So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Who cares? People like him are why employers have to have the mandates in the first place. Precisely because they cannot be trusted to respect the recommendations or the well being of others. We dont ask criminals if they respect the laws they break. We already know the answer.
Now you sound like a petulant child.
Regarding a possible religious exemption, some of the COVID vaccines are developed using aborted fetal tissue. I was not aware of that.

Official, non-conspiracy fact page on the subject....

Looks like students at Loyola successfully used this argument...

Medical professionals and scientists having to battle irrational religious belief to save lives. Sad.
If you respected their decision, you wouldn’t be retaliating against them.
Is that right?

People destroy other people's businesses all the time just in every day competition for business, I sure as hell can do so as well.
And I don't need any reason other than I want to because they pissed me off.
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.
Outside of places with strong unions the GOP has ALREADY given businesses this power.
Medical professionals and scientists having to battle irrational religious belief to save lives. Sad.
You should learn to respect others' strongly-held beliefs, even if you don't agree with them. You probably have some strong opinions yourself, but somehow, you feel you do not have to be tolerant of differing viewpoints, because your opinions are the "right " ones.

Loyola is a Catholic University. I am kind of surprised that this controversy even arose. One would think that the administrators would not try to impose a policy which arguably violates the fundamental teachings of their faith.

I'll skip the Constitutional rant about the 1A. It's what gives you the fundamental right to hold the religious beliefs that you do.
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That’s how anti-vaccination people sound to me.
Difference is, you are no one's parent, and you have no business standing over someone and wagging your finger at them for not doing what you have (presumptuously) told them to.

You are the one out of line, not the folks telling you to fuck off.
Loyola is a Catholic University.
And the religious leaders speaking out about how it is okay to take the vaccines are also christian and even catholic. It's in the link YOU provided. Also in the link you provided is that the J&J vaccine uses no fetal line cells. Yet i dont see the recommendation from the loyola frauds to get that vaccine. If you want to legitimize their silly dog and pony show, knock yourself out. I find it transparent bullshit from a crowd of frauds who are hiding behind their "Alamo" of "you must respect my magical beliefs".
As far as in aware, no company, until this point, could force vaccinations. Granted, im not versed in corporate law and don't know the policies of every company, but, as of yet, I've never seen it.

Now, the ambiguity is gone, gov said companies can mandate vaccinations.
In so called "right to work states" the employer can fire you for any reason, or no reason. They can't discriminate against protected groups but they can fire at will.

This is the present the GOP has delivered.
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.

It is still illegal to force employees to take a vaccine that is not FDA approved.
The current government stance just makes it harder to sue, but you can and will likely win eventually.

It has nothing to do with ‘the government.’

Employers have always been at liberty to establish employment policies and conditions of employment.

As conservatives always say: ‘if you don’t like how your employer treats you or his policies, go find a job elsewhere; your employer is under no obligation to accommodate his employees.’

Discrimination has always been illegal.
Including by employers.
Discrimination based on race, sex, religion, age, etc., have been specifically illegal for decades.
Since some religions do not allow vaccination, mandatory vaccination are prohibited on religious grounds.
But since these vaccines are not FDA approved, then it does not even have to get to religion.
Guess you're behind the news. The CDC director said herself the vaccines do not prevent transmission
She is referring to people that are vaccinated and are experience breakthrough cases. She seems to have been quote out of context.
The Data from multiply studies so far suggests efficacy rates of more than 67 percent for the J&J vaccine, 72 to 95 percent for the Moderna vaccine, and 64 to 96 percent for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine depending whether you are fully or partially vaccinated.

Get another job. Requiring certain vaccinations for employment is not new.

What is new and illegal is that these vaccines being required are not FDA approved or even significantly tested.
Employers have NEVER been able to mandate vaccines, as that would violate religious freedom.
Difference is, you are no one's parent, and you have no business standing over someone and wagging your finger at them for not doing what you have (presumptuously) told them to.

You are the one out of line, not the folks telling you to fuck off.
No, that’s not much of a difference because here you are wagging your finger at businesses for doing something you disagree with, by mandating vaccination for their employees.

You have a double standard. We must respect your decision to not vaccinate but you have no need to respect others decision to exclude you for making that decision.
In so called "right to work states" the employer can fire you for any reason, or no reason. They can't discriminate against protected groups but they can fire at will.

This is the present the GOP has delivered.

ONLY if they do not admit the reason for termination is illegal.
If they say it is over a vaccine, that is illegal.
And the religious leaders speaking out about how it is okay to take the vaccines are also christian and even catholic. It's in the link YOU provided. Also in the link you provided is that the J&J vaccine uses no fetal line cells. Yet i dont see the recommendation from the loyola frauds to get that vaccine. If you want to legitimize their silly dog and pony show, knock yourself out. I find it transparent bullshit from a crowd of frauds who are hiding behind their "Alamo" of "you must respect my magical beliefs".

Christian Scientists are a religion that never allowed vaccines and have always won in court.
No one has ever mandated that Christian Scientists be vaccinated.
She is referring to people that are vaccinated and are experience breakthrough cases. She seems to have been quote out of context.
The Data from multiply studies so far suggests efficacy rates of more than 67 percent for the J&J vaccine, 72 to 95 percent for the Moderna vaccine, and 64 to 96 percent for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine depending whether you are fully or partially vaccinated.

The more efficient the vaccine, the less reason to care if anyone else is vaccinated or not.

But these are not really vaccines because they do not get the immune system to target a particular virus.
There is no virus, alive, dead, or simulated, in the vaccines.
All there is in the vaccine, is a protein spike.
And that is extremely dangerous because not only do other benign viruses use that same protein spike, but so do all beneficial exosomes.
Which is why these mRNA contrivances are and should remain NOT FDA approved.
Far too risky.

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