So Liberals Will Never Divulge Their Most Feared Conservative Or Ticket. So Who Are The Cowards Now?

Sean only interrupts them when they veer off into left field. He will yell back at them, Yes Or No! its a simple question! try asking a liberal to name at least one of Hillary's accomplishments. None of Hannitys guests has ever answered it! same with, name one of Obama's Accomplishments. oh they usually answer, but they just make stuff up.
Is there something wrong with your eyesight, or do you think your posts are so monumental that they need to be BIG?
I honestly doubt any republican ticket will even come close.

They area seriously tone def, the tone of their sanctimonious and shameful rhetoric is off putting.

It would take being able to read people to discover this.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
The question is built on a false premise which assumes the Democrats are afraid of any Republican .
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
Rand Paul maybe, but Democrats must be praying for Ted Cruz to be the GOP candidate.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
The question is built on a false premise which assumes the Democrats are afraid of any Republican .
It's a rehash of Phear The Phred Thompson. Look how that turned out - they couldn't get him to approximate a living, breathing, motivated person. He was too used to being on set for a bit, then spending hours in his trailer.
Not sure about Ted Cruz, but Rand Paul is just as crazy as his dad. The only thing I fear is him getting in office and fucking our country with his ideological nutjob bs. The only thing he really has going for him is that he isn't okay with killing babies, which should be the norm anyway.

That is exactly what the voters did when they elected Obama with his ideological nutjob bs.
Obama's ideology comes first before our Country does.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:

This is the Sarah Palin defense all over again that you guys run this play every election: People are scared of your canidates...Whenever someone talks about them its because they fear them. Disagree with them? The right says you disagree out of fear. Dont like a canidate? Fear.
Paul and Cruz are already gaining in many purple states. Cruz/Paul would be the worst case scenario for Hillary and her pant suits.
I thought we were afraid of Sarah. What ever happened to her? :lmao:

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