So, If YOU were Nancy Pelosi, What Would You do With The Impeachment Process Now?

What would you do if you were Nancy Pelosi? (no self harming suggestions please, no suicide, etc)

  • 5) Retire after the impeachment and declare yourself a satisfied leader

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Since Moscow Mitch is going to drag out the trial, so to keep Democratic Senators in the primary contest all tied up and not out there campaigning, which is being reported as his and Trump`s plan...

I think Speaker Pelosi in that scenario should either bring it to a vote now, and hold off passing it to the Senate until the primaries are showing a person clearly in the lead, then send it over to the Senate.... from what I understand, there is no rule on when she has to send it to the Senate...


Which is the better route imho

The Judiciary committee needs to insist on first hand witnesses to be deposed and or testify, BEFORE any articles of impeachment are drawn up for a vote....battle it in the courts if need be, this will get the Primary candidates past Super Tuesday...

Pelosi can sit on it until the issue of Congressional subpoenas are resolved

Time is on her side

Not really. The longer she waits, the longer all those democrat senators have to stay in session during peak campaign season, and that's a lot of leverage Trump can use to get votes. The RNC has a lot more money than the DNC does, so they can pump money into Republican challengers who are then free to campaign while the democrats are tied up. The DNC doesn't have as much flexibility to do that. This is political theater at its finest.
An impeachment hearing gives a Senator national exposure. Much better than going town to town making stump speeches
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

The impeached is showing the corruption that is rampant in this administration. What is going bad is that the Republican party is putting their party b4 the country. Trump is attacking the courts in their favor which will impact this country for decades to come and as long as he is doing their bidding they don't give a damn what he does.

Love to get Biden sworn in and ask about his crony capitalism, diverting US taxpayer dollars through the Ukraine to the Bidens

Biden is under no obligation to testify until Trump, Pompeo, Rudy, Mulvaney do so first

That's not his call, though, is it?
Nancy needs to carefully construct the pieces into a narrative that shows an inept, corrupt Trump administration using foreign aid in return for personal favors.

We all know Republicans will ignore the evidence. But Pelosi needs to make sure the voters do not

IOW, she needs to tell a story, not figure out and expose what really happened. That's not justice, that's a show trial.
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

The impeached is showing the corruption that is rampant in this administration. What is going bad is that the Republican party is putting their party b4 the country. Trump is attacking the courts in their favor which will impact this country for decades to come and as long as he is doing their bidding they don't give a damn what he does.

Love to get Biden sworn in and ask about his crony capitalism, diverting US taxpayer dollars through the Ukraine to the Bidens

Biden is under no obligation to testify until Trump, Pompeo, Rudy, Mulvaney do so first

That's not his call, though, is it?
Is it Rudy’s, Pompeo’s or Mulvaneys call?
Nancy needs to carefully construct the pieces into a narrative that shows an inept, corrupt Trump administration using foreign aid in return for personal favors.

We all know Republicans will ignore the evidence. But Pelosi needs to make sure the voters do not

IOW, she needs to tell a story, not figure out and expose what really happened. That's not justice, that's a show trial.
Not at all

She has sworn testimony to support her narrative
The Man of Lawlessness will continue onward...

Until the time is right,

and is then thrown alive, in to the Lake of fire, with all liars, and with all his followers joining him....

Is what the Bible says about it!!!!! :eek:


I am patiently waiting for THAT to happen!!!! Hopefully, it happens before I die! :p :p

Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.


The President is the executor of the law. Like Obama and all preceding predecessors, he can execute it, or not.

How is it executing the law with delaying military aid to a country at war, when the law, specifically requires you to deliver the money, immediately upon the completion of the Pentagon's review of corruption and given that clearance, which did happen in June...? 3 plus months before the President removed the hold he put on it??? How's that executing the law?

And how is it not corrupt to have his personal lawyer sent to dig up dirt or manufacture it on his campaign political rival, using our own State dept in doing such, NOT CORRUPT?
Since Moscow Mitch is going to drag out the trial, so to keep Democratic Senators in the primary contest all tied up and not out there campaigning, which is being reported as his and Trump`s plan...

I think Speaker Pelosi in that scenario should either bring it to a vote now, and hold off passing it to the Senate until the primaries are showing a person clearly in the lead, then send it over to the Senate.... from what I understand, there is no rule on when she has to send it to the Senate...


Which is the better route imho

The Judiciary committee needs to insist on first hand witnesses to be deposed and or testify, BEFORE any articles of impeachment are drawn up for a vote....battle it in the courts if need be, this will get the Primary candidates past Super Tuesday...

Pelosi can sit on it until the issue of Congressional subpoenas are resolved

Time is on her side

Not really. The longer she waits, the longer all those democrat senators have to stay in session during peak campaign season, and that's a lot of leverage Trump can use to get votes. The RNC has a lot more money than the DNC does, so they can pump money into Republican challengers who are then free to campaign while the democrats are tied up. The DNC doesn't have as much flexibility to do that. This is political theater at its finest.
An impeachment hearing gives a Senator national exposure. Much better than going town to town making stump speeches

Nice try, but no go. They would get what exposure they would be allowed, and after Schiff's side show, that wouldn't necessarily be the kind of exposure they'd want, what little they got.

Hillary tried that approach, totally ignoring states that didn't interest her or that she thought were locked up for her, while Trump tirelessly went down to town, making stump speeches. Being invisible is not a winning political strategy.
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

The impeached is showing the corruption that is rampant in this administration. What is going bad is that the Republican party is putting their party b4 the country. Trump is attacking the courts in their favor which will impact this country for decades to come and as long as he is doing their bidding they don't give a damn what he does.

Love to get Biden sworn in and ask about his crony capitalism, diverting US taxpayer dollars through the Ukraine to the Bidens

Biden is under no obligation to testify until Trump, Pompeo, Rudy, Mulvaney do so first

That's not his call, though, is it?
Is it Rudy’s, Pompeo’s or Mulvaneys call?

When it gets to the Senate, it's not Nancy's call.
Nancy needs to carefully construct the pieces into a narrative that shows an inept, corrupt Trump administration using foreign aid in return for personal favors.

We all know Republicans will ignore the evidence. But Pelosi needs to make sure the voters do not

IOW, she needs to tell a story, not figure out and expose what really happened. That's not justice, that's a show trial.
Not at all

She has sworn testimony to support her narrative

And if she goes with only testimony that supports her story whole ignoring anything that doesn't, the whole thing falls apart as an obvious hit job, justice need not apply.
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.
She should tell Pencil Neck to stick up his lying ass.
Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.


The President is the executor of the law. Like Obama and all preceding predecessors, he can execute it, or not.

How is it executing the law with delaying military aid to a country at war, when the law, specifically requires you to deliver the money, immediately upon the completion of the Pentagon's review of corruption and given that clearance, which did happen in June...? 3 plus months before the President removed the hold he put on it??? How's that executing the law?

And how is it not corrupt to have his personal lawyer sent to dig up dirt or manufacture it on his campaign political rival, using our own State dept in doing such, NOT CORRUPT?

1) The aid wasn't delayed. They received the aid - Hellooo?
2) You would have to ask Obama, he is the one that actually did delay the aid
Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.


The President is the executor of the law. Like Obama and all preceding predecessors, he can execute it, or not.

How is it executing the law with delaying military aid to a country at war, when the law, specifically requires you to deliver the money, immediately upon the completion of the Pentagon's review of corruption and given that clearance, which did happen in June...? 3 plus months before the President removed the hold he put on it??? How's that executing the law?

And how is it not corrupt to have his personal lawyer sent to dig up dirt or manufacture it on his campaign political rival, using our own State dept in doing such, NOT CORRUPT?

So your point is that exposing the corrupt actions of the Bidens in Ukraine is itself corrupt because it might hurt Joe Biden's chances in next year's election and might help Trump's?
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.
They are screwed because they started a COUP after they failed to rig an election, and they all participated in all sorts of illegal activities, with money changing hands, people involved in The Intelligence Community, Obama-Clinton Moles & Loyalists all plotting to take The President Down, Committing Espionage, Treason, Leaking Classified Information, Falsification of Evidence, Filing False Affidavits, Solicitation of Foreign Nations to generate Campaign and Impeachment Propaganda, Lots of Graft, Bribery, Extortion, and Pay to Play.

COUP 1.0 and COUP 2.0 were Defensive Maneuvers to keep half The Democrat Party and half of these Deep State Bureaucrats from being outed and perp walked.

I honestly think they feel like they don't have a choice.

On top of that, The Democrat Party is $7 Million in Debt, and only has $8.7 Million on hand vs.
The RNC which has $400 Million, and President Trump's Campaign has $250 Million on hand.

They should have took the Hint when President Trump knew what they tried to do to him with The Dirty Dossier and sent a message that he was willing to forgive Clinton and her Criminal Gang and would just let it go.

But they couldn't let it go, and now they are hanging on by their fingernails, hoping they Burnt, and Bleach Bit every bit of evidence that is out there against them, and praying to Satan that no one turns State Evidence on Them.

They are Desperate and will continue to do more and more desperate things like a trapped rat in a corner, until they accept their fate.
Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.


The President is the executor of the law. Like Obama and all preceding predecessors, he can execute it, or not.

How is it executing the law with delaying military aid to a country at war, when the law, specifically requires you to deliver the money, immediately upon the completion of the Pentagon's review of corruption and given that clearance, which did happen in June...? 3 plus months before the President removed the hold he put on it??? How's that executing the law?

And how is it not corrupt to have his personal lawyer sent to dig up dirt or manufacture it on his campaign political rival, using our own State dept in doing such, NOT CORRUPT?

The Man of Lawlessness will continue onward...

Until the time is right,

and is then thrown alive, in to the Lake of fire, with all liars, and with all his followers joining him....

Is what the Bible says about it!!!!! :eek:


I am patiently waiting for THAT to happen!!!! Hopefully, it happens before I die! :p :p

Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid for a country at war can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.

Are you saying that the Ukraine did NOT get the aid?

Send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, where they are waiting to open an investigation / trial that will lead to D-Schiff, Schiff's staff, the non-existent Whistle Blower, former VP Biden, & Hunter a minimum...being subpoenaed and have to testify under oath about issues in the past that could send all of them to prison.....

Drop the whole thing, an admission that this was yet another coup attempt that failed miserably, and move on to the next manufactured / made up coup attempt...




  • upload_2019-11-25_10-53-24.jpeg
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The Man of Lawlessness will continue onward...

Until the time is right,

and is then thrown alive, in to the Lake of fire, with all liars, and with all his followers joining him....

Is what the Bible says about it!!!!! :eek:


I am patiently waiting for THAT to happen!!!! Hopefully, it happens before I die! :p :p

Can you please show us the testimony that alleged Trump committed a "Crime"?

Remember, beating Hillary is only a crime in your mind
Trump withheld military aid for the war the Ukraine is in with Trump`s lover Putin....

The Pentagon legal counsel says THAT BREAKS THE LAW, unless he got congressional approval for the delay... which the President did not do.

First, no foreign nation has a right to US taxpayer dollars

Second, Trump wanted to make sure the money was spend as promised and not redirected to some DC political family

Third, the money was delivered timely

Fourth, Obama was Putin's cocksleeve and did NOTHING to help the Ukraine.


Let me stop you right there in your tracks...

When the Congress passes appropriations in both houses, and the President signs it,

IT BECOMES LAW.... And that law to deliver the congressionally passed aid for a country at war can not be messed with, by the President, without him getting congressional approval, according to the law.

Are you saying that the Ukraine did NOT get the aid?

CNN watchers don't know a whole lot
I would say she actually thought the aid either wasn't given, or was delayed beyond expiration.
She may be confused, it was Obama who did that.
Please bring this non-crime to the Senate! PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU TO IMPEACH!

The Senate will call Joe Biden to account for his money laundering, pay for pay and extortion

Sure. Then Biden will present all the government documents showing that he was directed by Congress and the President to crack down on Ukraine corruption.

If Trump had any evidence that Biden engaged in anything unethical, he wouldn't have asked the Ukraine to smear the guy to start with.

Trump is going to make the corrupt DC pay for play culture a theme for his 57 State Sweep in 2020
yes the House will impeach and the Senate will hold the trial but will never be Convicted or Removed...
Censure is off the table and Pelosi is done as Speaker...
This was political suicide for the Democrats and now the monster Trump will become is their fault and no one else to blame!
But if YOU were Pelosi, what would you do?

I am trying to look at what would be the smart thing for her, not what she will likely do.

BTW, I agree with your call here.

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