So many Americans are morons about south America

Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Sorry, that was very unclear about what YOU think.

Do you believe that the emails proved that she was a "criminal and a racist"?
Pure garbage, super dupe. They were basically emails between staffers that had nothing to do with what actually was going on.The spin and importance that your garbage GOP pundits put on them was absolutely ridiculous. CNN and MSNBC also debated this crap, anything to fill 24/7 gabfest of idiocy LOL...

So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
Pure garbage, super dupe. They were basically emails between staffers that had nothing to do with what actually was going on.The spin and importance that your garbage GOP pundits put on them was absolutely ridiculous. CNN and MSNBC also debated this crap, anything to fill 24/7 gabfest of idiocy LOL...

So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron... how are the court cases coming along against Hillary, stupid? everything was investigated and nothing has ever been found anywhere near Criminal about Hillary... That makes you a conspiracy Nut Job like everyone in the GOP except your brain washers...

You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Sorry dumb ass but cocaine and meth and herion are not comming from china
And illegals are crossing at up to 60000 a m9nth
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Pure garbage, super dupe. They were basically emails between staffers that had nothing to do with what actually was going on.The spin and importance that your garbage GOP pundits put on them was absolutely ridiculous. CNN and MSNBC also debated this crap, anything to fill 24/7 gabfest of idiocy LOL...

So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
And all garbage GOP propaganda. She wasn't fired, the guy went to jail, the plane landed on sniper protocol,Etc etc etc. You have a million garbage phony scandals, super dupers. You and your propaganda machine are a disgrace. In the entire world, only Rupert Murdoch media agrees with you.
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Sorry dumb ass but cocaine and meth and herion are not comming from china
And illegals are crossing at up to 60000 a m9nth
Legalize and treat it and extend NAFTA to Central America. The GOP has been screwing them 4 a hundred years...
What I also find amusing is democrats say wall dont work .and its a waste of money.

Kinda like the California tra8n thats shut down and over budget by 30 billion to a total of 76 billion that was a great investment.
So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron... how are the court cases coming along against Hillary, stupid? everything was investigated and nothing has ever been found anywhere near Criminal about Hillary... That makes you a conspiracy Nut Job like everyone in the GOP except your brain washers...

You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Gee then all those illegals i see on tv crossing in remote areas are faked by tv shows and the boarder patrol along with those bundles of drugs

Perhaps you need to go look at the walls dumb ass i have not only been to taxas new arizona and california and. Newmexico along with mexico .
And have see the problem first hand have you .
Actually yes I have seen the problem first hand. Note how many people do you see on those border patrols trying it? A piss in the bucket is the answer. Also where you see those broder patrol shows is in areas that are easy to cross and we al ready have the units there to catch the lions share. I also have seen first hand when they go blow up some of the thousands of tunnels that al ready exist under the wall. I have seen them catipolt over the wall or fence more like it. I have seen them cut through the fence and I have seen them blow holes through the fence with less than 25 dollars of black powder. You do not understand the issue in any way shape or form. Billions of dollars spent on a wall that is defeated with a ladder or less than 25 dollars of black powder is a fools errand. So fuck off. Yes I have been to mexico, brazil, venezuala, and honduras. I spent eight months building mountian roads in honduras with the 983rd back in the early nineties. I have also crossed the border in places I was not supposed to many times chasing the coyote I was tracking (the dog not those who move illegals for money) NO ONE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT MY WHITE ASS GOING OVER AND BACK. There was a time I spent every other week end in Cabo or Encinanada. Fishing in Encinanada partying in Cabo. So ya you may say I know some thing about the subject. I have not done any of this recently but my uncle is at his place in Encinanada fishing as we write back and forth. I on the other hand am in Port Clinton on lake erie getting ready for the walleye season and charter fishing here. Come November I will go west and once again be going every week end this time down there to fish from Carpentaria CA assuming my divorce is final by then. I am now old and week and not afraid to run around Mexico. Of course most the guys I will be fishing with are retired cops so it does help the safety feeling.
All I hear for ten years is some abstract jargon mixed together about nationalism and tight-borders. Who the hell talks about that? Who came up with that? Its as stupid a string of words of what people usually say anyway. Democrats say these immigrants, they're only doing other people's jobs we don't want to do. how demeaning and misleading are the democrats? They're not a 1 to 1 competition hazard? Ya, don't want to be their own bosses, not the blacks either. Some sort of underclass that helps us out is the justification of immigration. Definitely not that the whole %%%%ing world can come beat you up, and win at an American system whenever some office paper pusher hands out all the citizenships, now, that's a Problem that isn't in any of these other statements put together. not at all. not any. How about everybody have open immigration and we bring back segregation? No? See its all stupid people with 3 or 4 words we're allowed to use and 3 or 4 allowed positions. who cares. Maybe they're al drug dealers over there then they get more money in some kitchen and "mend their ways" not really, the OP seems like a simplistic social commentator.
Last edited:
What I also find amusing is democrats say wall dont work .and its a waste of money.

Kinda like the California tra8n thats shut down and over budget by 30 billion to a total of 76 billion that was a great investment.
It would be but we have to save the rich from paying more percentage wise than everyone else.
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron... how are the court cases coming along against Hillary, stupid? everything was investigated and nothing has ever been found anywhere near Criminal about Hillary... That makes you a conspiracy Nut Job like everyone in the GOP except your brain washers...

You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Journalists report the facts as they are at the moment, idiot. Too bad Rush Sean etc etc don't give a damn about facts...
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron... how are the court cases coming along against Hillary, stupid? everything was investigated and nothing has ever been found anywhere near Criminal about Hillary... That makes you a conspiracy Nut Job like everyone in the GOP except your brain washers...

You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Journalists report the facts as they are at the moment, idiot. Too bad Rush Sean etc etc don't give a damn about facts...

Do you believe the media lie that Trump said that white supremacists were very fine people?
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron... how are the court cases coming along against Hillary, stupid? everything was investigated and nothing has ever been found anywhere near Criminal about Hillary... That makes you a conspiracy Nut Job like everyone in the GOP except your brain washers...

You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Journalists report the facts as they are at the moment, idiot. Too bad Rush Sean etc etc don't give a damn about facts...

Do you believe the media lie that Trump said that white supremacists were very fine people?
He said there were very fine people on both sides, did he not? I never heard anybody make a big deal out of it like your garbage propagandists do all the time with total garbage character assassination of Democrats.
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Pure garbage, super dupe. They were basically emails between staffers that had nothing to do with what actually was going on.The spin and importance that your garbage GOP pundits put on them was absolutely ridiculous. CNN and MSNBC also debated this crap, anything to fill 24/7 gabfest of idiocy LOL...

So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
And Bs GOP propaganda in every case...
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
So, they proved nothing new, and yet you want to blame the election on them?

That's a little hard to credit/follow.

Can you expand on that?
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
And all garbage GOP propaganda. She wasn't fired, the guy went to jail, the plane landed on sniper protocol,Etc etc etc. You have a million garbage phony scandals, super dupers. You and your propaganda machine are a disgrace. In the entire world, only Rupert Murdoch media agrees with you.
She was fired she did say she came under sniper fire she did beat her cell phones with hammers she did delete thousand of e mails she did attack innocent women and protect bill she is a lying bitch anti americ
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Gee then all those illegals i see on tv crossing in remote areas are faked by tv shows and the boarder patrol along with those bundles of drugs

Perhaps you need to go look at the walls dumb ass i have not only been to taxas new arizona and california and. Newmexico along with mexico .
And have see the problem first hand have you .
Actually yes I have seen the problem first hand. Note how many people do you see on those border patrols trying it? A piss in the bucket is the answer. Also where you see those broder patrol shows is in areas that are easy to cross and we al ready have the units there to catch the lions share. I also have seen first hand when they go blow up some of the thousands of tunnels that al ready exist under the wall. I have seen them catipolt over the wall or fence more like it. I have seen them cut through the fence and I have seen them blow holes through the fence with less than 25 dollars of black powder. You do not understand the issue in any way shape or form. Billions of dollars spent on a wall that is defeated with a ladder or less than 25 dollars of black powder is a fools errand. So fuck off. Yes I have been to mexico, brazil, venezuala, and honduras. I spent eight months building mountian roads in honduras with the 983rd back in the early nineties. I have also crossed the border in places I was not supposed to many times chasing the coyote I was tracking (the dog not those who move illegals for money) NO ONE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT MY WHITE ASS GOING OVER AND BACK. There was a time I spent every other week end in Cabo or Encinanada. Fishing in Encinanada partying in Cabo. So ya you may say I know some thing about the subject. I have not done any of this recently but my uncle is at his place in Encinanada fishing as we write back and forth. I on the other hand am in Port Clinton on lake erie getting ready for the walleye season and charter fishing here. Come November I will go west and once again be going every week end this time down there to fish from Carpentaria CA assuming my divorce is final by then. I am now old and week and not afraid to run around Mexico. Of course most the guys I will be fishing with are retired cops so it does help the safety feeling.

First tunnels are being used for drugs and these are in the citys . to expensive to use for illegala.
Now if you have been in mexico and seen the wall you know full well much of it is a joke and easy to climb.
You seem to be a good f8sherman and that gets you jack shit
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
And all garbage GOP propaganda. She wasn't fired, the guy went to jail, the plane landed on sniper protocol,Etc etc etc. You have a million garbage phony scandals, super dupers. You and your propaganda machine are a disgrace. In the entire world, only Rupert Murdoch media agrees with you.
She was fired she did say she came under sniper fire she did beat her cell phones with hammers she did delete thousand of e mails she did attack innocent women and protect bill she is a lying bitch anti americ
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Gee then all those illegals i see on tv crossing in remote areas are faked by tv shows and the boarder patrol along with those bundles of drugs

Perhaps you need to go look at the walls dumb ass i have not only been to taxas new arizona and california and. Newmexico along with mexico .
And have see the problem first hand have you .
Actually yes I have seen the problem first hand. Note how many people do you see on those border patrols trying it? A piss in the bucket is the answer. Also where you see those broder patrol shows is in areas that are easy to cross and we al ready have the units there to catch the lions share. I also have seen first hand when they go blow up some of the thousands of tunnels that al ready exist under the wall. I have seen them catipolt over the wall or fence more like it. I have seen them cut through the fence and I have seen them blow holes through the fence with less than 25 dollars of black powder. You do not understand the issue in any way shape or form. Billions of dollars spent on a wall that is defeated with a ladder or less than 25 dollars of black powder is a fools errand. So fuck off. Yes I have been to mexico, brazil, venezuala, and honduras. I spent eight months building mountian roads in honduras with the 983rd back in the early nineties. I have also crossed the border in places I was not supposed to many times chasing the coyote I was tracking (the dog not those who move illegals for money) NO ONE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT MY WHITE ASS GOING OVER AND BACK. There was a time I spent every other week end in Cabo or Encinanada. Fishing in Encinanada partying in Cabo. So ya you may say I know some thing about the subject. I have not done any of this recently but my uncle is at his place in Encinanada fishing as we write back and forth. I on the other hand am in Port Clinton on lake erie getting ready for the walleye season and charter fishing here. Come November I will go west and once again be going every week end this time down there to fish from Carpentaria CA assuming my divorce is final by then. I am now old and week and not afraid to run around Mexico. Of course most the guys I will be fishing with are retired cops so it does help the safety feeling.

First tunnels are being used for drugs and these are in the citys . to expensive to use for illegala.
Now if you have been in mexico and seen the wall you know full well much of it is a joke and easy to climb.
You seem to be a good f8sherman and that gets you jack shit
You seem to be an idiot that will buy any thing any one sells you and that will get you more in debt.
You mean like democrats have been doing with trump the last 2 years
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Journalists report the facts as they are at the moment, idiot. Too bad Rush Sean etc etc don't give a damn about facts...

Do you believe the media lie that Trump said that white supremacists were very fine people?
He said there were very fine people on both sides, did he not? I never heard anybody make a big deal out of it like your garbage propagandists do all the time with total garbage character assassination of Democrats.

1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
In GOP dupe world, who needs evidence or facts when all you have to do is repeat the same garbage endlessly? Breaking for the chumps... Hillary and Obama are honest, the GOP is the swamp, the rich do not pay their fair share, so we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and the worst benefits. Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
Hillary was very honest. I remembering her inspiring millions of Americans to lead more moral lives through her example.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahahahahahahhahhahHHHhHHahHahahhahahahhahahahahhaha .
Perhaps you rember her says denending a child rapist and getting him off the hook then bragging how she knew he was guilty fine display of her morals

Or when she was working as a lawyer on the water gate case and was fired because the other attorneys had evidence she was a lying bith and dishonest .
A fine example of her morals or beating all her pgones with happers or you mean wiping it with a rag.
Or explaining how all the women who claimed bill was a molester were all lying about bill.and how she came under sniper fire .

Hahahahahahahahahha you need to take your lips off the exause pipe and get some freash air moron
Yes the fine examples of hillarys moral values
And all garbage GOP propaganda. She wasn't fired, the guy went to jail, the plane landed on sniper protocol,Etc etc etc. You have a million garbage phony scandals, super dupers. You and your propaganda machine are a disgrace. In the entire world, only Rupert Murdoch media agrees with you.
She was fired she did say she came under sniper fire she did beat her cell phones with hammers she did delete thousand of e mails she did attack innocent women and protect bill she is a lying bitch anti americ
Central America is full of gangs mafia criminals Guatemala and Honduras are 2 of the most gangerous places to live and full of scum .
The police are corrupt.

Mezico is every bit as bad expecially the police.
They often work for the cartels same for the goverments.

Billions of drugs cross our boarders from south America.

Democrats must think they are alll nice sweet peaceful people kind and sweet drug dealers gang bangers . all innocent asylum seekers.
Moron democrats are morons.
Control the problem then control entry.
The democrat party is not against controlling entry. They are against spending billions of dollars on a wall that will do nothing. We already have walls were they are actually needed. The rest of the areas are deserts that kill most of any one that tries to cross. The lions share of illegals here got here legally and over stayed. You want to kill the cartels make mary jo legal and pound china for making the opiates. If maryjo had been legal the cartels would have never grown to the power they are. Now they have to big of a structure in place with other drugs just making maryjo legal is no longer enough. You can also blame the republican party for the power of the cartels as they helped them move cocain to fund Contras in the eighties.
Gee then all those illegals i see on tv crossing in remote areas are faked by tv shows and the boarder patrol along with those bundles of drugs

Perhaps you need to go look at the walls dumb ass i have not only been to taxas new arizona and california and. Newmexico along with mexico .
And have see the problem first hand have you .
Actually yes I have seen the problem first hand. Note how many people do you see on those border patrols trying it? A piss in the bucket is the answer. Also where you see those broder patrol shows is in areas that are easy to cross and we al ready have the units there to catch the lions share. I also have seen first hand when they go blow up some of the thousands of tunnels that al ready exist under the wall. I have seen them catipolt over the wall or fence more like it. I have seen them cut through the fence and I have seen them blow holes through the fence with less than 25 dollars of black powder. You do not understand the issue in any way shape or form. Billions of dollars spent on a wall that is defeated with a ladder or less than 25 dollars of black powder is a fools errand. So fuck off. Yes I have been to mexico, brazil, venezuala, and honduras. I spent eight months building mountian roads in honduras with the 983rd back in the early nineties. I have also crossed the border in places I was not supposed to many times chasing the coyote I was tracking (the dog not those who move illegals for money) NO ONE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT MY WHITE ASS GOING OVER AND BACK. There was a time I spent every other week end in Cabo or Encinanada. Fishing in Encinanada partying in Cabo. So ya you may say I know some thing about the subject. I have not done any of this recently but my uncle is at his place in Encinanada fishing as we write back and forth. I on the other hand am in Port Clinton on lake erie getting ready for the walleye season and charter fishing here. Come November I will go west and once again be going every week end this time down there to fish from Carpentaria CA assuming my divorce is final by then. I am now old and week and not afraid to run around Mexico. Of course most the guys I will be fishing with are retired cops so it does help the safety feeling.

First tunnels are being used for drugs and these are in the citys . to expensive to use for illegala.
Now if you have been in mexico and seen the wall you know full well much of it is a joke and easy to climb.
You seem to be a good f8sherman and that gets you jack shit
The hell she did oh, super dupe. Pure character assassination.just like the hundreds of phony scandals you people know about her and Obama and holder Lerner the FBI. All investigated you are traitors to America disrespecting without evidence even our law enforcement.
No. We don't have a propaganda machine and brainwashed fools like you.... We have this thing called journalism and fact-checking...

Yes the smollett affair rwcently clearly showed how liberals handle journalist and fact checking great job meat head
Journalists report the facts as they are at the moment, idiot. Too bad Rush Sean etc etc don't give a damn about facts...

Do you believe the media lie that Trump said that white supremacists were very fine people?
He said there were very fine people on both sides, did he not? I never heard anybody make a big deal out of it like your garbage propagandists do all the time with total garbage character assassination of Democrats.

1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...
You beat me to it!

I was going to post about Mexico being part of North America and Central America is between North and South America
Technically we list Mexico as North America but culturally, they are FAR more like Central America.

And since there is no "Central America" we do group it with the rest of the Central American countries.

Real North America is English, not Spanish.

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