So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

The FDA gave approval for emergency use, not experimental and the US is still in a national healthcare emergency.
There's no emergency.

There's just a bunch of people saying there is an emergency, either for malicious reasons of their own, or simply because they're basically just simple-minded lemmings.
Employers will be letting employees go left and right. It's gonna be JUICY
Now you know how I feel, trying to talk sense to people who will believe wholeheartedly what their idiot box says, but will disregard the reality they see around them every day.
Anyone who trues to judge or understand a global pandemic based on their observations of their little area of the world is a fucking idiot. There is just no nice way of putting it.
Anyone who trues to judge or understand a global pandemic based on their observations of their little area of the world is a fucking idiot. There is just no nice way of putting it.
Anyone who believes what they hear on the news is stupid enough to vote for Biden.

They do.

And we are free to drive them out of business in retaliation.

Let's quit talking about it and get to it.
In retaliation for what? You have no clue about business operations and your response is indicative of your ignorance.
The vaccine offer protection only to the person injected. No prevention in transmission. Therefore it is a personal decision
The vaccination certainly offers protection against transmission and that is the point. What rock have you been hiding under?
In retaliation for what? You have no clue about business operations and your response is indicative of your ignorance.
I think people can tell me they don't want my business, or if I'm an employee, fire me. But if their reason for doing so is because I won't let them dictate my health decisions, then I'm going to retaliate.

Why shouldn't I?
It might be.

And that arbitrary decision might lead to someone else deciding to put an end to your event.

Take your chances.
So I take if don’t like something you just resort to threats and violence. Why don’t you just move to Russia?
I think people can tell me they don't want my business, or if I'm an employee, fire me. But if their reason for doing so is because I won't let them dictate my health decisions, then I'm going to retaliate.

Why shouldn't I?
Because they are exercising their rights. You are not exercising any rights by retaliating. You are just being an asshole.
Still don’t know what human “spike protein” you’re talking about. The COVID spike protein binds ACE2 which binds angiotensin.

The spike protein in COVID is unique to COVID.

Are you actually claiming all the cells in the human body have ACE2 receptor sites, just so that they can be more easily infected by the covid virus?

That is ridiculous.
Obviously covid is mimicking the real intended user of ACE2 receptor sites, which are the human exosomes, used to sent messages to cells.

Not only is the spike protein NOT unique to covid in that dozens of other corona viruses share the exact same spike protein, but the whole point of any virus having any spike protein is to mimic the spike protein used by human exosomes.

Just ask yourself why human cells would have these ACE2 receptor sites for a spike protein, unless there were some human component that also had a spike protein and could use them.
I can't speak to the rights of employees or employers for this thread.

But I can share a real-world reality at our dentist.
He has mandated that if you want dental work done in his office you must be vaccinated.

I was surprised when I heard that. Didn't know that he would or could take such a definitive stance.

This is what he told my wife (she ---and I ---have each been poked twice, since early March): He did it for his staff. He did it because his staffers demanded it. He said ---and there's about 8 of 'em -----but he said they came to him and said they didn't feel safe putting their hands in the mouths or being in close proximity in the operary with the un-vaccinated.

They asked him to inform all patients on the waiting list that they must show proof of vaccinations in order to get service from his office.

He agreed, and that's what they did. And that is the situation at his office now.
What it has cost him in patient drop-outs.....I dunno.
It seems like it should be the choice of business owners regarding what he or she requires of their employees as long as no state or federal laws are being broken. A person can get a job elsewhere that does not require it.

The complete lunacy is that these injections are now a day late and several dollars short, yet business owners aren’t keeping up with the facts.

As was reported today in the UK, “more vaccinated patients are expected in the hospitals due to the Delta spread” and the same is happening here in the US. Good grief. Like it wasn’t bad enough the way Biden’s handlers came up with these “vaccine options” meeting behind closed doors with drug company heads looking for mega profit and recognition. Drug companies that have never made a vaccine in their entire history at that, and rushed their products for experimental approval!

The claim that these jabs are working for Delta variant is not playing out. Next up, we have Delta Plus variant (not to be confused with extra leg room on a plane), Lambda variant, and more to follow.

Currently, its all about ridding the US pre-purchased inventory bought with taxpayer monies. There are umpteen unused doses bought by US taxpayers so now we’re hearing that “poor countries deserve our leftover vaccines”. Wow. I’m wondering if they’re going to give it to numerous pregnant women in these impoverished countries. Studies with rats have determined there is major risk with the female placenta having a slightly similar spike protein that can lead (and has led to) a focus of antibodies binding to the placenta, and basically attacking it. Impoverished citizens from these countries won’t have a clue.

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