So if I accidently pay for something at a fast food or the cashier didn't hear me clearly, I am...

So.... what did this horrific bit of unfair mayhem cost you?

About 3 bucks, amirite?

I'm always just so surprised you ain't married.
Married hell, read some.of his other threads, this kid can't even get a girl to talk to him past "hi, my name is...".

im sure deanna wants to sit on my dick
simply because of the color of our skin,
That's a LIE. Its NOT the color of the skin, it's the constantly observable behaviour all too common with that skin color

His problem is his BEHAVIOUR and his lack of basic respect.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Your friend was probably just embarrassed by you snapping at a minimum wage employee over something trivial. You sound like a real jerk.
Plus th employee probably looked better than FBJ..

no she was ugly and evil
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Your friend was probably just embarrassed by you snapping at a minimum wage employee over something trivial. You sound like a real jerk.
Plus th employee probably looked better than FBJ..

no she was ugly and evil
Hey just don't get them pregnant but at least zoom...
LOL! I hope you go there again. They'll remember you and jack your food up.

I gave the clam chowder place his description in case he comes in there ordering wrong stuff so he can start some drama. Heh heh. They're on the lookout.
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A born again fundie raised holy hell in the local diner a couple months ago on Sunday morning, pitching her voice to carry to every single diner there, whether we were interested in her preaching or not. It was truly obnoxious. A waitress finally, timidly, asked her to lower her voice after enough people had complained, but the woman ignored her. She was white btw. There are assholes in every culture.

Exactly. The moral of my recollection was the old Asian lady who owned the joint. Stern, too. That dude didn't know what to do he was like well aba aba uh duh. lolol. How often does that happen that a smartass disruptive shine gets stuck in a predicament with an old Asian woman who ain't havin none of it? The white ones are cable news trained to be scared of em and they just take it, so the blacks know that. That's why they get all ghetto when you correct their behavior. And she was stiff, too. Just standing there with that stern look. She didn't budge. Like a boss.

He was lost. He was like shit, she's not white, now what am I gonna say, this ain't part of the script. lolol. Not only that, but it was almost all Mexican families in there at the time, they're really family oriented as you might already know. Really quiet. So that was double ironical because they were the ones who were looking at the dude, they were in the booth next to him and behind him .That's why the old Asian lady who owned the joint came over, she saw the other families were being disturbed. Hey, free-markets I always say, she don't wanna lose her good customer base and whatnot. And that's how ya handle that. Ha.

I'm laughing just remembering it. lolol.

Unlike the op who ''snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing" You see? Gare awn teed ''this dumb bitch at Taco Bel' wasn't an old Asian woman. Because if it were, he would have just took his wrong order that he himself ordered wrong and would have said uh ukay, bye. And he would have done that quick leave thing, too. lolol. See, that's the thing. They know who they can get away with that shit with. So they start more stuff with people.
I dunno about any of that. What we would call that little old Asian lady is 'small but mighty.'
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

"I went to Taco Bell...."
That's where your problem started right there...
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit

Wait! Be clear here. Did you get what you ordered. Did the “dumb bitch “ give you the food that you told her you wanted? If she did, and you snapped then you are a worthless dirt bag who should never marry or have kids, because you will blame them when they do what you told them to do. On the other hand, if she got the order wrong, politely say that is not what you ordered. It’s really simple for normal people.

She got upset because she didn't know how to give me a refund. She wasn't trained properly and was mad when I demanded a refund. And she was ugly which means she is living her WORST LIFE



So.... what did this horrific bit of unfair mayhem cost you?

About 3 bucks, amirite?

I'm always just so surprised you ain't married.

Man I don't give a fuck., I want my money especially since I was going to eat the shit. Are you retarded?

Hey, don't get snippy with me bitch.

I'm not the one asking asshole questions on a message board all the time.

What do you expect, Ann fucking Landers?

I don't take you seriously anyway.

Your questions are retarded and more likely to be fake troll shit instead of sincere desire to discuss anything.

So cram it up your keister you mealy mouth clown.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
You have a friend? Skeptical here. Are you counting hookers?

If he's here stamping both feet and crying enough tears to drown a turtle over a couple 98 cent tacos... Do you really believe he would buy a hooker?
And racism rears it's ugly head.

You know, he'd be a complete dumbass even if he was white.

Stupidity is color blind.

Well, I'm a trends guy.
No, you're a flipping Nazi.
No, I don't think so.
Why are black people so loud? A black pastor offers a reason:
Everyday we risk being labeled “bad” or dangerous simply because of the color of our skin, so we take pleasure in making beautiful noise—music, art, laughter, and love—that isn’t mired by the expectations of docility and submission.

Everyday we risk exposing our vulnerabilities in a society that constantly tells us we don’t get to be soft, so we take pleasure in getting lost in those moments where we get to just be real.

I don’t know how many laps I swam that day. What I do know is when we are loud doing anything we do—winning, playing, running, dancing, creating, loving, sweating, singing, laughing, and even swimming—we are loud because, in that moment, we are free.

"Why Are Black People So Loud?" by Lawrence Richardson - The Salt Collective

Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
Sounds like the nacho business is nacho business.
Not supposed to ask to be refunded for that purchase and buy something else? I snapped on this dumb bitch at Taco Bell because I ordered the wrong thing thinking I was getting nachos or that she didn't hear me clearly. My friend told me I was in the wrong and not supposed to get a refund????????????

It's not like I took a bite and said It's nasty. I never opened the shit
yep a female taking the order....should have known....

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