So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

We beat you in the civil war and we stopped you this time. I think this time you came closer to destroying our democracy than you did during the civil war. Luckily Pence didn't go along or who knows.

View attachment 509547

If you considered the 6th of January 2021 a civil war you're an idiot and have no idea how war is actually waged.

You do know that the Nazi and KGB security forces liked handing out their medals in private for the same reason.



So you wage war and then say that wasn’t war cause you lost?

View attachment 509659

The only guns present that I know of that day were used by the Capitol police who murdered an unarmed female protestor.

You should have Biden present your hero with a medal of valor for his murderous deed of quelling your supposed insurrection.




Ashes Targetpractice was climbing through a window that had been smashed and knew she was looking down the barrel of a gun… wearing a backpack and acting for all the world like a suicide bomber

View attachment 509680

Oh well then the police officer who murdered her and single handedly quelled the insurrection should have the president present him a medal of valor publicly as they erect a larger than life statue of him doing his dirty deed right there at the Capitol building.



Kill not murder. You know it wasn5 murder traitor

yo, shit stain...out right MURDER...thats why you scum hide the are pathetic
But you’re an imbecile as evidenced by your thinking "cited" is spelled "sited." That might explain why you think using lethal force to keep that mob at bay is murder even though "murder" is a legal term to describe the unlawful killing of another person; while the cop who shot Ashli Targetpractice was investigated and his actions were determined to be legal, i.e., not murder. So no, you don't actually know the difference.

But I get it. You're a fragile little dandelion puff and your feelz are hurt. Too bad.

View attachment 509721

Then he should be presented a medal of valor publicly by the president immediately.

The victors should be proud and honor of their heroes!



I agree, he should. Only not in public where he becomes a target for vigilante freaks. Maybe he already has received it.
We beat you in the civil war and we stopped you this time. I think this time you came closer to destroying our democracy than you did during the civil war. Luckily Pence didn't go along or who knows.

View attachment 509547

If you considered the 6th of January 2021 a civil war you're an idiot and have no idea how war is actually waged.

You do know that the Nazi and KGB security forces liked handing out their medals in private for the same reason.



So you wage war and then say that wasn’t war cause you lost?

View attachment 509659

The only guns present that I know of that day were used by the Capitol police who murdered an unarmed female protestor.

You should have Biden present your hero with a medal of valor for his murderous deed of quelling your supposed insurrection.




Ashes Targetpractice was climbing through a window that had been smashed and knew she was looking down the barrel of a gun… wearing a backpack and acting for all the world like a suicide bomber

View attachment 509680

Oh well then the police officer who murdered her and single handedly quelled the insurrection should have the president present him a medal of valor publicly as they erect a larger than life statue of him doing his dirty deed right there at the Capitol building.



Kill not murder. You know it wasn5 murder traitor

yo, shit stain...out right MURDER...thats why you scum hide the are pathetic

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
t r i g g e r e d
I agree, he should. Only not in public where he becomes a target for vigilante freaks. Maybe he already has received it.


That's no way to honor the hero that single handedly quelled the insurrection with a single shot.

What do you fear? He may bring out more insurrectionists to throw in the gulag and torture.

Besides he can probably murder a few more insurrectionists if they show up at the presentation if the last group of insurrectionists are any example of your opposition.


I agree, he should. Only not in public where he becomes a target for vigilante freaks. Maybe he already has received it.

View attachment 509724

That's no way to honor the hero that single handedly quelled the insurrection with a single shot.

What do you fear? He may bring out more insurrectionists to throw in the gulag and torture.

Besides he can probably murder a few more insurrectionists if they show up at the presentation if the last group of insurrectionists are any example of your opposition.



I fear freaks like you who delude yourselves into believing he got away with murder, murdering him and maybe his family too in some sort of vigilante justice. I don't underestimate how sickly disturbed you freaks are.
I fear freaks like you who delude yourselves into believing he got away with murder, murdering him and maybe his family too in some sort of vigilante justice. I don't underestimate how sickly disturbed you freaks are.


That would be the freaks that freaks like you support who've burned, looted, and murdered, across the nation for well over a year now and like to threaten people at their residences.

Perhaps you can hold a Republican turkey shoot at another baseball game or something to commemorate the anniversary of your conquest on the 6th of January 2022.


Last edited:
I fear freaks like you who delude yourselves into believing he got away with murder, murdering him and maybe his family too in some sort of vigilante justice. I don't underestimate how sickly disturbed you freaks are.

View attachment 509726

That would be the freaks that freaks like you support who've burned, looted, and murdered, across the nation for well over a year now and like to threaten people at their residences.

Perhaps you can hold a Republican turkey shoot at another baseball game to commemorate the anniversary of your conquest on the 6th of January 2022.




Nope, that wouldn't be me as I condemned those riots. I also condemn shooting illegally at Republicans or anyone else. But your attempt at deflection is duly noted and laughed at.

Regardless, his personal information will be withheld from you freaks for as long as necessary to protect his life and well being.

Nope, that wouldn't be me as I condemned those riots. I also condemn shooting illegally at Republicans or anyone else. But your attempt at deflection is duly noted and laughed at.

Regardless, his personal information will be withheld from you freaks for as long as necessary to protect his life and well being.


I've not seen you condemn anything and your fear of something that hasn't happened only belies your lies.

I'm sure you celebrated the Dallas police shooting in your eagerness to promote the fear.



Nope, that wouldn't be me as I condemned those riots. I also condemn shooting illegally at Republicans or anyone else. But your attempt at deflection is duly noted and laughed at.

Regardless, his personal information will be withheld from you freaks for as long as necessary to protect his life and well being.

View attachment 509747

I've not seen you condemn anything and your fear of something that hasn't happened only belies your lies.

I'm sure you celebrated the Dallas police shooting in your eagerness to promote the fear.




So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.



I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
What nonsensical evidence is that?
They don’t like all the evidence there is for global warming, evolution and vaccines but they like the evidence they have the election was stolen. See what you’re dealing with?
What evidence for MAN MADE global warming is there....lets see you produce one else has...not even the smartest climatologist can tell you that...they have no evidence that we humans are destroying the planet...none what's so ever...the politicians world wide are spreading that nonsense to take control of your life dummy....wake the fuck up.....
Dumbfuck, by California law, illegal aliens can't get a regular driver's license
Bullshit....there is no difference between a CA license for illegal aliens and legal citizens...not one bit of difference...and....anyone that can get to a voting center can ID address either you are lying and think I'm stupid or you are dumber than I thought you were....

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."

Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.


Dumbfuck, by California law, illegal aliens can't get a regular driver's license
Bullshit....there is no difference between a CA license for illegal aliens and legal citizens...not one bit of difference...and....anyone that can get to a voting center can ID address either you are lying and think I'm stupid or you are dumber than I thought you were....
Why on Earth do you work sooo hard to show this forum just how retarded you are??

Of course California has different driver's licenses for Americans versus documented or undocumented aliens. And only Americans qualify to be registered to vote under motor voter laws...

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.
And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...
That is not are making it up from nothing....

I just posted links to the law which states AB-60 license holders' data is NOT transmitted to the Secretary of State's office to be registered to vote. You prove again to be an idiot who's simply too retarded to understand that.

No skin off my back. :abgg2q.jpg:

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.


Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.



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