So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

One judge does not make a ruling legal.
Never before has any court ever ruled vaccines could be mandated, and especially not vaccines not FDA approved.

And the fact doctors and nurses are on the front line of resisting these experimental and unapproved vaccines does not get through to you, at all?

Wow you really don't know what you're talking about.

Of course one ruling by a judge makes it legal.

It was an appeals court judge in Texas.

Around 150 employees at that hospital were either fired or retired after the ruling from the judge.

If it was illegal for the hospital to fire them why has the hospital not been held responsible for their crimes?

And yes there has been a Supreme Court ruling in 1905 that ruled that the government can mandate vaccines. In that case it was the small pox vaccination. Which was before the FDA existed so it couldn't have approved that vaccination yet the Supreme Court ruled the government can mandate vaccination.

You seriously need to learn about things before you post because you keep making a total fool of yourself.
The more efficient the vaccine, the less reason to care if anyone else is vaccinated or not.

But these are not really vaccines because they do not get the immune system to target a particular virus.
There is no virus, alive, dead, or simulated, in the vaccines.
All there is in the vaccine, is a protein spike.
And that is extremely dangerous because not only do other benign viruses use that same protein spike, but so do all beneficial exosomes.
Which is why these mRNA contrivances are and should remain NOT FDA approved.
Far too risky.
From a global perspective, there is less concern for getting the maximum number vaccinated if we have a very efficient vaccine versus a much less effective vaccine. However, since we are discussing a virus that has killed over 3 million and is likely to kill a lot more before it ends, those who are on the front line who have dealt with the deaths and dying and their families certainly do care about seeing everyone vaccinated to reduce deaths.

By definition a vaccine is a product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease which describes mRNA vaccines. The mRNA in the vaccines do not require dead, live, or simulated virus.

The mRNA in the vaccine that is injected into the muscle causes the muscle cells to create a harmless spike protein. This protein is a replica of the protein found on the outside of virus that causes Covid-19. The muscle cells then destroy the instructions of how to make the spike protein. The newly created spike protein sits on the muscle cells and the immune system recognizes the spike protein as a foreign threat and begins making antibodies to fight any thing that has that protein. This helps the body fight off the virus when it enters the body.

The key points are:
The vaccine is specific to the virus that causes covid
The vaccine does not contain any live or dead vaccine particles
The vaccine contains instructions needed for muscle cells to create a spike protein
The instructions to create the spike protein and all other substances in the vaccine is gone from the body in 7 days.
The immune system recognizes the spike protein as a foreign substance and creates antibodies to destroy.
Since the immune system now know how to create these antibodies, if the virus enters the body, the immune system will immediate created the antibodies needed to destroy the virus.

This video does good job explaining the mRNA vaccines to the laymen.
Are you actually claiming all the cells in the human body have ACE2 receptor sites, just so that they can be more easily infected by the covid virus?

That is ridiculous.
Obviously covid is mimicking the real intended user of ACE2 receptor sites, which are the human exosomes, used to sent messages to cells.

Not only is the spike protein NOT unique to covid in that dozens of other corona viruses share the exact same spike protein, but the whole point of any virus having any spike protein is to mimic the spike protein used by human exosomes.

Just ask yourself why human cells would have these ACE2 receptor sites for a spike protein, unless there were some human component that also had a spike protein and could use them.
I'm not actually claiming that all cells have ACE2 expressed, and I'm not sure why you think that.

The real intended user of ACE2 is angiotensin, not "human exosomes". An exosome is a structure, not a ligand.

Dozens of other viruses don't use the exact same spike protein. A spike protein is a generic name for the protein that studs the exterior of a virus that facilitates cellular attachment. The structure of that spike protein varies widely based on the virus.

The spike protein structure of COVID is very unlike angiotensin.
I think people can tell me they don't want my business, or if I'm an employee, fire me. But if their reason for doing so is because I won't let them dictate my health decisions, then I'm going to retaliate.

Why shouldn't I?
Your health decisions are not their concern, but the health of their business is indeed their concern.
Retaliate? In what way? You gonna bring your AR15 to work? What is your education level?
Open your own business and make your own rules for it. That'll show 'em.
That's why I still have a side business.

I read something years ago that advised anyone with any self-respect to "Self-employ or Die" and it made sense to me. The hospital started out as a contract gig to do some training and turned into a day job, but I always kept my hand in the contracts/consulting side, so I wasn't beholden and solely dependent on anyone for my income.
I only stayed in the Army until 20 to get the pension and the financial freedom that comes with that.

I love my new job; it's great...... but I can walk away from it in a second and not worry about a roof over my head or steaks in the freezer.

The best boss a man can ever have, is himself.
If you were fired because you walked in to work stark naked, with the claim you are being discriminated against because you refuse to let people conduct social experiments on you by forcing you to cover up your think that would fly?

Then get another job. Isn’t that what you constantly tell leftiSt labor supporters demanding better conditions and wages?

If you work in the healthcare field...Do you have the right to jeopardize the lives of your patients? one is stopping you :lol:

And that is different from you

Speak for yourself. Support the blue until...oops, it’s your “patriots” in trouble...boy was that spectacular reversal. The problem is the most vocal right and left can only see this in a bipolar lense...either you support them 100% (bad apples and all) or you oppose them 100% (good cops and all). Gone are any possibilities for rewarding tbe good cops, getting rid of bad apples, improving training, adding specialists to deal with mental health issues etc.

Who is still talking about 2016 being stolen? Come to think of it I don’t recall constant ongoing lawsuits, demands for recount and audit after recount and audit, non stop whining from the loser-in-Chief. I also don’t recall a mob ransacking the Capitol in an effort to overturn it.

I don’t recall anyone supporting riots unless you count the “patriots” (rightwing terminology) who rioted at tbe Capitol.

We have had many riots over the past century, including race riots by white folk. We have NOT had a violent mob storm the Capitol and attempt to overturn the election. Gotta admit, that was a step up (or maybe down) from the usual riot.

Hmmm...looked in the mirror lately?
Thanks for proving my point.

(Btw, where is my sandwich?)
So get vaccinated so that your chances of contracting the variant and then passing it along to others are greatly reduced.

My post said the EXACT opposite of what you just suggested. Hello? The vaccine does not prevent transmission. Hello??
A 99% survival rate of the population would mean 3.4 million dead, more American than have died in all of our wars, the worst epidemic in US history and you claim that wouldn't be an emergency. :cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Then if you're one of the folks at risk, you should stay home.

The other 99+% of the population need to get on with our lives.
If you were fired because you walked in to work stark naked, with the claim you are being discriminated against because you refuse to let people conduct social experiments on you by forcing you to cover up your think that would fly?

Then get another job. Isn’t that what you constantly tell leftiSt labor supporters demanding better conditions and wages?

If you work in the healthcare field...Do you have the right to jeopardize the lives of your patients? one is stopping you :lol:

And that is different from you

Speak for yourself. Support the blue until...oops, it’s your “patriots” in trouble...boy was that spectacular reversal. The problem is the most vocal right and left can only see this in a bipolar lense...either you support them 100% (bad apples and all) or you oppose them 100% (good cops and all). Gone are any possibilities for rewarding tbe good cops, getting rid of bad apples, improving training, adding specialists to deal with mental health issues etc.

Who is still talking about 2016 being stolen? Come to think of it I don’t recall constant ongoing lawsuits, demands for recount and audit after recount and audit, non stop whining from the loser-in-Chief. I also don’t recall a mob ransacking the Capitol in an effort to overturn it.

I don’t recall anyone supporting riots unless you count the “patriots” (rightwing terminology) who rioted at tbe Capitol.

We have had many riots over the past century, including race riots by white folk. We have NOT had a violent mob storm the Capitol and attempt to overturn the election. Gotta admit, that was a step up (or maybe down) from the usual riot.

Hmmm...looked in the mirror lately?

Funny how raging liberals are all for bodily autonomy until they're scaling hot to inject you with some chemicals that don't even limit transmission
The variants have set us back on this front. The reality is that covid is "a really nasty one", as Ripley would say. The delta variant is very virulent, giving it greater ability to infect those with some form of prior immunity. So much of the virus gets in and it multiplies so quickly that it can be too fast for the antibody response. This all basically relies on the simple mathematics of the amount of virus taken into the body to begin with. "LESS = less likely to get infected or seriously ill. " And this function is not a straight line. This is exponential math (virus replication), so the curve looks more like this:


Thus, new mask mandates. Thus, increased interest in developing boosters. Thus all the more reason to get one of the 3 vaccines immediately

Your fear does not give you the right to dictate my life

Learn that
None of what they say at these links is true.
The mRNA vaccine technology may have been played around with for 10 years, since SARS, but not the vaccines themselves.
They have only been tested for a couple of months.
And you can tell their 30,000 test group is way too small, since they did not even get one death, while the real vaccine has killed over 5,000 people.

But the article did not even touch on the most important points, which is that these rushed vaccines get the immune system to attack spike proteins, not viruses. And since our own beneficial exosomes used these same spike proteins, they could exterminate the human race.
Well, there's a cheery thought.
Hello! The vaccine prevents you from contracting the Covid so that you have nothing to pass along.

If it does not PREVENT transmission than it does not help me not contract it either. It's just down to keeping the injected from getting so severely ill at this point. That's it
Your fear does not give you the right to dictate my life

Learn that
Do you drive without using seatbelts? It is not your life that is being dictated to. It is the lives of others
that matter and should matter to you. Your ignorance is affecting the lives of others. Those who are not vaccinated are contracting the variant.

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