So if I accidently pay for something at a fast food or the cashier didn't hear me clearly, I am...

Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
Pay it forward

Good karma for you.

Karma is the Eastern analogous of Yiddish chicken soup. 'It couldn't hurt'.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE


Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE



Ok. That makes it simple. You are an idiot loser. Have you seen that movie Free Solo? You should start climbing cliffs without a rope. The world will be better off.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE



YES, BUT YOU ORDERED IT. I can’t believe anybody is as obtuse as you appear to be. I call bullshit. You are messing with us. You made this all up to get people riled up. Ok. You got me.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE



Ok. That makes it simple. You are an idiot loser. Have you seen that movie Free Solo? You should start climbing cliffs without a rope. The world will be better off.

Take two sniffs of my dick and call me in the morning
I never eat fast food lettuce or tomatoes so invariably 3 out of 4 time I order something from Taco Bell with no lettuce, it comes with lettuce. I don't act like a little bitch about it. I pick the shit off the shit and move on.

I love lettuce

I do too, just not from fast food joints. I trust their dodgy meat more than I do their lettuce.
Your friend was probably just embarrassed by you snapping at a minimum wage employee over something trivial. You sound like a real jerk.

FBJ doesn't have friends

Friends? That old school 20th century stuff?
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
You have a friend? Skeptical here. Are you counting hookers?
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Your friend was probably just embarrassed by you snapping at a minimum wage employee over something trivial. You sound like a real jerk.

Because the stupid bitch didn't want to refund me my money. Then had a nerve to say...…….."well it's going to take 24 hours for your money to be refunded" OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you dumb bitch. Now give me my fucking money
LOL, you are yelling at a cashier. Like this complete stranger, who sees a thousand indistinguishable knuckle-draggers come through there per day, has it out for you personally.
It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
The funny thing is, you would have actually been acting more reasonably.
I never eat fast food lettuce or tomatoes so invariably 3 out of 4 time I order something from Taco Bell with no lettuce, it comes with lettuce. I don't act like a little bitch about it. I pick the shit off the shit and move on.

I love lettuce
That's the most profound statement ever posted at USMB. If it wasn't for intellectuals like fbj, I would never even visit this board.
I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing...

Every time I get behind a sambo in a line they pull this stuff. Every single time. And then they wanna sit there and argue about it holding the rest of the line up. Every single time, never fails.

Shit like this is why they had seperate, clearly marked lines back in the day. We let em in our line and look at the stupid stuff they do. Hell, matter of fact, they didn't even let em in the building. Stuff like this is why. Gare awn teed the line ran nice and smoothly, too. Act civil and quit holding the line up. Always trying to get a few extra quarters or something or some extra free stuff and then blame it on the man for ringing the order up just because they happened to be the one working. Same old cornerhood scam, different day. That line's probably still backed up.
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Something like what the OP describes happened to me a few weeks ago at a pizza joint I frequent. Luckily, I opened rhe box and saw they gave me the wrong toppings. I simply reordered, paid for and took the mistaken one and told them I would be right back for the reordered one. I delivered the pizza to a woman who panhandles at an entrance/exit to a big shopping center a few blocks away. Got my pizza the way I wanted and did a good deed. You wouldn't believe the smile on that girls face when I gave her the pepperoni and sausage pizza
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
Your life is just a never ending stream of tragedy isn't it.
All revolving around dumb bitches for some strange reason.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE
Excuse me, could I please speak to the manager? It’s that easy, idiot.
So.... what did this horrific bit of unfair mayhem cost you?

About 3 bucks, amirite?

I'm always just so surprised you ain't married.
Married hell, read some.of his other threads, this kid can't even get a girl to talk to him past "hi, my name is...".

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