So If You Encountered a Business Being Picketed By Gays...

Would you cross that picket line?

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If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
The picketing is not really about gay rights so of course I would.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
I hate people like you who say nothing as long its not you.
I say plenty about a lot of things that do NOT directly affect me, plenty. I speak up every single day of the year on matters that do NOT directly affect me. Obviously, you don't know me, nor do you know anything about me. It's also very obvious that you haven't read the many posts that I've made on this forum since becoming a member. So, blow all the hot air and hate that you want to, doesn't matter to me. If you knew me, I might say something to you that would correct you in a very different manner. But, since you have absolutely no idea of who I am, nor what I stand for, I'll just consider the source and move along. Have any more nice things to say to me? Go ahead, get it all off your chest, don't be shy.
I'd tell them to get the fuck out of my way and go buy the Pizza............

They have a right to protest, but not a right to deny anyone their Freedoms in doing so.............

Now get out of my way faggots...............I want that Pizza for dinner..................

They have no right to INFRINGE on that business right to their beliefs, nor do they have the right to stop me from buying from that business...................

That's the deal..........even though they are there to try and put that business out................
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
I hate people like you who say nothing as long its not you.
I say plenty about a lot of things that do NOT directly affect me, plenty. I speak up every single day of the year on matters that do NOT directly affect me. Obviously, you don't know me, nor do you know anything about me. It's also very obvious that you haven't read the many posts that I've made on this forum since becoming a member. So, blow all the hot air and hate that you want to, doesn't matter to me. If you knew me, I might say something to you that would correct you in a very different manner. But, since you have absolutely no idea of who I am, nor what I stand for, I'll just consider the source and move along. Have any more nice things to say to me? Go ahead, get it all off your chest, don't be shy.
I have friends like this. Or I've worked with people like this or went to school with them. They aren't the bullies but they sit silent while the bullies bully. I hope that's not you.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
I hate people like you who say nothing as long its not you.
I say plenty about a lot of things that do NOT directly affect me, plenty. I speak up every single day of the year on matters that do NOT directly affect me. Obviously, you don't know me, nor do you know anything about me. It's also very obvious that you haven't read the many posts that I've made on this forum since becoming a member. So, blow all the hot air and hate that you want to, doesn't matter to me. If you knew me, I might say something to you that would correct you in a very different manner. But, since you have absolutely no idea of who I am, nor what I stand for, I'll just consider the source and move along. Have any more nice things to say to me? Go ahead, get it all off your chest, don't be shy.
I have friends like this. Or I've worked with people like this or went to school with them. They aren't the bullies but they sit silent while the bullies bully. I hope that's not you.
I'm NEVER silent, never. Believe me, I speak up every single day of the year, and have been doing so for a very long time. I have voiced my concerns in many places, through various media, and continue to spread the word at every opportunity. I have been very active in speaking up since late 2004, and was doing it even before then on a smaller scale. I'll be silent when I'm buried 6 feet under, not before.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
The picketing is not really about gay rights so of course I would.

That's a fine rationalization but isn't being denied service because one is gay a violation of one's rights? Is that a valid reason for denying service and would you feel the same if you or someone close to you was gay? I seem to be out of step on this subject but it seems pretty clear cut to me.
Rationalization lol. A private business should be able to deny service for having hippie hair if they want to. That is not the point. The purpose of the picketing is not about gay rights.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

That wouldn't be crossing a picket line. I'm there to do business not politics.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

Yes, absolutely. I would seek the business out. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has yet to happen here in Orlando. As far as I'm aware of anyway.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

Yes, absolutely. I would seek the business out. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has yet to happen here in Orlando. As far as I'm aware of anyway.

So help me understand this. You would actively seek to do biz with those who discriminate against gay people. Why is that?
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.
It bothers my dad that girls with small boobs can't go shirtless but a fat guy with big fits can.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

Yes, absolutely. I would seek the business out. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has yet to happen here in Orlando. As far as I'm aware of anyway.

So help me understand this. You would actively seek to do biz with those who discriminate against gay people. Why is that?
Because he's not gay or he's anti gay. If it was happening to asshole pussies he'd be crying foul.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.
It bothers my dad that girls with small boobs can't go shirtless but a fat guy with big fits can.

Mentioned this issue to my sister-in-law the other day :) She said, "I notice guys are the ones doing the protesting the most." :) Fair point.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.

I'm a dues-paying member of the ASA, I'm there. But it was just an example. How about...(thinks) guy wanting service with his boombox blaring some song with offensive lyrics? :)
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.
It bothers my dad that girls with small boobs can't go shirtless but a fat guy with big fits can.

Mentioned this issue to my sister-in-law the other day :) She said, "I notice guys are the ones doing the protesting the most." :) Fair point.
Women dont want the right or freedom to go topless?

We're sort of like the Muslims. They make their women cover their heads for modesty we make our women cover their breasts.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

If ANYONE were denied service (wrongly, someone trying to walk in butt naked for example doesn't have a case) I wouldn't cross the picket line.

Why wouldn't someone butt naked have a case? People were born butt naked.
It bothers my dad that girls with small boobs can't go shirtless but a fat guy with big fits can.

Mentioned this issue to my sister-in-law the other day :) She said, "I notice guys are the ones doing the protesting the most." :) Fair point.
Women dont want the right or freedom to go topless?

We're sort of like the Muslims. They make their women cover their heads for modesty we make our women cover their breasts.

Isn't so much out of a sense of modesty as our country and about a dozen others are the only ones on this whole planet who make the female breasts "genitals" or sexually suggestive. Other 180 or so countries are over it. :)
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Like, I'd ever let a bunch of fags tell me what I can or can't do.

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