So Liberals Will Never Divulge Their Most Feared Conservative Or Ticket. So Who Are The Cowards Now?

i dont think Hannity will ever get a straight answer from any of his liberal guests. then again, he never gets straight answers from liberals on any simple question.

If he wouldn't interrupt so much, I'm sure he would get a lot more answers.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
Who the fuck are you?
I don't 'fear' any of these Clown Car wingnuts, but Chris Christie could give Hillary a good run in the general election.

But he's too sane to win the nomination in a party full of extremist whackobirds.
Personally, I think the strongest ticket the Republicans can put out there is either Walker or Bush with Susana Martinez as their running mate. Unless Cruz or Rubio is the nominee, I think Martinez would be the most likely to be added to any Republican ticket.

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

Hillary committed a felony and lied about it in a news conference. I am not sure how much bigger a scandal there could be.

scandals dreamed up by W's don't make any difference ... but keep dreaming.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:

Ted Cruz cannot win a single state that Mitt Romney didn't win in 2012. That means he can't win the presidency.
i dont think Hannity will ever get a straight answer from any of his liberal guests. then again, he never gets straight answers from liberals on any simple question.

If he wouldn't interrupt so much, I'm sure he would get a lot more answers.
The guy won't allow a full sentence to be uttered by anyone who dares to disagree with him.

Other than that, he preaches.

I don't get the attraction.

If the OP thinks that launching political attacks against an opponent is a sign of fear, how frightened are Rand Paul's primary opponents?

When one of the clowns can do two things.......demonstrate an ability to beat Clinton AND demonstrate an ability to win the GOP might find a clown who makes liberals nervous.
Austan Goolsbee is the worst! every time Sean Hannity asks him a question regarding the latest Obama screw up, Austan deflects it and just answers them with "Well When Bush Was President". does anyone care about the times Bush went home to Texas?
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
Yeoooo! Circle jerk wagon,,,,HO!
Sean only interrupts them when they veer off into left field. He will yell back at them, Yes Or No! its a simple question! try asking a liberal to name at least one of Hillary's accomplishments. None of Hannitys guests has ever answered it! same with, name one of Obama's Accomplishments. oh they usually answer, but they just make stuff up.

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

right, they know Hillary has a shot against Jeb, but they sure seem to fear Ted Cruz, but now the Dem's have to explain their support for Irans Nukes. thats not going to help Hillary.
Yeah, I really don't think they fear Cruz.


No, we really do. We're scared to death of him. I hope the GOP doesn't nominate him. Really, really. {snicker}

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.


Hillary in a scandal? She is Teflon, nothing sticks to her, she can lie, cheat and steal, the Dems don't care, it's not about character with her.
Sean only interrupts them when they veer off into left field. He will yell back at them, Yes Or No! its a simple question! try asking a liberal to name at least one of Hillary's accomplishments. None of Hannitys guests has ever answered it! same with, name one of Obama's Accomplishments. oh they usually answer, but they just make stuff up.

Does he ask listeners to name Ted Cruz's accomplishments? Or Rand Paul's?
Yeah, I really don't think they fear Cruz.
Ted Cruz is a far more likeable guy than either side is giving him credit for. He is a debate champ & much loved even when playing evil villains while stage acting. Cruz will surprise everyone.
I listen to Sean's radio show often when I am in car. If he doesn't agree with you good luck getting your answer out before he interrupts. He just ask a strings of questions and then when you start to answer he asks a string of more which never gives the caller a chance to answer.
Fear is a conservative thing Say "no one" and be done with it. Hillary will mop the floor with anyone the Reps put up.
Personally, I think the strongest ticket the Republicans can put out there is either Walker or Bush with Susana Martinez as their running mate. Unless Cruz or Rubio is the nominee, I think Martinez would be the most likely to be added to any Republican ticket.
Why isn't Gov Nikki "Boom Boom" Haley getting more consideration? She's a minority female from a Southern state with a Rapture Right appeal.
does anyone care about the times Bush went home to Texas?
Yes, when wingnuts are complaining about how much golf Obama plays.

It's all about the hypocrisy. Or for you Christians: Let those without sin cast the first stone.

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