So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

The Data from multiply studies so far suggests efficacy rates of more than 67 percent for the J&J vaccine, 72 to 95 percent for the Moderna vaccine, and 64 to 96 percent for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine depending whether you are fully or partially vaccinated.
Yep. And this is why people are left cherry picking individual studies and misrepresenting data to prop up their narrative. The evidence on the whole does not support their claims and actually contradicts their claims. So we get treated to cherry picked blogs, lies about the CDC website content, youtube videos, and silly 'spiracy theories.
This post is gibberish.

They sensitize our immune system to spike protein, which is present on the COVID virus.

Of course.
But the POINT is that this spike protein is not only on other benign viruses, but the original source of this spike protein is our own exosomes.
The virus is using the spike protein by mimicking the way our own exosomes use their spike protein to gain cell access.
The spike protein is essentially a key the exosomes put into the lock on the cell wall door, in order to be let in.
You can't get the immune system to target these virus spike proteins without then also targeting our own exosome spike proteins.
The FDA gave approval for emergency use, not experimental and the US is still in a national healthcare emergency.

Stop saying that.
Approval means they recommend it.
They do not.
No one has approved these experimental vaccines at all, in any way.

What the FDA has given was not approval, but Emergency Use Authorization.
They are just saying you won't be arrested for using it.
They in no way are approving of their use in any way.
There are significant long term affects in many cases even when the disease was initially thought to be mild.

No, the virus itself has no significant effects, long or short term.
All the harm is from an over active immune system response, the cytokine storm.
So that is why we should be using immuno suppressants to stop these marginal side effects instead of going with a vastly more risky experimental vaccine.
Yep. And this is why people are left cherry picking individual studies and misrepresenting data to prop up their narrative. The evidence on the whole does not support their claims and actually contradicts their claims. So we get treated to cherry picked blogs, lies about the CDC website content, youtube videos, and silly 'spiracy theories.

That facts are pretty clear, that if we had NOT "flattened the curve" last March, it would have been over in a month, with less then 60,000 dead.
No. Get the vaccine or be required to wear a mask and submit to random COVID testing. They aren’t firing anyone…unless of course they want to get on the bad side of the labor unions that are already pushing back on this as it is.


Tell that to the 150 people in Texas who were fired or resigned from a Houston hospital because they refused to get vaccinated when the employer required it.

What you stated is what you WANT to happen.

There is a very huge difference between what you want and reality.

It is probably illegal to physically force anyone to take the vaccine. However, employers who make vaccination, mask wearing, using a hand sanitizer, or any other government healthcare recommendation a job requirement are certainly within their rights to do so. In regard to FDA approval, the FDA has given emergency authorization and we are still in a national emergency. Whether the FDA has given full approval of the vaccines or just given emergency authorization is irrelevant as it is the employers decision as to how he will make make the workplace safe for employees and customers safe. As long as his decisions are within the law it will standup in court. And btw, the issue of employer mandated vaccination has been upheld in the courts.

It is illegal to fire Christian Scientists who refuse vaccinations, and always has been illegal.
This is no different.

The FDA has not given ANY approval at all, and it is NOT the employer's choice as to what to do when it involved a very risky medical procedure.
It is not within the law.
There is no law that allows a risky medical procedure to be mandated.
Employers mandating vaccines has NOT held up in courts, and all employers and schools have had to give waivers for those with valid concerns.
Never before has anyone ever even considered mandating experimental vaccines that are not FDA approved.

But use your own mind.
Exosomes are a small particle cells used to communicate with other cells.
In order for that to happen, each cell has to have doors that can open once what is a lock or doorbell is activated.
The ACE2 receptor is the lock or doorbell, and the spike protein is the key or finger on the doorbell.
The virus then is mimicking that exosome spike protein.
And when the vaccine sensitizes the immune system to the spike protein, that runs the risk of the immune system attacking our own exosomes as well.
A very bad idea and incredibly risky.
We are adding potentially infinite deadly allergic autoimmune responses.
They aren’t firing anyone… unless of course they want to get on the bad side of the labor unions that are already pushing back on this as it is.
I see you just kind of made something up out of thin air, there, hoping nobody would fact check you. Not that you care, once they do fact check you and show you pulled something false right out of your ass. Being embarrassed requires having a measure of shame in the first place.

Labor unions? The labor unions don't even represent one out of ten workers in this country. There are more people in this country who stand a chance of being evicted due to our embarrassing pandemic response than there are in unions. So let them squawk.
Of course.
But the POINT is that this spike protein is not only on other benign viruses, but the original source of this spike protein is our own exosomes.
The virus is using the spike protein by mimicking the way our own exosomes use their spike protein to gain cell access.
The spike protein is essentially a key the exosomes put into the lock on the cell wall door, in order to be let in.
You can't get the immune system to target these virus spike proteins without then also targeting our own exosome spike proteins.
Still gibberish. The fact that the spike protein is present on our cell surface is irrelevant, our immune system generates a response against it just the same. In fact, cells infected with COVID will express the spike protein on their cell membranes as well. It’s not that different.

I don’t know what you mean by “our own exosome spike proteins” but suffice to say that we don’t have any proteins similar to COVID’s spike protein and if we did, we’d did, then an infection would develop antibodies against them all the same.
Vaccination is a normal part of living in a rational society.

The worst people are those who refuse to consider the well being of anyone else.
No, the worst are those that create and spread the misinformation and conspiracy theories that convince people that not taking the vaccine is the right thing to do. Some of these theories are so wacko you have to wonder how anyone would believe them for example, the vaccine will make you magnetic or pregnant or will alter your DNA, or contains government tracking microchips, will give you covid, or will make you sterile, or will cause autism, or will cause long term complications.

However it is misinformation that is the most insidious. For example -"The FDA has granted emergency use authorization" becomes "The FDA has granted experimental use authorization." "Most of the cases in the hospital have not been vaccinated." becomes "Most of the cases in the hospital have been vaccinated". Then there's the articles that are filled with true statement surrounding the big lie and the ones that are shocking news articles filled with links that are opinion pieces and no actual data to support the so called, "news". Etc, Ect,,.....
Still gibberish. The fact that the spike protein is present on our cell surface is irrelevant, our immune system generates a response against it just the same. In fact, cells infected with COVID will express the spike protein on their cell membranes as well. It’s not that different.

I don’t know what you mean by “our own exosome spike proteins” but suffice to say that we don’t have any proteins similar to COVID’s spike protein and if we did, we’d did, then an infection would develop antibodies against them all the same.

No, the origin of the spike protein is not from the virus.
The virus only evolved to mimic the spike protein we already use.

You do not understand what the spike protein is for and how it works.
We most certainly do have the spike protein and use it frequently.
The way the cells are regulated and the way cells communicate like when they are being attacked, is through exosomes.
Exosomes are membrane-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are produced in the endosomal compartment of most eukaryotic cells.[1][2][3] The multivesicular body (MVB) is an endosome defined by intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) that bud inward into the endosomal lumen. If the MVB fuses with the cell surface (the plasma membrane), these ILVs are released as exosomes.

In multicellular organisms, exosomes and other EVs were discovered in biological fluids including blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Importantly, exosomes were also identified within the tissue matrix, coined Matrix-Bound Nanovesicles (MBV).[4] They are also released in vitro by cultured cells into their growth medium.[5][6][7] Since the size of exosomes is limited by that of the parent MVB, exosomes are generally thought to be smaller than most other EVs, from about 30 to 150 nanometres (nm) in diameter: around the same size as many lipoproteins but much smaller than cells.[5]

Compared with EVs in general, it is unclear whether exosomes have unique characteristics or functions or can be separated or distinguished effectively from other EVs.[1] EVs including exosomes carry markers of cells of origin and have specialized functions in physiological processes, from coagulation and intercellular signalling to waste management.[5] Consequently, there is a growing interest in clinical applications of EVs as biomarkers and therapies alike,[8] prompting establishment of an International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and a scientific journal devoted to EVs, the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles.
Exosomes have to be able to get into cells.
The way they do that, is by sticking their spike protein into an ACE2 receptor.
That opens the door, and the cell envelopes the ACE2 receptor, and what ever is putting its spike protein into it.
That is supposed to be an exosome.
But the point of a virus having a spike protein, is that it is mimicking the exosomes.
That is how the virus fools the cell into letting it in.

If our body ever starts attacking the spike protein of exosomes, then we die.
If all people end up like that because all people took the foolish vaccines, then all humans die and the species is gone.
But likely not legal.

Another conservative just down right too lazy to actually read the article provided.

Which caused you to make a fool of yourself to all intelligent people with the post above.

If you had not been so lazy and actually read the article you would know the case was already in court and the hospital won.

The conservative judge who was appointed by ronald reagan ruled in favor of the hospital telling the employees who didn't want to get vaccinated that they can find employment elsewhere.

It's 100% legal.

This happened in the last month or so and was all over the news.

I guess you don't get your news from reputable sources since you don't know about this. But then, I've posted it on the board. In fact, I posted it the day of the judge's ruling. Yet still you don't know about this.

No, the worst are those that create and spread the misinformation and conspiracy theories that convince people that not taking the vaccine is the right thing to do. Some of these theories are so wacko you have to wonder how anyone would believe them for example, the vaccine will make you magnetic or pregnant or will alter your DNA, or contains government tracking microchips, will give you covid, or will make you sterile, or will cause autism, or will cause long term complications.

However it is misinformation that is the most insidious. For example -"The FDA has granted emergency use authorization" becomes "The FDA has granted experimental use authorization." "Most of the cases in the hospital have not been vaccinated." becomes "Most of the cases in the hospital have been vaccinated". Then there's the articles that are filled with true statement surrounding the big lie and the ones that are shocking news articles filled with links that are opinion pieces and no actual data to support the so called, "news". Etc, Ect,,.....

Its true there is lots of fear, hype, and propaganda, but it goes both ways.
Fauci did not represent the majority of doctors when he said we should "flatten the curve".
Doctors are not recommending these experimental vaccines, and Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA techniques says they are too risky.

If you want to know why, then you need to learn more.
Look up exosomes, and understand why the virus has spike proteins and how they mimic exosomes.
Another conservative just down right too lazy to actually read the article provided.

Which caused you to make a fool of yourself to all intelligent people with the post above.

If you had not been so lazy and actually read the article you would know the case was already in court and the hospital won.

The conservative judge who was appointed by ronald reagan ruled in favor of the hospital telling the employees who didn't want to get vaccinated that they can find employment elsewhere.

It's 100% legal.

This happened in the last month or so and was all over the news.

I guess you don't get your news from reputable sources since you don't know about this. But then, I've posted it on the board. In fact, I posted it the day of the judge's ruling. Yet still you don't know about this.


One judge does not make a ruling legal.
Never before has any court ever ruled vaccines could be mandated, and especially not vaccines not FDA approved.

And the fact doctors and nurses are on the front line of resisting these experimental and unapproved vaccines does not get through to you, at all?
All vaccines have a religious excemption - and they still do in this case, but it is a very narrow exception.

One thing I'm wondering - are companies mandating vaccine only, or something more like what my workplace is doing.

We are required to self report being vaccinated, with the dates and locations for verification. If we don't comply by a certain date, then we will be in a pool of employees required to be masked (though that is largely unenforceable and would be an honor system) and also required to submit to Covid testing at regular intervals or randomly selected intervals. IMO, this is reasonable given it's still under emergency authorization. However once it's approved, that is different.

I'm concerned about DeSantis' EO's attempting to forbid schools from have mask mandates and cruiselines from requiring vaccinations. In the case of cruiselines - you will have a population of largely vulnerable people (they tend to be older) in close quarters - off shore. If there is a break out - are we going to have a repeat of a year and a half ago, with people and crews stuck long term out on the water unable to come port? That was a nightmare scenario. Cruises are entirely by choice. I think it's fair to require vaccinations and proof of vaccination in order to embark. With schools - each district is facing a differing level of covid cases. Masks are an easy temporary way to REDUCE spread. Forbidding that requirement to the districts that are facing a high covid load, is irresponsible, counter to public health recommendations and playing with peoples lives for political reasons.
Oh quit your drama queen bullshit and go make me a sandwich.
If you leave people alone to make their own decisions than one of those decisions might well be to exclude unvaccinated people from participation in an event.
It might be.

And that arbitrary decision might lead to someone else deciding to put an end to your event.

Take your chances.
No, the origin of the spike protein is not from the virus.
The virus only evolved to mimic the spike protein we already use.

You do not understand what the spike protein is for and how it works.
We most certainly do have the spike protein and use it frequently.
The way the cells are regulated and the way cells communicate like when they are being attacked, is through exosomes.
Exosomes are membrane-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are produced in the endosomal compartment of most eukaryotic cells.[1][2][3] The multivesicular body (MVB) is an endosome defined by intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) that bud inward into the endosomal lumen. If the MVB fuses with the cell surface (the plasma membrane), these ILVs are released as exosomes.

In multicellular organisms, exosomes and other EVs were discovered in biological fluids including blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Importantly, exosomes were also identified within the tissue matrix, coined Matrix-Bound Nanovesicles (MBV).[4] They are also released in vitro by cultured cells into their growth medium.[5][6][7] Since the size of exosomes is limited by that of the parent MVB, exosomes are generally thought to be smaller than most other EVs, from about 30 to 150 nanometres (nm) in diameter: around the same size as many lipoproteins but much smaller than cells.[5]

Compared with EVs in general, it is unclear whether exosomes have unique characteristics or functions or can be separated or distinguished effectively from other EVs.[1] EVs including exosomes carry markers of cells of origin and have specialized functions in physiological processes, from coagulation and intercellular signalling to waste management.[5] Consequently, there is a growing interest in clinical applications of EVs as biomarkers and therapies alike,[8] prompting establishment of an International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and a scientific journal devoted to EVs, the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles.
Exosomes have to be able to get into cells.
The way they do that, is by sticking their spike protein into an ACE2 receptor.
That opens the door, and the cell envelopes the ACE2 receptor, and what ever is putting its spike protein into it.
That is supposed to be an exosome.
But the point of a virus having a spike protein, is that it is mimicking the exosomes.
That is how the virus fools the cell into letting it in.

If our body ever starts attacking the spike protein of exosomes, then we die.
If all people end up like that because all people took the foolish vaccines, then all humans die and the species is gone.

Still don’t know what human “spike protein” you’re talking about. The COVID spike protein binds ACE2 which binds angiotensin.

The spike protein in COVID is unique to COVID.

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