So If You Encountered a Business Being Picketed By Gays...

Would you cross that picket line?

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I am not sure where that would be, I am not in need of a wedding cake or flowers, who else is going to rile gays? Tires Plus or Wal-Mart? I would get out of my comfort zone if need be.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
So is religion. And it behaves quite badly at times.
Just another Sandra Fluke issue in which the R's took the bait, hook, line and sinker, to the gut.
Nothing wrong with standing on principle. It's cruel to make straights participate in gay rituals or to not allow Indians to smoke peyote during their ceremony.
Why don't the decent people of Indiana publicize the names and addresses of gay owned businesses. If anyone wants to not patronize a gay owned business they can do so.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Would depend if it were a valid complaint. If they had been acting the fool in the shop and were thrown out, I would cross the line.

If they were denied service solely on LBGT dislike, let the business die.
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
So is religion. And it behaves quite badly at times.
And that is exactly why it is not allowed to be imposed on others. Homos apparently haven't gotten the memo.
^^^ I am just saying that if the rest of us were stripped of the rights that we already have, we would be just as upset, wouldn't we? I know that I would be.

God bless you always!!!

Who was stripped of any right beyond those who are being denied by their religious freedom?
I wasn't saying that anyone was. I am just looking at the picture from the way that things should be. You know, if you want any respect, you have to do your part by showing some too.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I am just saying that if the rest of us were stripped of the rights that we already have, we would be just as upset, wouldn't we? I know that I would be.

God bless you always!!!

Who was stripped of any right beyond those who are being denied by their religious freedom?
I wasn't saying that anyone was. I am just looking at the picture from the way that things should be. You know, if you want any respect, you have to do your part by showing some too.

God bless you always!!!

I showed no disrespect.
And if you didn't mean anything about denied rights then why did you bring it up?
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
Humanity. They are human beings, as we all are, and deserve the same respect and consideration as all human beings.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
Humanity. They are human beings, as we all are, and deserve the same respect and consideration as all human beings.
It's not about the person, it's about the behavior. No one should be forced to condone homo behavior.
^^^ I am just saying that if the rest of us were stripped of the rights that we already have, we would be just as upset, wouldn't we? I know that I would be.

God bless you always!!!

Who was stripped of any right beyond those who are being denied by their religious freedom?
I wasn't saying that anyone was. I am just looking at the picture from the way that things should be. You know, if you want any respect, you have to do your part by showing some too.

God bless you always!!!

I showed no disrespect.
And if you didn't mean anything about denied rights then why did you bring it up?
I didn't bring it up, not the way that you say that I did anyways.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I was just saying that anyone would be mad if they were refused of a normal service because of their being different from whoever is on the other side of the picture.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc

No, you'd go in and shoplift everything you could stick in your hoodie.

BTW I notice you capitalized blacks and beaners but not women.....every picture tells a story don't it, punk?
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
Humanity. They are human beings, as we all are, and deserve the same respect and consideration as all human beings.

Correct. Which is to say none.

I own a restaurant. I don't OWE you anything UNLESS I agree to take your money.

I would support their right to boycott, I would not join in their boycott.
Still waiting for you to define....refusing service...........

Again...the one company had gay employees.....they had known the gay couple for decades and provided flowers or cakes for every other event they ever had....had treated them with dignity and the point they kept giving this business their business........

And then....

They asked for a wedding cake....or photos...and the owner said, that with all these years that we have known each other and I have given you all that other service...on this one thing I can't do because of my religious beliefs....on cake, or photos for a wedding......and I will recommend my competition so that you can actually get really good service for your event...

is that the refusal of service you want them put in prison for...that you want to destroy their livlihood, that you want to take their life savings.....

How long should they be kept in prison for refusing to bake one cake out of all the other cakes they baked for this gay couple, or the flower arrangements they

Be brave you Dennis Prager pointed out today on his radio show.....none of your minions in the press will ask the question.....will you throw these people in prison for not baking a very specific cake, or a flower arrangement or photos.....?

That is the end point of this if they stand on their religious beliefs and their belief that they live in a country with freedom of asshats will take their livlihood, take their life savings and put onerous fines and penalties on them.....and if they refuse to pay those fines, and penalties....they are going to jail.....

So how

asshats........cowardly, craven assholes........

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