So Is Trump A Drunk Or A Psychopath?

Be careful there, fuck face, you're liable to have a stroke. Watching idiots like you melt down in full panic mode over Trump is one of the reasons I like politics so much. I'm gonna like it even more when he locks up the nomination after Super Tuesday and you piss your pants for all of us to see. IF you're stupid enough to show up, that is. Don't forget to take your meds tonight so you can sleep, and remember, I'm laughing my ass off at you. :lmao:

I really admire your grasp of the Trump-style debate tactics: say nothing of any worth or substance, hurl lots of juvenile insults (profanities a plus), and then congratulate yourself on how you "won" by convincing people you're too damned stupid to be worth talking to.

The only question remaining is if you, like him, are doing it to compensate for Tiny Dick Syndrome. Any insight you'd care to offer?
I doubt if you see the irony in your post, being that you're still in meltdown mode, but I'm sure everyone else can see it. Look at your previous posts and you'll see that you just described yourself.

Irony - a Trumpette saying someone else is in "meltdown" mode. Your hero's whole campaign is about frothing lunatics like you rampaging through the electoral system in a psychotic Trumper tantrum.

"Everyone else sees it" only applies if "everyone else" is other Trump worshipers, and I would have to believe you idiots think before I could even begin to try to care WHAT you think.
If you didn't care WHAT I think, you wouldn't keep posting and melting down. You must have an empty life. You spewed your hate until you passed out last night, then jumped back on the computer the minute you woke up this morning and went right back at it. You should seek professional help. Maybe there's a support group in your area you could join to work out your frustrations over Trump becoming your next President. Just a suggestion.

You think this is about you and your alleged thoughts? Well, you are a Trumpette, so it's not surprising you're a narcissistic pinhead like your hero.
YOU'RE the one who's trying to make it about me, you stupid fuck.

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