So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

Can she prove it?

If the story is correct, IMO there would be enuff circumstantial evidence to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination, EXCEPT for the FACT that the GOP obviously NO LONGER has ANY MORALS.

So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

When I was a teenager I had enuff sense to know if wanted to screw some slut I better make damn sure she wanted to screw too. Rape, or attempted rape won't get anyone any brownie points. I don't care if you go to an all male prep school where you can return after the weekend is over & brag to all your buds, "I tried to rape some chick but I was a failure." Not much to brag about there anyway.
If the story is correct, IMO there would be enuff circumstantial evidence to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination, EXCEPT for the FACT that the GOP obviously NO LONGER has ANY MORALS.

So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

When I was a teenager I had enuff sense to know if wanted to screw some slut I better make damn sure she wanted to screw too. Rape, or attempted rape won't get anyone any brownie points. I don't care if you go to an all male prep school where you can return after the weekend is over & brag to all your buds, "I tried to rape some chick but I was a failure." Not much to brag about there anyway.

Kavanaugh has a long record of being 100% against rape, attempted raped, involuntarily deviate intercourse and all other forms of sexual assault. I think if was recorded in favor of those activities, he would not have been chosen for the court.
If the story is correct, IMO there would be enuff circumstantial evidence to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination, EXCEPT for the FACT that the GOP obviously NO LONGER has ANY MORALS.

So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.
So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.
I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.

Nope, but you certainly don't speed it up to put a person on the highest court in the land for a life-time position without actually investigating things.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.

Nope, but you certainly don't speed it up to put a person on the highest court in the land for a life-time position without actually investigating things.
You don't investigate the wacko claims of lying moonbats.
Report: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Passed Polygraph Exam, Said She Feared for Her Life

The woman who accused Supreme Court nominee of trying to sexually assault broke her silence and told the Washington Post that she feared for her life during the 1980s encounter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California, told the newspaper. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.” The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful. Kavanaugh has “unequivocally” denied the allegations.
So she was seeing a shrink? And she claimed she was locked in a classroom, which is impossible.
The desperation of the left is getting palpable. This belongs in the same category as 'curtain gate.'
At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Sadly, people don't know the difference between an accusation and a fact. Just like they don't know the difference between charges listed in an indictment and evidence entered at trial. Not difficult to imagine since most people in the country also seem to think the president is king and has no restraint on what he can do.
Report: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Passed Polygraph Exam, Said She Feared for Her Life

The woman who accused Supreme Court nominee of trying to sexually assault broke her silence and told the Washington Post that she feared for her life during the 1980s encounter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California, told the newspaper. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.” The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful. Kavanaugh has “unequivocally” denied the allegations.
So she was seeing a shrink? And she claimed she was locked in a classroom, which is impossible.
WTF? Oh, yeah, it's bripat.
Someone read him the article, please.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.

Nope, but you certainly don't speed it up to put a person on the highest court in the land for a life-time position without actually investigating things.

Kavanaugh has undergone more scrutiny than any prior nominee. If this were an actual issue, Feinstein wouldn't have sat on it since July. This is a disgusting and transparent character assassination. It should not be allowed to succeed. It should be repudiated and Kavanaugh should be confirmed.
Last edited:
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

Kavanaugh and Republicans should welcome a thorough investigation to clear his name before voting on his confirmation - otherwise, he will be forever branded a pervert like Thomas.
At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.

Nope, but you certainly don't speed it up to put a person on the highest court in the land for a life-time position without actually investigating things.
You don't investigate the wacko claims of lying moonbats.

Good to know you don't believe in equal justice for all. And you are the one that goes around telling people how unAmerican they are and calling people traitors? Do you ever wonder why hardly anyone on this forum takes you seriously?

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