So... is this a racism discussion forum or point out negativities in other races?


Feb 22, 2011
Well, let me introduce myself. I'm a Black man ( I hate the term african-american) from the state of Kansas. Well spoken, intelligent, no criminal record, and a suburbanite. I came here via a google search looking for other sites that are involved in discussions about racism and stumbled across this one. I was hoping to find some interesting topics and perspectives on racism across various sites. I'm very open minded with an overall emphasis on racial harmony.

However, looking at the topics that are created in this forum, it's not hard to ascertain that most of the people posting here are White, which is not a problem for me, but I must admit, I was rather 'stunned' that I saw an overwhelming number of topics here that for the most part, are discussing the negative aspects of other races and posting links that cast people of other races in a negative light. At a glance, there's not much difference so far when comparing this site to others like, etc... I promise to look past the first 3 pages of topics in this forum after posting this introduction though.

Now, I'm not one to say that there are not problems within my race, or any other races, but it is really productive for the majority of the people to post the things that they post and still call it 'Race Relations'? For someone looking in from the outside, this looks more like a lot of people who are focused on the negative aspects of others, and love to go out of their way to attempt to prove why other ethnic groups should be considered barbarians, degenerates, etc... rather than actually discussing racism.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?

You might want to hit the "Introduce Yourself" Forum..
Well, let me introduce myself. I'm a Black man ( I hate the term african-american) from the state of Kansas. Well spoken, intelligent, no criminal record, and a suburbanite. I came here via a google search looking for other sites that are involved in discussions about racism and stumbled across this one. I was hoping to find some interesting topics and perspectives on racism across various sites. I'm very open minded with an overall emphasis on racial harmony.

However, looking at the topics that are created in this forum, it's not hard to ascertain that most of the people posting here are White, which is not a problem for me, but I must admit, I was rather 'stunned' that I saw an overwhelming number of topics here that for the most part, are discussing the negative aspects of other races and posting links that cast people of other races in a negative light. At a glance, there's not much difference so far when comparing this site to others like, etc... I promise to look past the first 3 pages of topics in this forum after posting this introduction though.

Now, I'm not one to say that there are not problems within my race, or any other races, but it is really productive for the majority of the people to post the things that they post and still call it 'Race Relations'? For someone looking in from the outside, this looks more like a lot of people who are focused on the negative aspects of others, and love to go out of their way to attempt to prove why other ethnic groups should be considered barbarians, degenerates, etc... rather than actually discussing racism.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?

Welcome----you have the right spot. Do you think if we just hate the bigots enough they will stop ?
Welcome----you have the right spot. Do you think if we just hate the bigots enough they will stop ?

Trust me, been there done that, and it doesn't help. The best thing to do is to carry one's own self in an dignified and upright manner. Bigots love to hate, and argue, and to to do the same right back at them is giving them what they need in order to keep them going.

I just ignore them when I can, but don't back down when confronted. However, to give myself into anger, doesn't do me or my cause any good.

Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully, I can make an impression here.
Welcome----you have the right spot. Do you think if we just hate the bigots enough they will stop ?

Trust me, been there done that, and it doesn't help. The best thing to do is to carry one's own self in an dignified and upright manner. Bigots love to hate, and argue, and to to do the same right back at them is giving them what they need in order to keep them going.

I just ignore them when I can, but don't back down when confronted. However, to give myself into anger, doesn't do me or my cause any good.

Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully, I can make an impression here.

We have the full range of idiots here. Good luck ! :lol:
Welcome----you have the right spot. Do you think if we just hate the bigots enough they will stop ?

Trust me, been there done that, and it doesn't help. The best thing to do is to carry one's own self in an dignified and upright manner. Bigots love to hate, and argue, and to to do the same right back at them is giving them what they need in order to keep them going.

I just ignore them when I can, but don't back down when confronted. However, to give myself into anger, doesn't do me or my cause any good.

Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully, I can make an impression here.

I would say you have the right mindset.

These racists have every right to spew their hate, post their vids, and link to their racist sites on here. Now if everyone would just not respond to them and ignore them, they wouldn't have anyone "listening", eh?

Glad you joined the USMB, I look forward to your posts!
These racists have every right to spew their hate, post their vids, and link to their racist sites on here. Now if everyone would just not respond to them and ignore them, they wouldn't have anyone "listening", eh?

Truth of the matter is, you're right. And I would have to agree with the idea of free speech, even if it's something that doesn't sound like honey in my ear. I'm one to realize that in order for something to be dealt with, all sides must be heard, even if we don't agree with what is being said.

After all, isn't that what marriage is all about? Listening to the other side, arguing our point, and learning to meet in the middle? But then again, I'm not looking to sleep with any of you or bring any of you guys breakfast in bed either hehe.
Well, let me introduce myself. I'm a Black man ( I hate the term african-american) from the state of Kansas. Well spoken, intelligent, no criminal record, and a suburbanite. I came here via a google search looking for other sites that are involved in discussions about racism and stumbled across this one. I was hoping to find some interesting topics and perspectives on racism across various sites. I'm very open minded with an overall emphasis on racial harmony.

However, looking at the topics that are created in this forum, it's not hard to ascertain that most of the people posting here are White, which is not a problem for me, but I must admit, I was rather 'stunned' that I saw an overwhelming number of topics here that for the most part, are discussing the negative aspects of other races and posting links that cast people of other races in a negative light. At a glance, there's not much difference so far when comparing this site to others like, etc... I promise to look past the first 3 pages of topics in this forum after posting this introduction though.

Now, I'm not one to say that there are not problems within my race, or any other races, but it is really productive for the majority of the people to post the things that they post and still call it 'Race Relations'? For someone looking in from the outside, this looks more like a lot of people who are focused on the negative aspects of others, and love to go out of their way to attempt to prove why other ethnic groups should be considered barbarians, degenerates, etc... rather than actually discussing racism.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?

You sound like an adult; if you're interested in an adult discussion of race relations you can do better. It's too hard to discern the wheat from the chaff. I completely leave those discussions for others, with one exception, defending the honor of Lincoln.

On the other hand, if you can find it within yourself to ignore the b.s. you seem like someone who'd make a good addition, so if you do decide to stay, I say welcome aboard!
Welcome. Its slice of life here, some good and some bad. I think you are going to enjoy yourself.
After all, isn't that what marriage is all about? Listening to the other side, arguing our point, and learning to meet in the middle? But then again, I'm not looking to sleep with any of you or bring any of you guys breakfast in bed either hehe.
That's a sticky situation.

As far as I know, no state is issuing any license for political disagreement.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?

This is actually a pretty good place to discuss racism. And, you know, I've never thought about how many white people we have here. I'm colorblind anyway, so I don't usually notice or care. However, I do notice when people are given preferential treatment because of their race. That's obviously wrong.
Well, let me introduce myself. I'm a Black man ( I hate the term african-american) from the state of Kansas. Well spoken, intelligent, no criminal record, and a suburbanite. I came here via a google search looking for other sites that are involved in discussions about racism and stumbled across this one. I was hoping to find some interesting topics and perspectives on racism across various sites. I'm very open minded with an overall emphasis on racial harmony.

However, looking at the topics that are created in this forum, it's not hard to ascertain that most of the people posting here are White, which is not a problem for me, but I must admit, I was rather 'stunned' that I saw an overwhelming number of topics here that for the most part, are discussing the negative aspects of other races and posting links that cast people of other races in a negative light. At a glance, there's not much difference so far when comparing this site to others like, etc... I promise to look past the first 3 pages of topics in this forum after posting this introduction though.

Now, I'm not one to say that there are not problems within my race, or any other races, but it is really productive for the majority of the people to post the things that they post and still call it 'Race Relations'? For someone looking in from the outside, this looks more like a lot of people who are focused on the negative aspects of others, and love to go out of their way to attempt to prove why other ethnic groups should be considered barbarians, degenerates, etc... rather than actually discussing racism.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?

We talk about issues of race but it's not racist because everything we talk about is true and our personal opinions are good and accurate.
So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?
Your in the right place, what should we do with all the black only establishments in America?
Well, let me introduce myself. I'm a Black man ( I hate the term african-american) from the state of Kansas. Well spoken, intelligent, no criminal record, and a suburbanite. I came here via a google search looking for other sites that are involved in discussions about racism and stumbled across this one. I was hoping to find some interesting topics and perspectives on racism across various sites. I'm very open minded with an overall emphasis on racial harmony.

However, looking at the topics that are created in this forum, it's not hard to ascertain that most of the people posting here are White, which is not a problem for me, but I must admit, I was rather 'stunned' that I saw an overwhelming number of topics here that for the most part, are discussing the negative aspects of other races and posting links that cast people of other races in a negative light. At a glance, there's not much difference so far when comparing this site to others like, etc... I promise to look past the first 3 pages of topics in this forum after posting this introduction though.

Now, I'm not one to say that there are not problems within my race, or any other races, but it is really productive for the majority of the people to post the things that they post and still call it 'Race Relations'? For someone looking in from the outside, this looks more like a lot of people who are focused on the negative aspects of others, and love to go out of their way to attempt to prove why other ethnic groups should be considered barbarians, degenerates, etc... rather than actually discussing racism.

So I'm here to ask this. I'm here to discuss racism and how we can combat it. Am I in the right place? Or should I just move on?[/QUTE]

Wow, Storm front is a rough one. It's national to if you can believe it. I don't believe in racism. It is dead, but its legacy is used as a weapon to invoke white guilt by folks like Al Sharpton an d Jesse Jackson. Its not just them either, You have La Raza and others as well. The white racist are relegated to Jerry Springer ware they belong, and in time the others I mentioned will follow. Racism is also a tool used by all sides to manipulate the weak minded to achieve a goal, and is quit effective at that. The best thing to do is be gentle with what you find under rocks when you flip them over, and lead by example. remember that ass holes come in every color. I am new to and Welcome.

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