So last week, Obama's bad for not doing "everything" to free the marine

The Marine in Mexico didn't desert his post.

The Marine in Mexico didn't get his fellow soldiers killed out looking for him.

The Marine in Mexico wasn't a traitor.

Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.
Sallow done swallowed the load.
in mexico, this week he's bad for ignoring law to free the soldier in afghan who wasn't going anywhere but dead unless he did so. There's a lack of consistency here.

And, I suspect the DOS is working with Mexico to get the marine released eventually.

There's is no "lack of consistency" here. America DOES NOT negotiate with terrorists. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

Yet King Half-breed takes it upon himself - WITHOUT Congressional support - to govern by edict and put the world on notice that we are hypocrites.

This is YOUR president. Incompetent, lazy, worthless.
Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

Oh Please. LMAO.

Bergdahl will be courtmartialed. Hell most of his fellow soldiers think he's a traitor.

said he was a “dirtbag.”

“He is a dirtbag that now should spend the next 20yrs+ in Leavenworth… his fellow soldiers were affected by his actions, he is a sympathizer and deserves to be tried for desertion,” wrote Kirouac, who identified himself as a company commander at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Yup. We released five dirtbags to bring home a traitor. Happily he will probably end up in Leavenworth.

Don't worry about the five dirtbags that Obama released....I'm sure they promised to be good boys.

Indeed, this sergeant IS a dirtbag. He placed his fellow soldiers directly in harms way by forcing them to look for his drunk ass after he disappeared. He SHOULD be in Leavenworth.
Bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbackers in here talking about how they would've thrown the Hail Mary if it was them
The Marine in Mexico didn't desert his post.

The Marine in Mexico didn't get his fellow soldiers killed out looking for him.

The Marine in Mexico wasn't a traitor.

Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

Still repeating that lie?? You must work for CBS.. but likely as a urinal scrubber
in mexico, this week he's bad for ignoring law to free the soldier in afghan who wasn't going anywhere but dead unless he did so. There's a lack of consistency here.

And, I suspect the DOS is working with Mexico to get the marine released eventually.

Partisan much? It is painfully obvious that there is zero correlation between the two cases. One is the release of a marine that did something stupid. The other is releasing known terrorists for a marine that is likely to be imprisoned on return. Should we try and recover him? Certainly. However, we should not be endangering other soldiers and Americans by releasing terrorists and setting the new get out of jail free precedent: just capture an American and demand the release of a terrorist.

The fact that Obama is releasing terrorists to obtain a deserter but doing nothing for one that made an error is unacceptable.
The Marine in Mexico didn't desert his post.

The Marine in Mexico didn't get his fellow soldiers killed out looking for him.

The Marine in Mexico wasn't a traitor.

Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

The Marine in Mexico didn't desert his post.

The Marine in Mexico didn't get his fellow soldiers killed out looking for him.

The Marine in Mexico wasn't a traitor.

Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

Oh please stay on topic,Bush is NOT the topic.

But you don't really understand the topic at all.
Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

Oh please stay on topic,Bush is NOT the topic.

But you don't really understand the topic at all.

Obviously you don't understand Nazis :lol:

King Half-Breed does something stupid - like the dumbass he is - and it's Bush's fault.

These Brownshirts will say and do ANYTHING to change the topic. Just the way they are.

I would certainly hope that this dirtbag Sergeant receives a Court-Martial (especially after the comments of his hippie Father) but I'll bet you a new nickel that he doesn't.

There is nothing more dispicable on this planet that a soldier that deserts his fellow soldiers in a time of war. Nothing.
The Marine in Mexico didn't desert his post.

The Marine in Mexico didn't get his fellow soldiers killed out looking for him.

The Marine in Mexico wasn't a traitor.

Yup and the marine we traded five dirtbags from Gitmo for will be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

We now have five more dirtbags that will try to kill our soldiers. Obama should be so proud. He's a fucking asshole.

Oh please.

Bush went AWOL for 2 years during a war and he became President.

That is a lie...and WHY do YOU feel compelled to change the subject?

bendog's comparison is legitimate.

The screaming merely reveals the anti-American radical agenda of the pennywises and buddies.
I didn't compare the two individuals, or the circumstances of their going missing. If I did, I'd say both guys seem to be a bit mentally "off" imo. I expect the marine will be released eventually too, and I'll be happy. I'm glad this guy's back too, and I don't much care how much we had to pay. He may be a deserter, and if so, he'll probably pay a price.

I compared the reaction of RWers on the board. In one case, ANYTHING to get the release is necessary, in another, it is not. It illustrates partisanship.
in mexico, this week he's bad for ignoring law to free the soldier in afghan who wasn't going anywhere but dead unless he did so. There's a lack of consistency here.

And, I suspect the DOS is working with Mexico to get the marine released eventually.

Yes, Kerry has been working on it.
I didn't compare the two individuals, or the circumstances of their going missing. If I did, I'd say both guys seem to be a bit mentally "off" imo. I expect the marine will be released eventually too, and I'll be happy. I'm glad this guy's back too, and I don't much care how much we had to pay. He may be a deserter, and if so, he'll probably pay a price.

I compared the reaction of RWers on the board. In one case, ANYTHING to get the release is necessary, in another, it is not. It illustrates partisanship.

you moron; of course you compared to two; implying they are the same situation. not surprised you're backpedaling now.

securing the release of the marine in mexico shouldn't have required the release of 5 dangerous Mexican bad guys WHICH, ironically OBAMA IS DOING ANYWAY

idiots and hypocrites
in mexico, this week he's bad for ignoring law to free the soldier in afghan who wasn't going anywhere but dead unless he did so. There's a lack of consistency here.

And, I suspect the DOS is working with Mexico to get the marine released eventually.

We don't negotiate with terrorist. What don't you understand about that? Last I checked, Mexico is not a terrorist nation.. Plus any smart person knows why Obama did this. To change the narrative in the media from the VA to this but it might back fire because of all that is being found out about this deserter solider that 6 others died trying to find him..

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