So If You Encountered a Business Being Picketed By Gays...

Would you cross that picket line?

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It's not about the person, it's about the behavior. No one should be forced to condone homo behavior.

So how is doing biz with gay people equate to condoning anyone's lifestyle and is it scripturally required to "shun" those you judge unworthy? Isn't that God's job and might you not be stepping on His toes?
It's not about the person, it's about the behavior. No one should be forced to condone homo behavior.

So how is doing biz with gay people equate to condoning anyone's lifestyle and is it scripturally required to "shun" those you judge unworthy? Isn't that God's job and might you not be stepping on His toes?
It's not about doing business with homos. Been happening for millennia.
It's about being forced to condone homo behavior.
Homos have been doing business with homo haters but they haven't been forced to condone homo-hating.
This kind of thread makes we wonder why we'd want to cure AIDS and other butt-born maladies? It's nature's way of culling bad genetic code. As to merchant policy, I think Dennys had it right....ignore feral blacks until they break something and call the cops. There's no more feral blacks in Dennys than there ever was despite all the hoopla and thanks to that, they're still in business. McDonalds is learning that lesson the hard way.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
Would you boycott a place that discriminated against whites, like Waffle House in certain 'hoods?
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
I do.

Waffle House, Shreveport, LA.

You would get your ass beat by your bro's, if you entered it with me.

I'd be armed, and let them beat the shit out of you.
Cool story bro. I think you got your ass beat because they smelled your fear and knew you were a racist.
Actually I have never had my ass beaten.

Other than my dad, but, he paid for that by dying alone, sad to say.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Yup. If that business has something I want, nobody is going to stop me from getting it. :)
Yes, I would. Simply because activists are picketing something does not mean that the reasons are valid. If I knew for certain that the business was being discriminatory, whether to gays or any other class of people, I would not cross that line, but activists (gay or otherwise) tend to be liars who demand that everyone accept their ways regardless of the truth. Lately homosexual activists are demanding that everyone bow to them and kiss their asses. Those who do not bow are castigated relentlessly. I am willing to accept homosexuals as human beings but not at the barrel of a gun.

I happen to believe that a business should have the right to refuse service to anyone and need not disclose their reasons for doing so. No one should have the right to force a business owner to provide services. Come into my place of business and ask for service and you will be served regardless of who you are. Come into my place of business and demand service and you will find an extremely stubborn man across the table. Force me to serve you such as by legal means and you will receive extremely poor product. Were I a baker that was forced to provide a cake for a homosexual wedding against my will, a tragedy would befall the cake as it was brought into the reception hall. It would unfortunately get dropped at the last minute.

The free market should regulate discriminatory businesses. That is how things SHOULD be! Unfortunately, things do not seem to work out that way, therefore, public accommodation laws are absolutely necessary. If they were not enacted, I suspect we would still be a backward, segregated nation. I support the RIGHT of states such as Indiana to pass religious liberty laws even though my faith tells me that my savior would never discriminate against a sinner... at least for my sake I hope he would not. Having the legal right to do something does not mean that one should do it. One should have the right to discriminate. But just because one has that right does not mean that one should discriminate.
It's not about the person, it's about the behavior. No one should be forced to condone homo behavior.

So how is doing biz with gay people equate to condoning anyone's lifestyle and is it scripturally required to "shun" those you judge unworthy? Isn't that God's job and might you not be stepping on His toes?
It's not about doing business with homos. Been happening for millennia.
It's about being forced to condone homo behavior.
Homos have been doing business with homo haters but they haven't been forced to condone homo-hating.

So how does taking a "homo's" money in exchange for whatever you are selling mean you condone their behavior? What I see here is a whole lot of holier-than-thou posing and isn't that, after all, a sin?
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Yup. If that business has something I want, nobody is going to stop me from getting it. :)

You're such a hard ass but this isn't about anyone stopping you ... it's about your conscience. Evidently you are OK with discrimination as long as it's against a small minority.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Yup. If that business has something I want, nobody is going to stop me from getting it. :)

You're such a hard ass but this isn't about anyone stopping you ... it's about your conscience. Evidently you are OK with discrimination as long as it's against a small minority.
I'm a fag hag. Ask my gay friends. Oh. Wait. You're just a nobody on the internet claiming to know all about another nobody on the internet.
I am against nobody, either. But I'm smart enough to know if you give any nobody an inch, that nobody will take a mile.
So...with that said...go fuck yourself, Mr. Nobody. I don't give a rats ass what you think.
Ralphs Grocery store was picketing (the clerks) some years ago here in town. They all stood out front with their signs and most shoppers were hesitant to walk in because they wanted to show support, I guess. Um. Not so much me. One clerk I was familiar with from seeing her every day said something to me about "don't you CARE that my kids can't go to college with the pay we are getting?" and my reply was along the lines of "I don't give a shit about your kids or their college plans. MY kids are hungry and so am I. Get the fuck out of my way" and I pushed passed her. Some people behind me said "what she said" and followed me in.

I don't fuck around. College? Pahlease. Some people are lucky just to have one meal a day.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
I would hurl insults as I tried crossing the picket line but I'm a gay submissive so I'd like the beating.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?
I hate people like you who say nothing as long its not you.
It depends on the context of why the service was refused.

For instance me and my gay friends still eat at Chik fil A, while the company had a spokesperson speak out agaist the gay community , they still have good food n shakes and they really can't refuse service since they wouldn't have an absolute way to know who is gay and who is not gay :lol:

If there was a "christian bakery" that refused to bake a cake for my gay friends, no I probably wouldn't buy any cakes from them. But at the same time if the bakery only served Christians exclusively I suppose I wouldn't fault them.

Is there such thing as an exclusive christian bakery?

If it was just a business owner who is christian and decided as an owner to refuse to bake cakes for gay people then I would not shop there ever.
This kind of thread makes we wonder why we'd want to cure AIDS and other butt-born maladies? It's nature's way of culling bad genetic code. As to merchant policy, I think Dennys had it right....ignore feral blacks until they break something and call the cops. There's no more feral blacks in Dennys than there ever was despite all the hoopla and thanks to that, they're still in business. McDonalds is learning that lesson the hard way.
^ classy rightwinger.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Of course most of you would shop at such a place. Look how walmart treats its workers and we still shop there.
Yes, I would. Simply because activists are picketing something does not mean that the reasons are valid. If I knew for certain that the business was being discriminatory, whether to gays or any other class of people, I would not cross that line, but activists (gay or otherwise) tend to be liars who demand that everyone accept their ways regardless of the truth. Lately homosexual activists are demanding that everyone bow to them and kiss their asses. Those who do not bow are castigated relentlessly. I am willing to accept homosexuals as human beings but not at the barrel of a gun.

I happen to believe that a business should have the right to refuse service to anyone and need not disclose their reasons for doing so. No one should have the right to force a business owner to provide services. Come into my place of business and ask for service and you will be served regardless of who you are. Come into my place of business and demand service and you will find an extremely stubborn man across the table. Force me to serve you such as by legal means and you will receive extremely poor product. Were I a baker that was forced to provide a cake for a homosexual wedding against my will, a tragedy would befall the cake as it was brought into the reception hall. It would unfortunately get dropped at the last minute.

The free market should regulate discriminatory businesses. That is how things SHOULD be! Unfortunately, things do not seem to work out that way, therefore, public accommodation laws are absolutely necessary. If they were not enacted, I suspect we would still be a backward, segregated nation. I support the RIGHT of states such as Indiana to pass religious liberty laws even though my faith tells me that my savior would never discriminate against a sinner... at least for my sake I hope he would not. Having the legal right to do something does not mean that one should do it. One should have the right to discriminate. But just because one has that right does not mean that one should discriminate. economist Walter Williams...he points out that the free market corrected discrimination....that is why they had to use the government to enforce Jim crow laws and the separate but equal laws...which forced all businesses to discriminate....left to its own devices businesses have to keep from discriminating or lose money to the competition who won't discriminate.....

and I was just watching kümmel...he is doing his part to lie about what happened with this law....if the left actually had to fight the media, the press, education and government buearacrats the way conservatives do...they would never get any of their stupid lies accepted by the ignorant and the uninformed......
It's not about the person, it's about the behavior. No one should be forced to condone homo behavior.

So how is doing biz with gay people equate to condoning anyone's lifestyle and is it scripturally required to "shun" those you judge unworthy? Isn't that God's job and might you not be stepping on His toes?
It's not about doing business with homos. Been happening for millennia.
It's about being forced to condone homo behavior.
Homos have been doing business with homo haters but they haven't been forced to condone homo-hating.

So how does taking a "homo's" money in exchange for whatever you are selling mean you condone their behavior?
It doesn't. I was distinguishing the difference between that and condoning the behavior. Doing business with a homo is one thing and condoning homo behavior with a business is another.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Of course most of you would shop at such a place. Look how walmart treats its workers and we still shop there.
I don't. I get claustrophobia in walmart. Went in one ONCE. I had a panic attack and had to wait outside for Mr Gracie to finish the shopping. That was..oh...about 15 years ago. But it's not because of how they treat their employees. Those who don't like being stomped on should not work there. It's a choice. They choose to do so. And yes, I know finding work is hard but I think I would rather sling burgers at McDs or make tacos at Taco Bell or wash dishes than work at a place that insults my very being. But thats me.

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