So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

It just gets dumber with repetition. Sticking a fork in an electrical outlet is a dumb mistake. The 3rd or 4th time you do, youre just a moron.
You sound like a born-again demanding that I repent!!! the end is near!!!


Get the fuck over yourself, drama queen.
Because it’s an infectious disease, meaning even if you’re low risk for serious consequences, you are likely around others that aren’t.

People giving a shit about other people is what society is all about.
Can't spread what I don't have.
And neither can anyone else.

You guys just want to impose new rules on everybody.
You sound like a born-again demanding that I repent..... because the end is near!!!
Yes, intelligent, modern people try to change minds with ideas. You seem only to be able to threaten lawsuits and violence. Stunted intellect and emotional immaturity, on display. In the style of the orange lard and master.
Can't spread what I don't have.
And neither can anyone else.

You guys just want to impose new rules on everybody.
Two problems.

1. A lot of people don’t know they have it as they spread it.
2. A lot of people know they have it but don’t care that they have it as they spread it.
Because it’s an infectious disease, meaning even if you’re low risk for serious consequences, you are likely around others that aren’t.

People giving a shit about other people is what society is all about.
And society is about respecting other people..... including their freedoms and their decisions.

It sure as hell ain't about forcing other people to do as you say.
Yes, intelligent, modern people try to change minds with ideas. You seem only to be able to threaten lawsuits and violence. Stunted intellect and emotional immaturity, on display. In the style of the orange lard and master.
Not really.

Just looking around and reacting to what is actually happening, rather than going off the propaganda and bullshit broadcast everywhere.
Many options:

1. Claim a religious exemption.
2. Claim a disability which prevents you from getting vaccinated. Perhaps a prior reaction to a vaccine which has an ingredient in the COVID vaccine would qualify...
3. Beg your employer for an accommodation such as working from home or another position.
4. Sue. You'll probably lose, but maybe your employer will cave or give you a conditional severance to avoid a lawsuit...
5. Wait for the courts to finally decide...
6. Find a new job.
7. Get vaccinated. You'll probably have to sign a waiver stating that you are getting vaccinated voluntarily and give up your rights to sue for any damages received from getting vaxed.

In Wisconsin, the Republicans in your legislature are trying to protect the freedom of people to make their own medical decisions with Assembly Bill 25...

It has passed the Assembly. Since your Senate is largely Republican majority, it may pass the Senate, but I would suspect your Dem governor to veto it.
Regarding a possible religious exemption, some of the COVID vaccines are developed using aborted fetal tissue. I was not aware of that.

Official, non-conspiracy fact page on the subject....

Looks like students at Loyola successfully used this argument...

Two problems.

1. A lot of people don’t know they have it as they spread it.
2. A lot of people know they have it but don’t care that they have it as they spread it.
If I'm not sneezing and coughing, I'm not spreading it.

Not unless we're fucking...... you flirting with me?
Employer’s have drug and alcohol, cleanliness, dress codes, conduct, and attendance policies… please explain why they should or should not have vaccination policies? I believe if one is, or not, vaccinated, they should be required to comply with state and local mandates and have employee’s continually tested due to the fact one can still be infected after vaccination with Wuhan or Delta. Employer’s have the right to establish protocols and enforce them. Employee’s have the freedom to work where they wish. Employer’s on the other hand can kill two birds with one stone by just requiring on site testing for all employee’s regardless of vaccination status.
If I'm not sneezing and coughing, I'm not spreading it.

Not unless we're fucking...... you flirting with me?
For starters, people cough more than they realize.

But more importantly, you can spread it without sneezing and coughing. There was a case study about a big outbreak in a church choir as singing causes a lot of spread of respiratory droplets.

Employer’s have drug and alcohol, cleanliness, dress codes, conduct, and attendance policies… please explain why they should or should not have vaccination policies? I believe if one is, or not, vaccinated, they should be required to comply with state and local mandates and have employee’s continually tested due to the fact one can still be infected after vaccination with Wuhan or Delta. Employer’s have the right to establish protocols and enforce them. Employee’s have the freedom to work where they wish. Employer’s on the other hand can kill two birds with one stone by just requiring on site testing for all employee’s regardless of vaccination status.
Read this.

Then read this;
For starters, people cough more than they realize.

But more importantly, you can spread it without sneezing and coughing. There was a case study about a big outbreak in a church choir as singing causes a lot of spread of respiratory droplets.
If I start singing in public I will understand if the public wants to stop me; I'm terrible at it.

Like a squalling cat having it's guts torn out, kind of terrible.
So you must respect an employer’s decision to only hire people who are vaccinated.
Who cares? People like him are why employers have to have the mandates in the first place. Precisely because they cannot be trusted to respect the recommendations or the well being of others. We dont ask criminals if they respect the laws they break. We already know the answer.

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