So, If YOU were Nancy Pelosi, What Would You do With The Impeachment Process Now?

What would you do if you were Nancy Pelosi? (no self harming suggestions please, no suicide, etc)

  • 5) Retire after the impeachment and declare yourself a satisfied leader

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.
She's crashing the Stalinist democrat Party onto the deck of the USS Donald J Trump. She might damage Trump ever so slightly, but this will be the last you'll ever hear from the Stalinist democrat Party. Soros realizes he'll never live long enough to see 5 gun grabbing Stalinist democrats form a majority on SCOTUS so he's trying to do as much damage as he can.

I have no doubt that he'll try to orchestrate some market collapse here as well before he's charged under RICO then thrown in Gitmo next to Comey and Mueller
She's crashing the Stalinist democrat Party onto the deck of the USS Donald J Trump. She might damage Trump ever so slightly, but this will be the last you'll ever hear from the Stalinist democrat Party. Soros realizes he'll never live long enough to see 5 gun grabbing Stalinist democrats form a majority on SCOTUS so he's trying to do as much damage as he can.

I have no doubt that he'll try to orchestrate some market collapse here as well before he's charged under RICO then thrown in Gitmo next to Comey and Mueller
Agreed with all that above.

But I also do not trust the RINO Never Trumpers. I think that they are twisting Senators arms and promising the Moon to backstab Trump, as that is their disgusting style of political gamesmanship; repulsive, loathesome and dishonorable.

Frank, why would you fight to the bitter end? I see no upside to that.

IS that you prediction or what you would do yourself?
She's crashing the Stalinist democrat Party onto the deck of the USS Donald J Trump. She might damage Trump ever so slightly, but this will be the last you'll ever hear from the Stalinist democrat Party. Soros realizes he'll never live long enough to see 5 gun grabbing Stalinist democrats form a majority on SCOTUS so he's trying to do as much damage as he can.

I have no doubt that he'll try to orchestrate some market collapse here as well before he's charged under RICO then thrown in Gitmo next to Comey and Mueller
Agreed with all that above.

But I also do not trust the RINO Never Trumpers. I think that they are twisting Senators arms and promising the Moon to backstab Trump, as that is their disgusting style of political gamesmanship; repulsive, loathesome and dishonorable.

Frank, why would you fight to the bitter end? I see no upside to that.

IS that you prediction or what you would do yourself?
That's what I'm predicting Nancy will do. She's a figurehead and no longer in control. She's know impeachment will be the Pyrric "victory" that ends the Stalinist
That's what I'm predicting Nancy will do. She's a figurehead and no longer in control. She's know impeachment will be the Pyrric "victory" that ends the Stalinist
I suspect you are right, but if you were Pelosi, what would YOU do in her place, other than kill yourself.
That's what I'm predicting Nancy will do. She's a figurehead and no longer in control. She's know impeachment will be the Pyrric "victory" that ends the Stalinist
I suspect you are right, but if you were Pelosi, what would YOU do in her place, other than kill yourself.

She should not let this go to the Senate, it's suicide. But that's why we're all hoping she puts this to the Senate
If I were Nancy, I'd retire. She made a mistake by listening to idiots like Maxine and adopted the resist platform as the party policy. But without any real platform, they were more like a band of cry baby weasels. Then along came the freshmen with all their socialist and unaffordable ideas. Pelosi didn't have much choice but to side with the rabid socialists because they are the only ones that had any platform at all. So now she's stuck with ideas she hates but is powerless to change. Any way you look at it, Democrats have already showed their cards, and they're heavily socialist-communist. It doesn't matter what they say tomorrow. They're still for reparations, the green deal, raising taxes, free college for everyone, debt forgiveness, medicare for all, open borders, sanctuary cities and abolishing ICE to name a few of their unaffordable ideas. So, Pelosi would be smart to save herself a lot of aggravation and leave her socialist-communist party holding the bag they created.
She was right the first time in not impeaching. Knowing that Impeachment for no crime is a losing effort she should have told Soros to "GFY"
Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed

No, he isn't.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

She should not let this go to the Senate, it's suicide. But that's why we're all hoping she puts this to the Senate

More masturbation.

Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

WASHINGTON – Seven in 10 Americans think President Donald Trump's actions regarding Ukraine – which have been outlined in the House impeachment inquiry - were "wrong" and a slim majority thinks he should be removed from office, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll released Monday.

Trump is facing the prospect of impeachment for allegedly using military aid to pressure Ukraine into announcing investigations that stood to benefit him politically. Trump has denied making the aid contingent upon the investigations and has insisted he was only concerned about corruption.

When asked which statement best reflected their view of the president's conduct after the first round of open testimony, 70% said "Trump's actions were wrong." Fifty-one percent said his acts were wrong and deserved impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. Thirteen percent said what he did was wrong but not impeachable. And 6% thought his actions were wrong, and that he should be impeached but not removed from office by the Senate.
Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed

No, he isn't.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

She should not let this go to the Senate, it's suicide. But that's why we're all hoping she puts this to the Senate

More masturbation.

Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

WASHINGTON – Seven in 10 Americans think President Donald Trump's actions regarding Ukraine – which have been outlined in the House impeachment inquiry - were "wrong" and a slim majority thinks he should be removed from office, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll released Monday.

Trump is facing the prospect of impeachment for allegedly using military aid to pressure Ukraine into announcing investigations that stood to benefit him politically. Trump has denied making the aid contingent upon the investigations and has insisted he was only concerned about corruption.

When asked which statement best reflected their view of the president's conduct after the first round of open testimony, 70% said "Trump's actions were wrong." Fifty-one percent said his acts were wrong and deserved impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. Thirteen percent said what he did was wrong but not impeachable. And 6% thought his actions were wrong, and that he should be impeached but not removed from office by the Senate.

Please bring this non-crime to the Senate! PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU TO IMPEACH!

The Senate will call Joe Biden to account for his money laundering, pay for pay and extortion
Please bring this non-crime to the Senate! PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU TO IMPEACH!

The Senate will call Joe Biden to account for his money laundering, pay for pay and extortion

Sure. Then Biden will present all the government documents showing that he was directed by Congress and the President to crack down on Ukraine corruption.

If Trump had any evidence that Biden engaged in anything unethical, he wouldn't have asked the Ukraine to smear the guy to start with.
If the republicans in the Senate now, would take an incognito vote, they would vote to impeach!
If the republicans in the Senate now, would take an incognito vote, they would vote to impeach!
You mean remove. The House impeaches.

I suspect you are right, yet you still believe the R Party is unlike the D Party. They are two sides of the same coin. That should concern you, but I fear it doesn’t.
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

They will impeach Donald John Trump and the Senate will convict and remove....

Then we all wake up to reality and realize that yes the House will impeach and the Senate will hold the trial but will never be Convicted or Removed...

Censure is off the table and Pelosi is done as Speaker...

This was political suicide for the Democrats and now the monster Trump will become is their fault and no one else to blame!

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