So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

You keep "just saying." Glad we have you on this site to educate all of us dimwots.
I hope I'm wrong about this shot, because I don't much care if you die, but I know other people who got it, and I'm worried about them stroking out.
I can almost see you wringing your hands and tearing up as I read this post.

You need to see an eye doctor. I don't give a rat's ass what you do with your life as long as it does not have a negative effect on my life or those around me.
A doctor doesn't walk around thinking he is God. The medical community doesn't think they are gods.
If you contract the variant, don't go to the doctor for help Let God deal with you.
How many doctors do you know well?

As in, how many of them have you sat down and broken bread with in the last year or two?

My number is 5 or 6, mostly ER docs.

Quit assuming you know more than others.
How many doctors do you know well?

As in, how many of them have you sat down and broken bread with in the last year or two?

My number is 5 or 6, mostly ER docs.

Quit assuming you know more than others.
Quit assuming you know more than others.
You need to see an eye doctor. I don't give a rat's ass what you do with your life as long as it does not have a negative effect on my life or those around me.
Oh bullshit..... you just want to tell other people what to do.

Fuck off.
They can demand but HIPAA states that they cannot inquire if you have had it unless medical vaccination was a requirement to assume the position.
One way they may be able to also is if you get your insurance through your employer. I don't for example.

They can demand medical info, such as physicals, etc., and drug tests results. They can require vaccinations for passports and visas, and the military certainly requires many for a variety of jobs.
They can't force you, but then they can't be forced to hire you either.

If my company forces me or "I"m fired", and I submit and am vaccine injured, they have a fat, fat workman's comp claim and maybe a lawsuit on their hands.

This is why many companies are not going there. Frankly I'm shocked that some companies that employ a lot of people like United, Disney, Tyson and others are taking that bargain. More pity them--they WILL be paying out
If my company forces me or "I"m fired", and I submit and am vaccine injured, they have a fat, fat workman's comp claim and maybe a lawsuit on their hands.
Maybe. On the other hand, if one of their employees dies from COVID, and they did nothing to prevent it, they have the equal and opposite problem.
This is why many companies are not going there.
Exactly. Some are, some aren't. This is far better than mandating one approach via government.
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Yeah, and now the left is all in on defending the rights of business to discriminate. Flaming hypocrites all around, near as I can tell.
Sorry but this are the laws GOP has put in place for decades...

Can we find it a bit funny when it turns on ye...

in this particular case we do see the need businesses to have this power... But the difference is GOP gives this power everyday.

GOP made it a rule while Democrats wanted to make it the exception...

But don't worry you appointed Bret Kavanaugh to the SC and he really believes in in Corporations

So you were so busy sticking it to the Democrats you forgot to see that this guy is going to increase Corporation power...

Just read that article... He is a huge Corporate shill... But Democrats didn't like him so look at the bright side he pisses off Democrats,
If my company forces me or "I"m fired", and I submit and am vaccine injured, they have a fat, fat workman's comp claim and maybe a lawsuit on their hands.

This is why many companies are not going there. Frankly I'm shocked that some companies that employ a lot of people like United, Disney, Tyson and others are taking that bargain. More pity them--they WILL be paying out
Doesn't matter what they do, they will get suits either way they go. Lawyers are cheap now, which is why so many companies have one or two sitting in an office all day now even in mid-sized companies. Fewer people work for small companies any more, so choices these days are very limited and getting fewer every day. Those 'big companies' are who hires those lobbyists to write these laws in the first place.
Sorry but this are the laws GOP has put in place for decades...
Sorry, but I don't believe you're sorry. You seem tickled. You seem to be gloating. But you're gloating with zero awareness of your own hypocrisy. Look in a mirror.

Liberals have long promoted the ideas that Trumpters are now taking up. Liberals sold us on the bullshit that employers shouldn't be allowed to discriminate. They're the ones who have insisted that government step in and intervene when employees don't like what their boss has asked them to do. But now, suddenly, you're all in on an employer's right to make whatever demands they want. As long as they follow your party line.

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