So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Do you drive without using seatbelts? It is not your life that is being dictated to. It is the lives of others
that matter and should matter to you. Your ignorance is affecting the lives of others.

Are you an actual human? With a brain? Or a response bot?
If it does not PREVENT transmission than it does not help me not contract it either. It's just down to keeping the injected from getting so severely ill at this point. That's it
It doesn’t keep you from getting the delta variant...but it keeps you out of the hospital, off the ventilator and postpones your appointment at the graveyard.

That’s not worth it?
If it does not PREVENT transmission than it does not help me not contract it either. It's just down to keeping the injected from getting so severely ill at this point. That's it
If you don't have the Covid, you can't transmit it, yes?
It doesn’t keep you from getting the delta variant...but it keeps you out of the hospital, off the ventilator and postpones your appointment at the graveyard.

That’s not worth it?

That is MY choice to make, same as it is YOUR choice to make a thousand other choices that affect your health, and no one else's.

Your health decisions are not their concern, but the health of their business is indeed their concern.
Retaliate? In what way? You gonna bring your AR15 to work? What is your education level?
What is yours?

Saying retarded shit like that, I'm going to assume you're a kindergarten drop-out.

If you can't think of a dozen ways to hurt some individual or business with nothing more than a phone, just off the top of your head, you probably shouldn't be antagonizing people.
It's going to work out poorly for you.
If you don't have the Covid, you can't transmit it, yes?

Let me explain something to you. Just one more time. Just one. The shots are having less and less of an effect on transmission and contraction--so little an effect the CDC Director said and I quote, "They do not prevent transmission". They are now only useful for severe infection and death. So this is not a COMMUNITY decision now. It's an individual decision.

I am now done talking about this with you.
That is MY choice to make, same as it is YOUR choice to make a thousand other choices that affect your health, and no one else's.

Of course it is your choice, I haven’t said otherwise. Just like it is every woman’s choice to make her own decisions regarding her health. But likewise, communities, employers, and schools have the right of choice to require masking and testing and impose public health limitations.
Are you an actual human? With a brain? Or a response bot?
You can't possibly be as dopey as you sound. Get the vaccination and stay away from those who haven't. Get it yet, lambchop? Those states where people reside who think like you are contracting the Variant in great numbers.
So get vaccinated so that your chances of contracting the variant and then passing it along to others are greatly reduced.
This fanatical obsession with making everyone get the shot is downright creepy.

I get it; you got the shot so you're past the point of no return, you have to be all in on this being a safe thing, a good thing...... but a lot of us think you all jumped the gun, and that you're going to seriously regret it.

And the way you're chasing us in metaphorical circles with a needle screaming at us all to inject the same Kool-Aid you just had, is not helping convince us any different.

Just saying.
Of course it is your choice, I haven’t said otherwise. Just like it is every woman’s choice to make her own decisions regarding her health. But likewise, communities, employers, and schools have the right of choice to require masking and testing and impose public health limitations.

"communities" and "Schools" is the gov't, you realize. That is forced injection, and you would absolutely call that forced abortion if it was compelled by similar entities in a "woman's right to choose".

The absolute hypocrisy of the "civil right" left. You bet
This fanatical obsession with making everyone get the shot is downright creepy.

I get it; you got the shot so you're past the point of no return, you have to be all in on this being a safe thing, a good thing...... but a lot of us think you all jumped the gun, and that you're going to seriously regret it.

And the way you're chasing us in metaphorical circles with a needle screaming at us all to inject the same Kool-Aid you just had, is not helping convince us any different.

Just saying.
You keep "just saying." Glad we have you on this site to educate all of us dimwots.
Got a joke for you;

Q: What's the difference between a doctor, and God?

A: God doesn't walk around thinking he's a doctor.

A doctor doesn't walk around thinking he is God. The medical community doesn't think they are gods.
If you contract the variant, don't go to the doctor for help Let God deal with you.
Your fear does not give you the right to dictate my life

Learn that
They have always believed they should be able to dictate your life....... yours, mine, everyone's. They are that sort of fucked up, overly entitled, busybody shitbags; it's who they are.

Their exaggerated fear and panic over an almost entirely manufactured "emergency", is just their current excuse.
Do you drive without using seatbelts? It is not your life that is being dictated to. It is the lives of others
that matter and should matter to you. Your ignorance is affecting the lives of others. Those who are not vaccinated are contracting the variant.
I can almost see you wringing your hands and tearing up as I read this post.

It doesn’t keep you from getting the delta variant...but it keeps you out of the hospital, off the ventilator and postpones your appointment at the graveyard.

That’s not worth it?
No it doesn't.

But you know what does?

Being strong and fit, getting lots of sunshine, and vitamin D.
Of course it is your choice, I haven’t said otherwise. Just like it is every woman’s choice to make her own decisions regarding her health. But likewise, communities, employers, and schools have the right of choice to require masking and testing and impose public health limitations.
You better think through the implications of what you are arguing for, lady.

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