So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

4) I don't bet without a clear standard that is easy to measure

Your offer violates every one of my four rules
The not in labor force is easy to measure, it is reported every month by the BLS, now, according to the Right, run by Tramp!!!
You won't bet because you KNOW you will lose, and no other reason.

You're a naggy little bitch. I said there were four reasons, you only addressed one of them. I'll give you that one if you can solve the other three
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
Yes the 96 million is a lie, but it is the lie that Tramp has been flogging as the "real" unemployment number for his entire campaign and also after his election, so it is the "real" number I will hold the liar to.

and there are NOT "tens of millions" who have given up looking, but only HALF of ONE million.
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
Yes the 96 million is a lie, but it is the lie that Tramp has been flogging as the "real" unemployment number for his entire campaign and also after his election, so it is the "real" number I will hold the liar to.

and there are NOT "tens of millions" who have given up looking, but only HALF of ONE million.
you need to look here.

A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

Social Security is just another welfare program anyway, it should count
Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?


This has been another episode of trying to rationally converse with the RWinger crazies.
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
Yes the 96 million is a lie, but it is the lie that Tramp has been flogging as the "real" unemployment number for his entire campaign and also after his election, so it is the "real" number I will hold the liar to.

and there are NOT "tens of millions" who have given up looking, but only HALF of ONE million.

I already told you to look up the definition of the stat you're posting because it's not what you think it is, it is only some of the people
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

Social Security is just another welfare program anyway, it should count
not so fast on that one. we pay into that program. It's my money coming back I invested.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?


This has been another episode of trying to rationally converse with the RWinger crazies.
Says dufus who uses his own statistic to claim 1 out of 7 people requiring aid to just put food on the table is a sign of a good economy.
And I keep saying that Trump's number INCLUDES retirees but it is not ALL retirees. Seriously, how do you not grasp that?
BTW, you brought up retirees, I said early retirees would count but not other retirees. I never denied that
Yes I brought up retirees, not "EARLY retirees, YOU brought up early retirees and attributed it to me.
Tramp's number includes ALL retirees who stopped working, no matter what their age!
Trump's number also includes the nonworking disabled!
What I said is a lie is that you said I claimed the 96 million are "early retirees." I never said any such thing, you were full of shit
What you said is Tramp's number would be accurate if it included early retirees. You attributed the "early retirees" to me.
I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?


This has been another episode of trying to rationally converse with the RWinger crazies.
Says dufus who uses his own statistic to claim 1 out of 7 people requiring aid to just put food on the table is a sign of a good economy.
And I keep saying that Trump's number INCLUDES retirees but it is not ALL retirees. Seriously, how do you not grasp that?
BTW, you brought up retirees, I said early retirees would count but not other retirees. I never denied that
Yes I brought up retirees, not "EARLY retirees, YOU brought up early retirees and attributed it to me.
Tramp's number includes ALL retirees who stopped working, no matter what their age!
Trump's number also includes the nonworking disabled!
What I said is a lie is that you said I claimed the 96 million are "early retirees." I never said any such thing, you were full of shit
What you said is Tramp's number would be accurate if it included early retirees. You attributed the "early retirees" to me.
I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
you mean Trump right?
CON$ will say the not in labor force number increased because of Boomers retiring.
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
And I keep saying that Trump's number INCLUDES retirees but it is not ALL retirees. Seriously, how do you not grasp that?
BTW, you brought up retirees, I said early retirees would count but not other retirees. I never denied that
Yes I brought up retirees, not "EARLY retirees, YOU brought up early retirees and attributed it to me.
Tramp's number includes ALL retirees who stopped working, no matter what their age!
Trump's number also includes the nonworking disabled!
What I said is a lie is that you said I claimed the 96 million are "early retirees." I never said any such thing, you were full of shit
What you said is Tramp's number would be accurate if it included early retirees. You attributed the "early retirees" to me.
I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
do you have a point in all of this?
  • Thanks
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Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
And my sig exposes the hypocrisy of it!!!
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
No, it's never been tens of millions:
Same people tell you there has been no inflation the last 20 years too. It's all BS.
BLS says that average prices have gone up 52.2% from December 1996 to December 2016.

But please, feel free to point out any actual issues or opposed to the made up complaints so far in this thread.
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
Yes the 96 million is a lie, but it is the lie that Tramp has been flogging as the "real" unemployment number for his entire campaign and also after his election, so it is the "real" number I will hold the liar to.

and there are NOT "tens of millions" who have given up looking, but only HALF of ONE million.
you need to look here.

A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
Which proves Ed's point. Only the discouraged have "given up" looking.
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin
Nope another Tramp lie.
Number one, 96 million did not "give up." Only about half a million did.
And number two, people not in the labor force are NOT counted as employed.
It takes a special kind of STUPID to believe both of those OBVIOUS Tramp lies!!!
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?


This has been another episode of trying to rationally converse with the RWinger crazies.

just wow.
4) I don't bet without a clear standard that is easy to measure

Your offer violates every one of my four rules
The not in labor force is easy to measure, it is reported every month by the BLS, now, according to the Right, run by Tramp!!!
You won't bet because you KNOW you will lose, and no other reason.

You're a naggy little bitch. I said there were four reasons, you only addressed one of them. I'll give you that one if you can solve the other three
1) I won't bet presence on the board with anyone on any subject, I think it's a stupid bet

2) I won't bet anything with people I don't trust, and I don't trust you

3) I bet for fun, you're just being a dick and taunting me, that isn't "fun"
Well the other three are purely subjective, unlike 4 which can be shown to be absolutely false.

I am willing to negotiate 1 and 3, but 2 is just ridiculous.

1) how about sigs?
3) what kind of bet would be fun for you?

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