So, If YOU were Nancy Pelosi, What Would You do With The Impeachment Process Now?

What would you do if you were Nancy Pelosi? (no self harming suggestions please, no suicide, etc)

  • 5) Retire after the impeachment and declare yourself a satisfied leader

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If the republicans in the Senate now, would take an incognito vote, they would vote to impeach!

Of course they would but having Pence as President any better than Trump?

You are not getting Pelosi as President and Hillary as VP so Pelosi can crown Hillary Queen for a day...
Easy, go ahead with the impeachment vote,

what he did is worst than Watergate.
Watergate was nothing and it’s coverup is what got Tricky Dick. Many presidents have committed acts much worse than Nixon. O comes to mind. He should have been impeached and removed for at least a half dozen acts of high crimes and misdemeanors. However since he was black, loved by the MSM, and an employee of the .1% no one dared touch him.
Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

In both the RCP and the 538 poll of polls, Trump is within the +/-2 percentage point range he's been in for the last 18 months.

Schiff is following procedure. Currently the House Intelligence Committee is writing up its report on Trump's High Crimes and Misdemeanors to the House Judiciary Committee. He is, so to speak, bringing forward the evidence, your toddler's impatience notwithstanding. There is enough by way of impeachable offenses demonstrated during the hearings to warrant impeachment.

If Pelosi and Nadler are smart, they will expand on the above-mentioned report: They will mine the Mueller report for all it's worth, they will throw in the consistent violations of the Emolument Clause as covered up by Trump's refusal to publish his tax returns. They will make a conclusive case of persistent and brazen disrespect for the law and the Constitution as well as abuse of office - that would be the core of what "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" meant and means. They will write it up in such a way to outline the allegations on half a page that won't stretch the attention span of average Americans, and still demonstrate that the Founders wrote Impeachment and Removal from Office into the Constitution because of Trump and his would-be autocratic ilk. Then they, Pelosi and Nadler, will add a gazillion of Articles of Impeachment to put ample meat on these bones, to the effect that no honest, reasonable reader can deny that Conviction and Removal is the only plausible remedy to the national catastrophe that is Trump.

Just note, I used "honest, reasonable reader" advisedly.
Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

In both the RCP and the 538 poll of polls, Trump is within the +/-2 percentage point range he's been in for the last 18 months.

Schiff is following procedure. Currently the House Intelligence Committee is writing up its report on Trump's High Crimes and Misdemeanors to the House Judiciary Committee. He is, so to speak, bringing forward the evidence, your toddler's impatience notwithstanding. There is enough by way of impeachable offenses demonstrated during the hearings to warrant impeachment.

If Pelosi and Nadler are smart, they will expand on the above-mentioned report: They will mine the Mueller report for all it's worth, they will throw in the consistent violations of the Emolument Clause as covered up by Trump's refusal to publish his tax returns. They will make a conclusive case of persistent and brazen disrespect for the law and the Constitution as well as abuse of office - that would be the core of what "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" meant and means. They will write it up in such a way to outline the allegations on half a page that won't stretch the attention span of average Americans, and still demonstrate that the Founders wrote Impeachment and Removal from Office into the Constitution because of Trump and his would-be autocratic ilk. Then they, Pelosi and Nadler, will add a gazillion of Articles of Impeachment to put ample meat on these bones, to the effect that no honest, reasonable reader can deny that Conviction and Removal is the only plausible remedy to the national catastrophe that is Trump.

Just note, I used "honest, reasonable reader" advisedly.


You lose on the part of Trump Tax Returns!

There is no Constitutional Requirement for a President to show his returns and those like you attempting to use that as part of the impeachment process tell me how insane you are!

Pelosi can only go after Trump for Obstruction from the Mueller report and nothing else because Trump did not collude with Russia, well not like Jill Stein!

In the end you will be heartbroken when you realize Trump is never being convicted or removed and will win in 2020.

Now please rant on about how the American people will rise against this tyranny and Trump will be removed once all the evidence is shown... The same was said about George W. Bush and yet he was never impeached nor has he been brought to the Hague and even though Trump will be impeached he will never be convicted or removed!
I listened to most of the testimony last week. The filthy Democrats have nothing. Certainly no high crimes and misdemeanors. Not even close.

A vote of impeachment along strict party lines is not really impeachment but partisan dirty tricks.

All we are seeing now is Democrat dirty tricks.
Easy, go ahead with the impeachment vote,

what he did is worst than Watergate.
Watergate was nothing and it’s coverup is what got Tricky Dick. Many presidents have committed acts much worse than Nixon. O comes to mind. He should have been impeached and removed for at least a half dozen acts of high crimes and misdemeanors. However since he was black, loved by the MSM, and an employee of the .1% no one dared touch him.
You`re not embarrassed enough with the "lock her up" silliness so you`re moving on to fantasies about "crooked Obama". Good luck with that.
gavel on nancy... gavel on.

Easy, go ahead with the impeachment vote,

what he did is worst than Watergate.
What the shadow Deep State did is worse than what trump is accused of

Thanks in part to obama America is a more deeply divided country

You lose on the part of Trump Tax Returns!

There is no Constitutional Requirement for a President to show his returns and those like you attempting to use that as part of the impeachment process tell me how insane you are!

Sorry to see my short text stretched your reading comprehension beyond the breaking point: "they will throw in the consistent violations of the Emolument Clause as covered up by Trump's refusal to publish his tax returns." Read as often as necessary to understand where you lost the track.
All I can say is I noticed the language from the MSM changed over the weekend from "we have him now - he is DOOOOMED" - to.. blaming GOP for still clinging to Trump, there is not enough evidence to get through GOP Senate etc.

So they have already began the spin on how to get out of this
Seems Nancy will let the process proceed

Let congress vote their conscience and let the voters decide whether they have a conscience
The Man of Lawlessness will continue onward...

Until the time is right,

and is then thrown alive, in to the Lake of fire, with all liars, and with all his followers joining him....

Is what the Bible says about it!!!!! :eek:


I am patiently waiting for THAT to happen!!!! Hopefully, it happens before I die! :p :p
I imagine that Pelosi will drop impeachment against Trump in exchange for dropping investigation against Biden.A case of quid pro quo
I think the administration needs to abide by the law and turn over the subpoenaed documents, and allow the first hand witnesses honor their subpoenas by Congress and testify under oath.

Mulveney, Pompeo, Pence, Giuliani, Bolton who were all first hand witnesses need to come forward to defend President Trump, if they can.....before the impeachment vote....
If you believe ALL PRESIDENTS from this day forward are ABOVE the Law, can break their oath of office to faithfully execute the laws.... then do not vote to impeach him!
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

The impeached is showing the corruption that is rampant in this administration. What is going bad is that the Republican party is putting their party b4 the country. Trump is attacking the courts in their favor which will impact this country for decades to come and as long as he is doing their bidding they don't give a damn what he does.
Since Moscow Mitch is going to drag out the trial, so to keep Democratic Senators in the primary contest all tied up and not out there campaigning, which is being reported as his and Trump`s plan...

I think Speaker Pelosi in that scenario should either bring it to a vote now, and hold off passing it to the Senate until the primaries are showing a person clearly in the lead, then send it over to the Senate.... from what I understand, there is no rule on when she has to send it to the Senate...


Which is the better route imho

The Judiciary committee needs to insist on first hand witnesses to be deposed and or testify, BEFORE any articles of impeachment are drawn up for a vote....battle it in the courts if need be, this will get the Primary candidates past Super Tuesday...

The Man of Lawlessness will continue onward...

Until the time is right,

and is then thrown alive, in to the Lake of fire, with all liars, and with all his followers joining him....

Is what the Bible says about it!!!!! :eek:


I am patiently waiting for THAT to happen!!!! Hopefully, it happens before I die! :p :p

Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

The impeached is showing the corruption that is rampant in this administration. What is going bad is that the Republican party is putting their party b4 the country. Trump is attacking the courts in their favor which will impact this country for decades to come and as long as he is doing their bidding they don't give a damn what he does.

Love to get Biden sworn in and ask about his crony capitalism, diverting US taxpayer dollars through the Ukraine to the Bidens

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