So its True- NBC News: Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was Hiding


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So, when I broke this story yesterday... the messenger was shot, and the thread moved to conspiracy theories

Now we see it has legs. Obama knew where OBL was for OVER A YEAR, as he was right next, one mile away, from a local base

You see, Obama lied again. The war room shot was a sham, and he outed Seal Team Six


NBC News: Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding
Chris Hayes talks with NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell and investigative reporter Seymour Hersh about new reporting on the events surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden

NBC News Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding MSNBC

Two intelligence sources tell NBC News that the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a "walk in" asset from Pakistani intelligence told the CIA where the most wanted man in the world was hiding - and these two sources plus a third say that the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding all along.

The U.S. government has always characterized the heroic raid by Seal Team Six that killed bin Laden as a unilateral U.S. operation, and has maintained that the CIA found him by tracking couriers to his walled complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Pakistanis Knew Where Osama Bin Laden Was U.S. Sources Say - NBC News
Uh, that was never in dispute, guy. We all knew the Pakistani Government was hiding Bin Laden.

The argument Seymour Butz was making was they were holding him prisoner and let us know where he was as long as we promised to claim he was killed somewhere else.
So, when I broke this story yesterday... the messenger was shot, and the thread moved to conspiracy theories

Now we see it has legs. Obama knew where OBL was for OVER A YEAR, as he was right next, one mile away, from a local base

You see, Obama lied again. The war room shot was a sham, and he outed Seal Team Six


NBC News: Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding
Chris Hayes talks with NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell and investigative reporter Seymour Hersh about new reporting on the events surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden

NBC News Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding MSNBC

Two intelligence sources tell NBC News that the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a "walk in" asset from Pakistani intelligence told the CIA where the most wanted man in the world was hiding - and these two sources plus a third say that the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding all along.

The U.S. government has always characterized the heroic raid by Seal Team Six that killed bin Laden as a unilateral U.S. operation, and has maintained that the CIA found him by tracking couriers to his walled complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Pakistanis Knew Where Osama Bin Laden Was U.S. Sources Say - NBC News
Politics, politics, politics, politics, political motivation, political motivation, political motivation, the government always lies, the government always lies, the government always lies, honesty and politics mix like water and oil, honesty and politics mix like water and oil, only a fool would believe anything our government says, and never ever be shocked or surprised by what unfolds concerning our government. Just the facts Jack, just the facts.
Uh, that was never in dispute, guy. We all knew the Pakistani Government was hiding Bin Laden.

The argument Seymour Butz was making was they were holding him prisoner and let us know where he was as long as we promised to claim he was killed somewhere else.

This makes it like Obama was getting the scoop..

When in actuality, we knew OBL was there for over a year because they told us


By early March, the agency had determined that the Abbottabad compound held a "high value target" and that it was most likely Osama bin Laden. "John", the team leader at the CIA, was close to convinced. He put his confidence level at 95%. Others were less certain. Some were as low as 40% or even 30%.

bama was familiar enough with Bin Laden's background to have long ago stopped picturing him crouched in a cave or living in some sparse mountaintop camp. But to find him in a sprawling compound in an affluent neighbourhood – they were all surprised by that. Still, the president wasn't especially hopeful. The connection to Bin Laden was tenuous at best. He encouraged Panetta to press on. He wanted the identity of the hidden family nailed down. He also wanted a "close hold" on the lead, meaning it was not to leave his office.

"Just emotionally," Obama told me, "I was not particularly optimistic about it. I mean, I think my general view was, OK, these guys are carrying out my orders to pursue every lead. Did I think at that stage that we had the goods? I think I was pretty guarded about not letting myself get overly excited about the prospects

The death of Osama bin Laden how the US finally got its man World news The Guardian
This makes it like Obama was getting the scoop..

When in actuality, we knew OBL was there for over a year because they told us

again, this is not news. We suspected he was in that area, that's not the same thing as knowing what house he was in.

Guy, you really are trying to make a scandal out of a good thing. We killed Bin Laden. Not seeing what your complaint is beyond your usual "The Black Guy Did It" gripes.
This makes it like Obama was getting the scoop..

When in actuality, we knew OBL was there for over a year because they told us

again, this is not news. We suspected he was in that area, that's not the same thing as knowing what house he was in.

Guy, you really are trying to make a scandal out of a good thing. We killed Bin Laden. Not seeing what your complaint is beyond your usual "The Black Guy Did It" gripes.

Of course you don't see my gripes Joe, that's what makes you a radical secular progressive

The 'Black guy did it' fits many situations;;;;; usually some associated with FAILURE

The Navy SEALS did it but Barry Boy gave the okay. Thats the only thing he had to do with it.
Of course you don't see my gripes Joe, that's what makes you a radical secular progressive

The 'Black guy did it' fits many situations;;;;; usually some associated with FAILURE

Maybe. This wasn't one of them. This is one where he actually did good.

Does the fact that there might have been some intrigue with the Pakistanis make bin Laden being dead any less of an awesome thing?

I think not.
Need to provide this update.

NBC Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Samuel Hersh claimed yesterday that the Obama administration lied to the American people about certain aspects aspects of the 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

Two intelligence sources tell NBC News that the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a “walk in” asset from Pakistani intelligence told the CIA where the most wanted man in the world was hiding – and these two sources plus a third say that the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding all along

The NBC News sources who confirm that a Pakistani intelligence official became a “walk in” asset include the special operations officer and a CIA officer who had served in Pakistan. These two sources and a third source, a very senior former U.S. intelligence official, also say that elements of the ISI were aware of bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad. The former official was emphatic about the ISI’s awareness, saying twice, “They knew.”

NBC Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid Zero Hedge

NBC Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Samuel Hersh claimed yesterday that the Obama administration lied to the American people about certain aspects aspects of the 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

Nobody cares. Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive.

Just another lie from the king liar Obama. He screws up even when he lies to make himself look presidential

He's a complete fool!

Just another lie from the king liar Obama. He screws up even when he lies to make himself look presidential

He's a complete fool!

Are you claiming Bin Laden isn't dead? Or that GM isn't still in business?
Just another lie from the king liar Obama. He screws up even when he lies to make himself look presidential

He's a complete fool!

Are you claiming Bin Laden isn't dead? Or that GM isn't still in business?

-Not important to me. If he's dead fine.. if not, he'll one day be

- Don't get me started on the bailouts. GM, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch should be at the bottom of the ocean. Screw them.. If you fail... you fail... But... since many Americans are living on government bailout subsidies from the feds, I guess banks and big business suffer no consequence

-Not important to me. If he's dead fine.. if not, he'll one day be

- Don't get me started on the bailouts. GM, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch should be at the bottom of the ocean. Screw them.. If you fail... you fail... But... since many Americans are living on government bailout subsidies from the feds, I guess banks and big business suffer no consequence

Millions of people lost their jobs because these companies failed, and tens of millions would have lost their jobs if they hadn't been bailed out.

Again, guy, real people on Wall Street are Keynesians, not Randians.
-Not important to me. If he's dead fine.. if not, he'll one day be

- Don't get me started on the bailouts. GM, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch should be at the bottom of the ocean. Screw them.. If you fail... you fail... But... since many Americans are living on government bailout subsidies from the feds, I guess banks and big business suffer no consequence

Millions of people lost their jobs because these companies failed, and tens of millions would have lost their jobs if they hadn't been bailed out.

Again, guy, real people on Wall Street are Keynesians, not Randians.

We should start another thread on this as I do have some opinions on the matter

I'm sick and tired of excuses. It is what it is. One CHOOSES where he works and with that, unintended consequences can, and often do manifest.

Again, we should have taken our licks and I believe the economy would be much better off today if we had

Part of the story is that after killing bin Laden, the SEALS had to make a quick exit before they were discovered and engaged by the Pakistani air force.

If Pakistan knew, I wonder how that plays into this.

We should start another thread on this as I do have some opinions on the matter

I'm sick and tired of excuses. It is what it is. One CHOOSES where he works and with that, unintended consequences can, and often do manifest.

Again, we should have taken our licks and I believe the economy would be much better off today if we had

Again, this Randian shit doesn't work. If Libertarianism worked, why has no country ever tried it?
So, when I broke this story yesterday... the messenger was shot, and the thread moved to conspiracy theories

Now we see it has legs. Obama knew where OBL was for OVER A YEAR, as he was right next, one mile away, from a local base

You see, Obama lied again. The war room shot was a sham, and he outed Seal Team Six


NBC News: Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding
Chris Hayes talks with NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell and investigative reporter Seymour Hersh about new reporting on the events surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden

NBC News Pakistani Govt. knew where bin Laden was hiding MSNBC

Two intelligence sources tell NBC News that the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a "walk in" asset from Pakistani intelligence told the CIA where the most wanted man in the world was hiding - and these two sources plus a third say that the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding all along.

The U.S. government has always characterized the heroic raid by Seal Team Six that killed bin Laden as a unilateral U.S. operation, and has maintained that the CIA found him by tracking couriers to his walled complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Pakistanis Knew Where Osama Bin Laden Was U.S. Sources Say - NBC News
You think you broke a story from your living room. Bless your heart.

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