So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Because they are exercising their rights. You are not exercising any rights by retaliating. You are just being an asshole.

Firing people who want to wait for the vaccine to be tested enough for FDA approval, is not a right.
It is illegal for employers to fire people who do not obey unreasonable and dangerous demands.
Because they are exercising their rights. You are not exercising any rights by retaliating. You are just being an asshole.
And discriminating against me because I refuse to let people conduct medical experiments on me isn't being an asshole?

Firing me and fucking with my livelihood because I won't let myself be injected with some untested concoction that is demonstrably unsafe isn't being an asshole?

If they get to be assholes, why don't I?

I've noticed this about you leftists, you only believe things are okay to do when it's you and your's doing them. If anyone else does it, it's wrong, but ya'll get to do it all day, every day.

Shitting on cops is fine, until they're capitol cops and it's not leftists doing it.

Saying the election was stolen is treason unless you're talking about 2016 and then ya'll do it nonstop for years.

Riots and property damage to the tune of billions are cool until the right goes somewhere you don't want them and they break a window, then the live ammo gets expended.

Ya'll are some incredible hypocrites, you know that?
Ok that’s enough, vaccinations have proven to reduce the symptoms of both Wuhan and Delta but not, repeat not, prevent catching it again or spreading it. So I understand the point by those choosing not to be vaccinated.

O positive and negative blood types for some genetic reason demonstrate a resistance.

In America one has the Constitutional and God given right to be vaccinated or not and respect them for their choice. I on the other hand do not believe or subscribe to the notion that the state, local, and central government have the right to force vaccinations on anyone.

The next thing you will hear and told is that the Microsoft bio microchip will need to inserted under your skin so that your vaccination status can be scanned.
ONLY if they do not admit the reason for termination is illegal.
If they say it is over a vaccine, that is illegal.
The vaccine is, in the employer's view a safety precaution for both customers and employees.
If the employer tells you not to smoke by the gas pumps and you smoke by the pumps and are fired, it's not because you're a smoker.
It's because you refused to follow safety protocols.

Now if you have something in the statutes that says otherwise...
Let me rephrase, nothing passed in Florida, TX, OK, MO since 1/1/2020 qualifies.
And discriminating against me because I refuse to let people conduct medical experiments on me isn't being an asshole?

If you were fired because you walked in to work stark naked, with the claim you are being discriminated against because you refuse to let people conduct social experiments on you by forcing you to cover up your think that would fly?

Firing me and fucking with my livelihood because I won't let myself be injected with some untested concoction that is demonstrably unsafe isn't being an asshole?
Then get another job. Isn’t that what you constantly tell leftiSt labor supporters demanding better conditions and wages?

If you work in the healthcare field...Do you have the right to jeopardize the lives of your patients?

If they get to be assholes, why don't I? one is stopping you :lol:
I've noticed this about you leftists, you only believe things are okay to do when it's you and your's doing them. If anyone else does it, it's wrong, but ya'll get to do it all day, every day.

And that is different from you
Shitting on cops is fine, until they're capitol cops and it's not leftists doing it.
Speak for yourself. Support the blue until...oops, it’s your “patriots” in trouble...boy was that spectacular reversal. The problem is the most vocal right and left can only see this in a bipolar lense...either you support them 100% (bad apples and all) or you oppose them 100% (good cops and all). Gone are any possibilities for rewarding tbe good cops, getting rid of bad apples, improving training, adding specialists to deal with mental health issues etc.

Saying the election was stolen is treason unless you're talking about 2016 and then ya'll do it nonstop for years.
Who is still talking about 2016 being stolen? Come to think of it I don’t recall constant ongoing lawsuits, demands for recount and audit after recount and audit, non stop whining from the loser-in-Chief. I also don’t recall a mob ransacking the Capitol in an effort to overturn it.

Riots and property damage to the tune of billions are cool until the right goes somewhere you don't want them and they break a window, then the live ammo gets expended.

I don’t recall anyone supporting riots unless you count the “patriots” (rightwing terminology) who rioted at tbe Capitol.

We have had many riots over the past century, including race riots by white folk. We have NOT had a violent mob storm the Capitol and attempt to overturn the election. Gotta admit, that was a step up (or maybe down) from the usual riot.

Ya'll are some incredible hypocrites, you know that?

Hmmm...looked in the mirror lately?
What evidence do you have that that is true?

And why should anyone not in the fraction of a percent of the population that's at risk, give a shit anyway?

I say again; survival rate in excess of 99%....... this is simply not an emergency.

Power-tripping fucktards may be treating it like one, but that just doesn't make it so.
A 99% survival rate of the population would mean 3.4 million dead, more American than have died in all of our wars, the worst epidemic in US history and you claim that wouldn't be an emergency. :cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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99% survival rate of the population dead is 3.4 million dead.

The 99% survival rate is only those who have been infected, which is just about 36 million.
The total survival rate is 660,000 divided by the 330 million total, times 100, or 0.2%, subtracted from 100%, so you get 99.8%.
A 99% survival rate of the population would mean 3.4 million dead, more American than have died in all of our wars, the worst epidemic in US history and you claim that wouldn't be an emergency. :cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He didn't think that far into it. He is reflexively reacting to stimulus , like an amoeba.
For starters, people cough more than they realize.

But more importantly, you can spread it without sneezing and coughing. There was a case study about a big outbreak in a church choir as singing causes a lot of spread of respiratory droplets.
That's true but nothing beats a good cough or sneeze for spreading a respiratory disease. A good cough will expel about 3,000 droplets at a velocity of 50 mph but a good sneeze wins the prize with 40,000 respiratory droplets at 100mph. Just one good sneeze and a cough from an infected person will send millions of viral particles into the air and it only takes about 500 particles in the nose to start an infection. Most anything you put in front of the nose and mouth, mask, handkerchief, or even your shirt sleeve will block most of the respiratory droplets, reducing the velocity, dispersing the droplets.
The 99% survival rate is only those who have been infected, which is just about 36 million.
The total survival rate is 660,000 divided by the 330 million total, times 100, or 0.2%, subtracted from 100%, so you get 99.8%.
The assumption was that everyone becomes infected without any preventive measures. Herd immunity would probably reduce the number by about 20% to 25% providing no new more powerful variant comes along.
"If they get to be assholes, why don't I?"
Oh, you can be.
Not a problem.
Except for you.
Because you can't work where they don't want azzholes.
A Captain Obvious truism.

"The next thing you will hear and told is that the Microsoft bio microchip will need to inserted under your skin so that your vaccination status can be scanned."
I'm quite OK with that 'microchip'-thingy. If I get better cell phone coverage near the farm.
The vaccine is, in the employer's view a safety precaution for both customers and employees.
If the employer tells you not to smoke by the gas pumps and you smoke by the pumps and are fired, it's not because you're a smoker.
It's because you refused to follow safety protocols.

Now if you have something in the statutes that says otherwise...
Let me rephrase, nothing passed in Florida, TX, OK, MO since 1/1/2020 qualifies.

The dangers of flammable gasoline are proven.
The dangers of the experimental mRNA vaccines that are never going to be FDA approved, are unknown but strongly expected.
You can't sensitize the immune to spike proteins used by the body, and get away with it.
It is the worst medical mistake I have ever seen.
Medical professionals and scientists having to battle irrational religious belief to save lives. Sad.
Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine uses cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any stage of design, development or production. Johnson and Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine does not contain any aborted fetal cells.

The assumption was that everyone becomes infected without any preventive measures. Herd immunity would probably reduce the number by about 20% to 25% providing no new more powerful variant comes along.

Before they "flattened the curve", the circles of contact were much smaller, confined around the few infected hosts.
Back then we only needed 70% to become immune inside of those circles of contact, to then the total needing immunity were a tiny fraction of what is needed not that it is so wide spread.
But again, you are also forgetting that those under 18 and all those who were asymptomatic also are already inherently immune.
So we could already be very close to herd immunity.
The variants are not more powerful, just reproduce faster and shed in greater quantity.
Christian Scientists are a religion that never allowed vaccines and have always won in court.
No one has ever mandated that Christian Scientists be vaccinated.
No, The church no longer require that Christian Scientists avoid all medical care but they do maintains that Christian Science prayer is most effective when not combined with medicine. Prior to 1990, the Church required that members avoid all medical care which included vaccines.
Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine uses cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any stage of design, development or production. Johnson and Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine does not contain any aborted fetal cells.

None of what they say at these links is true.
The mRNA vaccine technology may have been played around with for 10 years, since SARS, but not the vaccines themselves.
They have only been tested for a couple of months.
And you can tell their 30,000 test group is way too small, since they did not even get one death, while the real vaccine has killed over 5,000 people.

But the article did not even touch on the most important points, which is that these rushed vaccines get the immune system to attack spike proteins, not viruses. And since our own beneficial exosomes used these same spike proteins, they could exterminate the human race.
So we could already be very close to herd immunity.
The variants have set us back on this front. The reality is that covid is "a really nasty one", as Ripley would say. The delta variant is very virulent, giving it greater ability to infect those with some form of prior immunity. So much of the virus gets in and it multiplies so quickly that it can be too fast for the antibody response. This all basically relies on the simple mathematics of the amount of virus taken into the body to begin with. "LESS = less likely to get infected or seriously ill. " And this function is not a straight line. This is exponential math (virus replication), so the curve looks more like this:


Thus, new mask mandates. Thus, increased interest in developing boosters. Thus all the more reason to get one of the 3 vaccines immediately
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No, The church no longer require that Christian Scientists avoid all medical care but they do maintains that Christian Science prayer is most effective when not combined with medicine. Prior to 1990, the Church required that members avoid all medical care which included vaccines.

As of June 2019, the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) and 45 states granted religious exemptions, and 15 granted philosophical exemptions, from laws requiring vaccination.

But that is moot since these mRNA experiments are not even FDA approved, so obviously risky.
Since they only use the spike protein, they likely will cause future allergic auto immune responses to exosomes, so are incredibly risky.

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