So lefty what do you feel you have lost with Musk's acquisition of Twitter?

I'm looking for something innovative from Musk. Twitter has peaked and is now dropping off...I think he will find a way to integrate it with other services to make it into an even bigger money machine than it is now.
There's chatter among the tech savy that what Musk has really bought are the algorithms, which he has currently frozen until they can be dissected.

Should he expose how Twaffler went about squelching this information over here, and boosting that over there, it could blow up the suppression scams currently being run by Google, Fascistbook, et. al.
There's chatter among the tech savy that what Musk has really bought are the algorithms, which he has currently frozen until they can be dissected.

Should he expose how Twaffler went about squelching this information over here, and boosting that over there, it could blow up the suppression scams currently being run by Google, Fascistbook, et. al.
You sound like you think he is on a righteous crusade to reform social media. I suspect it's more likely he is looking to better utilize the information harvesting capabilities of the internet and use that to advance his own ventures.
You sound like you think he is on a righteous crusade to reform social media. I suspect it's more likely he is looking to better utilize the information harvesting capabilities of the internet and use that to advance his own ventures.
I only relayed what I heard and the potential outcome from it.....If the information harvesting capabilities were all that, Twaffler certainly could've weathered their stock value collapse over the last year or so better than they did....The propeller heads and marketers on their staff aren't stupid people.
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I am truly astonished at the extent of the plaintiff outcry. It's a stupid little posting board that is not much different than this one with the exception of the fact that it happens to have a base of millions instead of hundreds. I tried it years ago and couldn't stand it frankly. I usually have a bit more to say than tiny Twitter squares allow....yeah that means I'm probably full of hot air I'll admit to it! So I went back the other day and tried it again. Sorry...still no magic for me. I just don't care for the way it's set up. I don't see any real interchange just a bunch of people shouting into the internet without the benefit of a real time exchange such as we have here at times. The Platform was Perfect for Trump since he is already Bellicose. It simply provided him with a sound horn that he did not have before. I think his refusal to rejoin is foolish on his part but he now has a site of his own that is not doing so well so maybe he feels it would detract from his efforts if he rejoined Twitter?

Back to the question in the title. What is it exactly that is being lost? I see only gain frankly for everybody. Musk is not a true ideologue he is a true Businessman. Sooooo.....his plans for Twitter are far more than just becoming the Rescue Icon for free speech IMO. He's got something up his sleeve with this move. He has to, he's betting 20% of his net worth on it! He'll combine it with Bitcoin buying features or Space-ex slots for sale or something that will add a money enterprise to what it already has.

So again. What has been lost? Anyone?

Clearly this interferes with their time to spend turning kids into queers and trannys and driving a wedge between the parents!
I didn't care how much money they made before. I don't care how much they make now.

Sure I understand that and I certainly don't blame you. I'm just trying to decide why Musk did this at all. I don't think it was to be some kind of rescuing hero. He's a businessman. He has a business motive. That's more or less what I'm driving at. It should be interesting to see how this pans out.
The ability of the crackpot left to control any and all narratives.

Watch this breathtaking display of Freudian projection, by one of the "brain trust" at MSLSD....

Poor Moonbat not news guy. You lost part of your Control. Awe. You can see the Moonbat in the video trying not to cry.

You sound like you think he is on a righteous crusade to reform social media. I suspect it's more likely he is looking to better utilize the information harvesting capabilities of the internet and use that to advance his own ventures.
He sees more money by the other side moving into twitter pouring salt on the lefts pity party
There's chatter among the tech savy that what Musk has really bought are the algorithms, which he has currently frozen until they can be dissected.

Should he expose how Twaffler went about squelching this information over here, and boosting that over there, it could blow up the suppression scams currently being run by Google, Fascistbook, et. al.
Ahhhhhhhhhh..... there is something I can believe.

Don't know what's so special about an Algorithm particularly. It's just a lot of very hard work. Once you lay out the parameters and the desired effect it simply requires constant tweaking until it goes where you want it to go and in the case of internet input would need to be constantly tuned up as things changed. Unless maybe someone has finally managed to produce an AI that can do that automatically? I hope not....the potential there smells like a terminator movie.

You sound like you think he is on a righteous crusade to reform social media. I suspect it's more likely he is looking to better utilize the information harvesting capabilities of the internet and use that to advance his own ventures.
And as leftist vermin you hate anyone who can make a lot of money.
Poor Moonbat not news guy. You lost part of your Control. Awe. You can see the Moonbat in the video trying not to cry.

Goodness, that piece of crap is worried about the exact thing they did to Trump and conservatives.
The left is in mourning due to the Musk acquisition of Twitter BECAUSE

they feel they have lost a platform which embodies their RIGHT to suppress speech.
Read the rules of posting in this room. The fact that this thread is still here shows the mods have no credibility, but we’ve all known that since day one right?
OH Bullshit.... so I didn't put it in classic debate form...
It is still a debate.


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