So It Begins. Fed Agencies Ordered to Refer It As Biden - Harris Administration

Difference between the two Presidents.

Biden is willing to share credit with Harris
Trump sent an angry mob to lynch Pence
You mean Harris is doing all the work, and screwing it up royally. Don't you have Xi's dingleberries to go clean, dingleberrywinger? Rumor has it world leaders don't even bother with Biden because he is a stuttering old fool, so they have to deal with Jezebel behind the scenes, and most likely doing what she is best at, and getting on her knees to get what she wants.
Most Presidents like to be seen as “Regular Guys”

Biden.....Regular Guy
Obama....Regular Guy
Bush.....Regular Guy
Clinton.....Regular Guy

Trump wanted it clear that you are not in his class
xiden.....corrupt, communist treasonist, traitor
barrag-o....racist, treasonist, traitor
Clinton.....hung around epstein and epsteins "kids" a "uncle billy the pedo"
Don't underestimate the Pedo in Biden either. Normal people don't sniff kids hair like that.
Wasn't it once referred to as the People's House? I'm thinking back to stories I read about how it was back in the era of Lincoln's time. Has been awhile but whether or not, I'm not into adding the name of any administration to the White House.
It was never the Trump - Pence administration.

It was never the Obama - Biden administration.

But the expected transition has begun.

Prepare to see America led by a fully certified Commie soon.

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Stumbling, Bumbling, Crumbling Faux Fraud Trans-Biden, is nothing but a Senile old hair sniffing fool who spent his life digging his own grave in Hell through bribery, extortion and graft, and selling out The American People for filthy lucre.

Old Corrupt Ahab fornicated with that Whore Jezebel so neither one of these TURDS are ever going to shine like shinola. We are screwed no matter which pieces of human excrement are fraudulently sitting in the illegitimate seat of power, which may as well be a bench in an Outhouse for the American People.

At least you get to watch The Death of the Republic and can say you were there and how once we were free as you mournfully reminisce about the Land of The Free and Home of the Brave now fundamentally changed in to The Land of The Slave.

Maybe a tear forms in your eyes as you rattle the chains of your bondage and chafe under the weight of the globalists shackles forcefully placed upon you, and ask yourself if you were dreaming when the Great American Experiment was burnt to the ground by Leftist Marxist Fascists offering their lies in exchange for the truth, and the dumb downed populous swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Very well said...this country is doomed. Never to be the same. NOT A CHANCE..welcome to the new normal! :stir::FIREdevil::mad-61:
Difference between the two Presidents.

Biden is willing to share credit with Harris
Trump sent an angry mob to lynch Pence
You're hearing those voices again, huh.
Shows how each viewed their Vice Presidents

Biden considers Kamala as part of his team

Trump viewed Pence as a servant to obey his whims. When the servant refused to disobey the law for him, Trump sent an angry mob to get Pence.
The evil shrew may end up president but it will divide us even more. Especially after they stole the election. Round and round and round it goes where it stops.....nobody knows!
The evil shrew may end up president but it will divide us even more. Especially after they stole the election. Round and round and round it goes where it stops.....nobody knows!
You Goofy
Shows how each viewed their Vice Presidents

Biden considers Kamala as part of his team

Trump viewed Pence as a servant to obey his whims. When the servant refused to disobey the law for him, Trump sent an angry mob to get Pence.
The VP will almost always be a political rival. In US History there were two occasions where the VP was actually from the opposing party. Don't kid yourself. there is no love lost between a POTUS and a VPOTUS.
Pendulums swing both ways.

That it has swung so far to the left is scary.

The return trip is going to end in something far worse.

But it's going to be a long time in swinging so America has a few really good years starting about 2 years the present regime is deposed. Then what has gone around will come around in ways only a very few now alive will believe possible.

But we're not talking "geologic" time here. Your grandchildren, 20-30 year old progressives, will live under repressive regime that will far outdo what Xiden and friends are capable of imagining.
Difference between the two Presidents.

Biden is willing to share credit with Harris
Trump sent an angry mob to lynch Pence
You're hearing those voices again, huh.
Shows how each viewed their Vice Presidents

Biden considers Kamala as part of his team

Trump viewed Pence as a servant to obey his whims. When the servant refused to disobey the law for him, Trump sent an angry mob to get Pence.

Libs didn't like the way Dubya got along with Vice President Cheney at all, Bush saw him as part of his team and was criticized. BTW, Pence and Trump got along tremendously well. Although, I can't see Pence getting the VP nomination again in 2024 after he kissed Sleepy Joe's ring.
Shows how each viewed their Vice Presidents

Biden considers Kamala as part of his team

Trump viewed Pence as a servant to obey his whims. When the servant refused to disobey the law for him, Trump sent an angry mob to get Pence.
The VP will almost always be a political rival. In US History there were two occasions where the VP was actually from the opposing party. Don't kid yourself. there is no love lost between a POTUS and a VPOTUS.

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