenhawk minions are trying DESPERATELY to undo.

You must really like pointless, expensive wars, because you sure voted for one.
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Trump is no saint but he is much better than that filthy ass failed affirmative action disaster that you stupid Moon Bats elected in 2008 or that corrupt,dishonest and incompetent piece of shit you voted for in 2016.

If you don't accept Trump as President of the US then move to either Cuba or Venezuela. You can get the Left government you really desire.

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

If Trump "doesn't know how to be" President, then how did he undo eight disastrous years of Obama in two weeks? At this point, the only thing Obama has left is the ACA and that's in Trump's cross hairs
Who said Robart is a "so called" judge?
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Obama, beloved by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

Trump, hated by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

He absolutely flipped the Iranian president into a more moderate posture, something Trump and his chickenhawk minions are trying DESPERATELY to undo.

You must really like pointless, expensive wars, because you sure voted for one.

Iran? You're insane. They ignored their nuclear deal and UN agreement on missle testing as everyone told the most naive man in the country that they would. They are not in any way our ally. Seriously, you think Obama flipped Iran? Do you have a functioning brain cell in your head?

Funny how the Iranians harassed their ally with close calls and captured and humiliated their ally's sailors. Yeah, thank you Obama

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

A dumbshit affirmative action asshole that was never qualified to be anything other than a "community organizer" (whatever the hell that is) who was the worst President this country ever had and do nothing senator given the job for name who became the worst Secretary of State this country every had.

No wonder you Moon Bats lost over 1000 seats during the Kenyan Disaster's administration and lost the Congress and Presidency. You have bozos running for office.
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Trump is no saint but he is much better than that filthy ass failed affirmative action disaster that you stupid Moon Bats elected in 2008 or that corrupt,dishonest and incompetent piece of shit you voted for in 2016.

If you don't accept Trump as President of the US then move to either Cuba or Venezuela. You can get the Left government you really desire.

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

If Trump "doesn't know how to be" President, then how did he undo eight disastrous years of Obama in two weeks? At this point, the only thing Obama has left is the ACA and that's in Trump's cross hairs

Right. He handed the jihadists their best propaganda material in 14 years, he removed white house website links for LGBTQ (finally, the scourge has ended!), he removed climate change information from the EPA website (learning is bad!), he removed information from a website regarding animal abuse (finally we get to stick it to fido!), he's gonna hand out guns to certifiably insane people, he is removing all regulations from Wall Street (Swamp the Drain!), and he nominated an on-the-spectrum Sunday school teacher for head of the Dept of Education (watch out for Grizzlies!!), as well as an anti-EPA oil man who is currently suing the HEAD of the EPA.

We're saved! Nothing retarded there!

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

A dumbshit affirmative action asshole that was never qualified to be anything other than a "community organizer" (whatever the hell that is) who was the worst President this country ever had and do nothing senator given the job for name who became the worst Secretary of State this country every had.

No wonder you Moon Bats lost over 1000 seats during the Kenyan Disaster's administration and lost the Congress and Presidency. You have bozos running for office.

A simple "I'm a racist nincompoop" would've sufficed instead of all that.
Your so-called president, as if you didn't know!


Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Obama, beloved by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

Trump, hated by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

He absolutely flipped the Iranian president into a more moderate posture, something Trump and his chickenhawk minions are trying DESPERATELY to undo.

You must really like pointless, expensive wars, because you sure voted for one.

Iran? You're insane. They ignored their nuclear deal and UN agreement on missle testing as everyone told the most naive man in the country that they would. They are not in any way our ally. Seriously, you think Obama flipped Iran? Do you have a functioning brain cell in your head?

Funny how the Iranians harassed their ally with close calls and captured and humiliated their ally's sailors. Yeah, thank you Obama

Iran didn't violate the nuclear agreement.

Did Iran's Ballistic Missile Test Violate A U.N. Resolution?

Most nonproliferation experts would say Iran certainly defied the spirit of the U.N. resolution, but technically didn't violate it — because it contains no prohibition against such testing, as one of its predecessors, passed in 2010, specifically did.

LOL @ "captured and humiliated" the sailors.

They agreed to release them almost immediately, even before Republicans could begin having their crybaby fit. Trump called for bombing them while Obama coolly handled their release. Trump would've killed those sailors.

Obama saved them.

Tell us again how Trump is fit to be commander in chief when he wets his pants immediately upon any crisis whatsoever. He's an absolute nightmare of a human being who goes nuclear on Kristin Stewart and Rosie O'Donnel.

But you believe he has what it takes to handle a nuclear crisis? You have to be outside your mind to think that.

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

A dumbshit affirmative action asshole that was never qualified to be anything other than a "community organizer" (whatever the hell that is) who was the worst President this country ever had and do nothing senator given the job for name who became the worst Secretary of State this country every had.

No wonder you Moon Bats lost over 1000 seats during the Kenyan Disaster's administration and lost the Congress and Presidency. You have bozos running for office.

A simple "I'm a racist nincompoop" would've sufficed instead of all that.

If the asshole is as smart as you say he is then why was his administration such a disaster? The sonofabitch increased poverty, decreased family income. astronomically ran up the debt, allowed million of illegals flood into this country, destroyed healthcare and pretty much had the worst foreign policy this country ever saw. That record is pretty damn dumb, isn't it?

If in his case being "Harvard educated" means anything then why won't the asshole release his college transcripts so we can find out if he was passed in class due to affirmative action or if he enrolled as a foreign student? What is he hiding?

Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Trump is no saint but he is much better than that filthy ass failed affirmative action disaster that you stupid Moon Bats elected in 2008 or that corrupt,dishonest and incompetent piece of shit you voted for in 2016.

If you don't accept Trump as President of the US then move to either Cuba or Venezuela. You can get the Left government you really desire.

LOL @ a Harvard and Columbia-trained civil rights lawyer and US Senator being "affirmative action" but the reality TV diva with fake hair and daddy's silver spoon up his ass is "qualified".

NO ONE but you believes this.

If Trump "doesn't know how to be" President, then how did he undo eight disastrous years of Obama in two weeks? At this point, the only thing Obama has left is the ACA and that's in Trump's cross hairs

Right. He handed the jihadists their best propaganda material in 14 years, he removed white house website links for LGBTQ (finally, the scourge has ended!), he removed climate change information from the EPA website (learning is bad!), he removed information from a website regarding animal abuse (finally we get to stick it to fido!), he's gonna hand out guns to certifiably insane people, he is removing all regulations from Wall Street (Swamp the Drain!), and he nominated an on-the-spectrum Sunday school teacher for head of the Dept of Education (watch out for Grizzlies!!), as well as an anti-EPA oil man who is currently suing the HEAD of the EPA.

We're saved! Nothing retarded there!

What propaganda material did Trump give jihadists? What are you smoking?

Yeah, I know you think this is cute, but it really doesn't add anything. He doesn't act like a president., he doesn't know how to BE a president, he pisses off allies and enemies alike, and christ his aides literally cannot turn on the lights in the Cabinet room.

Cabinet Office Light Switches Prove Too Complicated for Trump’s Aides, So They Work in the Dark

So it's fair to say he's "so-called" president til he figures out how to be one. IF he figures it out.

Obama, beloved by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

Trump, hated by the international left. Didn't flip a single enemy to be an ally and no allies flipped to be enemies

He absolutely flipped the Iranian president into a more moderate posture, something Trump and his chickenhawk minions are trying DESPERATELY to undo.

You must really like pointless, expensive wars, because you sure voted for one.

Iran? You're insane. They ignored their nuclear deal and UN agreement on missle testing as everyone told the most naive man in the country that they would. They are not in any way our ally. Seriously, you think Obama flipped Iran? Do you have a functioning brain cell in your head?

Funny how the Iranians harassed their ally with close calls and captured and humiliated their ally's sailors. Yeah, thank you Obama

Iran didn't violate the nuclear agreement.

Did Iran's Ballistic Missile Test Violate A U.N. Resolution?

Most nonproliferation experts would say Iran certainly defied the spirit of the U.N. resolution, but technically didn't violate it — because it contains no prohibition against such testing, as one of its predecessors, passed in 2010, specifically did.

LOL @ "captured and humiliated" the sailors.

They agreed to release them almost immediately, even before Republicans could begin having their crybaby fit. Trump called for bombing them while Obama coolly handled their release. Trump would've killed those sailors.

Obama saved them.

Tell us again how Trump is fit to be commander in chief when he wets his pants immediately upon any crisis whatsoever. He's an absolute nightmare of a human being who goes nuclear on Kristin Stewart and Rosie O'Donnel.

But you believe he has what it takes to handle a nuclear crisis? You have to be outside your mind to think that.

I said he violated the agreement AND he tested missiles. Iran never stopped developing nukes

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