So Let's Get This Shit Straight.

There are all sorts of programs, help, and support in this country for low income stay at home moms(and low income people in general). I definitely disagree that stay at home mom is a wealthy only thing except in the glamor of movies. Of course certain amenities are not had with low income people (such as a hot tub) but when it boils down to it, there are social programs paid through taxes (that the rich mostly pay) so people have food, shelter, and money.

Where did peoples individual pride go to make what they have work? There is always going to be someone who has it better and worse off than you.
You Marxist faggots stick together, I'll give you that much.....

Translation: yet another willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger who once confronted with FACTS that he cannot BS around, resorts to childish insults that have NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Carry on.

What fact would that be? The fact that Romney earned much of his wealth while working at Bain and faggot Marxists like you don't like it? Cry me a river, Timberlake.....

No stupid, I'm referring to the following FACTS that willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrots like you try desperately to ignore:

Now if you have the brains/guts, try discussing ALL the information available and stop acting simple with all that school yard bawling about "faggot marxists" (how you determine that could fill volumes of a psychologists notes).
There are all sorts of programs, help, and support in this country for low income stay at home moms(and low income people in general). I definitely disagree that stay at home mom is a wealthy only thing except in the glamor of movies. Of course certain amenities are not had with low income people (such as a hot tub) but when it boils down to it, there are social programs paid through taxes (that the rich mostly pay) so people have food, shelter, and money.

Where did peoples individual pride go to make what they have work? There is always going to be someone who has it better and worse off than you.

Man, I would love to live in your the sky blue there?

Wake up, toodles....the GOP has made great strides in reducing the availability of day care for two job families. Your generic BS about "all sorts of programs" has NO basis in the day to day reality of qualification and availability from state to state.

We went through a "recession" under Reagan and the current disaster under Bush....that means JOBS disappear, and social services become strained to the breaking point (aka LESS availability). Couple this with the GOP's efforts to ELIMINATE AND PRIVATIZE social services, and the dire economic realities of two/single working families to raise a kid become even more desperate.

Like it or not, Mrs. Romney NEVER had to worry about money in any shape form or manner when it came to income after she married Mitt

So for Mitt to say he rely's on her for an surmising of what women in America need, she's unqualified from an economic point of view. Deal with it.
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....that means JOBS disappear, and social services become strained to the breaking point (aka LESS availability).

I guess you won't be voting for Obama then.

The last of Bush's economic policies went into effect in 2009, bunky. Add to that the Party of No (Republicans) declaration that their only purpose was NOT to govern but to make Obama a one term President, then only a complete idiot would try and blame our current problems on economic policies by Obama that have not even taken full effect. But hey, I'm sure the auto industry could school you on a few things regarding steps in the right direction.

Let me know how the pity party for Mitt is in Jan. 2013! :badgrin:
Ahh, but no one said being a stay-at-home Mom wasn't work. The POINT was that Mrs. Romney NEVER HAD TO WORK FOR A SALARY TO SUPPORT HER FAMILY IN ADDITION TO BEING A WORKING MOM. So when Mitt claims that he seeks her counsel on what's an important issue for mom's in America. Mrs. Romney DOES NOT have the references to be a sage on the economic issues.

Nope, that is pure spin from the left. Certainly understandable why you would like it to mean what you stated. The context and verbage doesn't support you at all.

The context and verbage supports EXACTLY what I'm saying here.....that the neocon/teabagger entourage want desperately to create divert attention from the very policies of right wing politicos that detrimentally affect women in this country by making the statements of a lobbyist/pundit for hire more than what they are is the actual spin. What this actually does is open the window on the mindsets and actions of a candidate for President that is NOT conducive to the welfare of the working American mom. Case in point, Mrs. Romney sure as hell NEVER had to worry about the "work for welfare" situation that Mitt would enforce for single mom's as early as possible. That's the fact, jack. Deal.

You have to wonder how many women really want the government micromanaging their affairs.

You don't have any idea what Mrs Romney had to deal with. You bastards are so self assured.

I applaud Romney taking on the walfare state. Maybe if some of the women who now abuse the system are facing what he is might slow down the drag on society they create.

You bet that's a fact. That not everybody agrees with you is also a fact. Deal with that.
In other words, give me a fucking break with this NON-ISSUE.....Mitt and his wife are NOT the "joe lunch pail" couple that made good, as they are trying to portray themselves. I don't begrudge them their status, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here like a dummy and just swallow their BS.

Like I said before, there's a BIG difference between work you WANT to do, and work you HAVE to do! I do wish you neocon/teabagger clowns would actually READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before you parrot Drudge's talking points of the day. Carry on.

No, you and Obama are making it an issue. The whole Buffet Rule would not be about if it were not for Romney's wealth.

And your blathering does not address the core "non-issue" you have raised. He did not inherit his weatlh. Deal with that.

What you swallow is your business. But don't suppose to lecture us simply because your POV is not accepted as the only POV.

What was quoted is accurate for what it claimed. Not for what you want it to mean.
....that means JOBS disappear, and social services become strained to the breaking point (aka LESS availability).

I guess you won't be voting for Obama then.

The last of Bush's economic policies went into effect in 2009, bunky. Add to that the Party of No (Republicans) declaration that their only purpose was NOT to govern but to make Obama a one term President, then only a complete idiot would try and blame our current problems on economic policies by Obama that have not even taken full effect. But hey, I'm sure the auto industry could school you on a few things regarding steps in the right direction.

Let me know how the pity party for Mitt is in Jan. 2013! :badgrin:

Yes they could.

Now that the entry level job in Detroit appears to pay less than the entry level job for a non-union worker in the south (in the auto industry).

And I am sure there are plenty of businesses that would have appreciated a bail out, but because they did not represent a visible and vocal voting block, they were allowed to go under.


Obama: picking winners and losers all the while liberals pick at their asses.
Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

As with every other issue they have talked about, the Romneys are clueless. Neither have ever had to live in the real world. That's okay. I mean who really cares about their car elevator or their horses. But they have no right to pretend to have first hand knowledge about things they've never experienced.

And you rws just look silly rushing to their defense. You do realize, don't you that they won't do the same for you unless you're all multi, multi, MULTI millionaires.

Get a clue. You work for them - Not the other way around. You would do well to remember that.

Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

What idiocy. Yet I bet democrats plan reintroducing the marraige penalty.

I am far from rich, quess what Grandma is a stay at home mom. IDIOT............
Really Gracie? Stay at home mothers are JEWELS in the crown of civilized society....the ONLY reason mothers have to work is that Taxation is WAY too high...or that some women prefer to work.

There is NOTHING silly about our defense of stay at home moms...OR would YOU like to return to the time to where the like of YOU were chastising Sarah Palin for working and NOT at home with her children?

You cannot have it both ways asshole.

Learn it, Live it, Know it Nerdite.
I am beginning to wonder if the Dictionary of American Slang uses the adjective "Asshole" when defining "Liberal"

Not all Liberals are assholes, and the term “Liberal” is often very loosely defined so it’s unwise to apply specific categorizations across the broad pool (in my opinion). If you do so, it might (ironically) make you the asshole.

Also, I think that the option to be a stay at home mom is one that is often more difficult for a poorer person to commit to than a more wealthy person. In other words, it’s easier for a spouse to stay at home when their partner makes $200k/year vs $30k/year. So to say that being a stay at home mom is a “luxury” for the wealthy isn’t an entirely untrue statement.

Now I'm by no means saying that raising children is some easy and simple task (being a mom/parent is one of the most difficult and important jobs a person could have), I'm just saying that being in a partnership where only one of the people in the relationship needs to work (and the other can stay home) is generally a luxury for the “richer”.

You are free to say whatever you wish. Saying it's so don't make it so.
....that means JOBS disappear, and social services become strained to the breaking point (aka LESS availability).

I guess you won't be voting for Obama then.

The last of Bush's economic policies went into effect in 2009, bunky. Add to that the Party of No (Republicans) declaration that their only purpose was NOT to govern but to make Obama a one term President, then only a complete idiot would try and blame our current problems on economic policies by Obama that have not even taken full effect. But hey, I'm sure the auto industry could school you on a few things regarding steps in the right direction.

Let me know how the pity party for Mitt is in Jan. 2013! :badgrin:

How will we know that they have taken "full effect"? Will anybody have a job at that point?
Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

As with every other issue they have talked about, the Romneys are clueless. Neither have ever had to live in the real world. That's okay. I mean who really cares about their car elevator or their horses. But they have no right to pretend to have first hand knowledge about things they've never experienced.

And you rws just look silly rushing to their defense. You do realize, don't you that they won't do the same for you unless you're all multi, multi, MULTI millionaires.

Get a clue. You work for them - Not the other way around. You would do well to remember that.

Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

What idiocy. Yet I bet democrats plan reintroducing the marraige penalty.

I am far from rich, quess what Grandma is a stay at home mom. IDIOT............

Ol' nedite is always saying in every post that nobody ever has any power to actually control or affect his own life.

What a miserable little man he must be with no courage, no reponsibility and no hope.
Really Gracie? Stay at home mothers are JEWELS in the crown of civilized society....the ONLY reason mothers have to work is that Taxation is WAY too high...or that some women prefer to work.

There is NOTHING silly about our defense of stay at home moms...OR would YOU like to return to the time to where the like of YOU were chastising Sarah Palin for working and NOT at home with her children?

You cannot have it both ways asshole.

Learn it, Live it, Know it Nerdite.
I am beginning to wonder if the Dictionary of American Slang uses the adjective "Asshole" when defining "Liberal"

Not all Liberals are assholes, and the term “Liberal” is often very loosely defined so it’s unwise to apply specific categorizations across the broad pool (in my opinion). If you do so, it might (ironically) make you the asshole.

Also, I think that the option to be a stay at home mom is one that is often more difficult for a poorer person to commit to than a more wealthy person. In other words, it’s easier for a spouse to stay at home when their partner makes $200k/year vs $30k/year. So to say that being a stay at home mom is a “luxury” for the wealthy isn’t an entirely untrue statement.

Now I'm by no means saying that raising children is some easy and simple task (being a mom/parent is one of the most difficult and important jobs a person could have), I'm just saying that being in a partnership where only one of the people in the relationship needs to work (and the other can stay home) is generally a luxury for the “richer”.
You thought wrong.
Let's just all stop the bullshit: the initial statement DID NOT disparage Mrs. Romney as a stay at home mom who worked hard, but as a woman who married a man of inherited wealth who DID NOT have to REALLY worry about such things as doctor bills, dentist bills, new shoes, finding a decent day care center while she worked her part time or full time job.

There's a big difference between work that you want to do as opposed to work that you have to do, people.


Romney didn't inherit any wealth.

ROTFL and the world is flat. Dumbass
I love it when liberals display an unmerited arrogance. :lol:

Well the fact that all the republicans post consist of lies and stupidity there no surprise at my arrogance, perhaps if you people could intellectual challenge me I wouldn't be so arrogant but when all you post is things I'd consider stupid coming from my 5 year old it just...... whatever

Let's see ...... from our perspective, it's about how we channel our own resources, by choice, by consent. From your perspective, it's about how you channel other peoples resources without consent. Got it. So intellectually Superior, ..... my Ass. ;)

No from your respective the world is flat
Gay or straight, stay at home mothering is a luxury that only the wealthy can afford.

As with every other issue they have talked about, the Romneys are clueless. Neither have ever had to live in the real world. That's okay. I mean who really cares about their car elevator or their horses. But they have no right to pretend to have first hand knowledge about things they've never experienced.

And you rws just look silly rushing to their defense. You do realize, don't you that they won't do the same for you unless you're all multi, multi, MULTI millionaires.

Get a clue. You work for them - Not the other way around. You would do well to remember that.

Are you a stupid motherfucker in real life or do you just play one on usmb?

Honestly it is sad that the most intelligent thing you can post is waht you posted. I mean you're intellectual ability is that of a retard
In other words, give me a fucking break with this NON-ISSUE.....Mitt and his wife are NOT the "joe lunch pail" couple that made good, as they are trying to portray themselves. I don't begrudge them their status, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here like a dummy and just swallow their BS.

Like I said before, there's a BIG difference between work you WANT to do, and work you HAVE to do! I do wish you neocon/teabagger clowns would actually READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before you parrot Drudge's talking points of the day. Carry on.

No, you and Obama are making it an issue. The whole Buffet Rule would not be about if it were not for Romney's wealth.
I see so according to you the poorest 99% of Americas would not make an issue of taxing the richest 1% of Americans the same taxes that they pay. So basically ytou are a retard
....that means JOBS disappear, and social services become strained to the breaking point (aka LESS availability).

I guess you won't be voting for Obama then.

The last of Bush's economic policies went into effect in 2009, bunky. Add to that the Party of No (Republicans) declaration that their only purpose was NOT to govern but to make Obama a one term President, then only a complete idiot would try and blame our current problems on economic policies by Obama that have not even taken full effect. :

So you are going with the traditional liberal avoidance of responsibility at all costs? We'll see how well that works for obama in light of some of the well documented declarations he made back in 08.
In other words, give me a fucking break with this NON-ISSUE.....Mitt and his wife are NOT the "joe lunch pail" couple that made good, as they are trying to portray themselves. I don't begrudge them their status, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here like a dummy and just swallow their BS.

Like I said before, there's a BIG difference between work you WANT to do, and work you HAVE to do! I do wish you neocon/teabagger clowns would actually READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before you parrot Drudge's talking points of the day. Carry on.

No, you and Obama are making it an issue. The whole Buffet Rule would not be about if it were not for Romney's wealth.
I see so according to you the poorest 99% of Americas would not make an issue of taxing the richest 1% of Americans the same taxes that they pay. So basically ytou are a retard

You have no idea what you just said there.

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