So many Americans are morons about south America

He said there were very fine people on both sides, did he not? I never heard anybody make a big deal out of it like your garbage propagandists do all the time with total garbage character assassination of Democrats.

1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?

Libs just say shit. Their words mean nothing to them, they should not mean anything to anyone else.
If that's the best the GRU can do, it does make me wonder how the fuck Trump got 48% even with the spirit of Leon Helmsley running a the top of the dem ticket.

Russian trolls had no impact in the election.

not for reality based thinking bipedals.... for the others? they were spoon fed racist, pie in the sky pablum to keep them faithful to the cause.

1. Please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it front in the first place.

2. A few Russian trolls would make no difference considering the vast number of domestic trolls. It was like dumping sand in the Sahara, a complete waste of time.

3. Also, fuck you.

^^^ triggered. :113:

Said the cowardly pussy, that can't back up the shit he spewed from his face anus.

My point stands. Russian trolls, vastly outnumbered by domestic trolls, had no impact on the election.

Don't bother making an empty denial of that fact. YOu already demonstrated that you can't make any argument against what I said.
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?
anybody paying attention knows. Just look at all your phony Hillary scandals. All investigated total garbage. Or are you a conspiracy theory Nut Job 2? All the other Democratic crimes ditto.
/----/ Once again, Libtards make accusations they can't back up. Let me help educate you on proving stuff.
The lie: "I did not have sex with that woman. Miss Lewinski."
Proof of the lie. Savy that?
View attachment 248079

Libs seem to think that repeating themselves, and insulting people is a supporting argument.

As Franco just demonstrated.
1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....

Dude. He said, "i;m not talking about the white nationalists:

And the next question, was " are you talking about the white nationalists
1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....

1. If the media is willing to lie to you on something so easily and clearly seen to be a lie, what other lies are they telling?

2. If the media is ABLE to lie to you and convince of something so clearly false, what other things have they fooled you on?

3. And this is a big one. Telling jews and blacks that the President is a nazi sympathizer is the type of lie that is tearing this country apart. People are being terrified and set against their neighbors and friends. This nation is being torn apart.
So you found one debatable mistake by an actual journalist, and that is is bad as hundreds of phony scandals about Hillary Obama holder the FBI the CIA? Republican voters live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes, and don't bring up anything but federal income taxes or you can see it's a joke. Everything you know is garbage and conspiracy Nut Job ism. You are also the rubes who believe conspiracies about vaccinations, or that doctors are killing babies that survive abortions etc etc. Absolute idiocy...

Dude. You are pretending to be ignorant of the fact that the major mainstream media outlets were all telling that same lie about what Trump said.

Do you realize how ignorant you would have to be to truly be that unaware?

Something like this.

1. He said there were very fine people on both sides of the issue of historical statues.

2. He specifically stated he was not including the white supremacists in that. Twice.

3. THe media lied about that.

4. The liberals made a big issue of it then, and continue to bring it up now, as "proof" that Trump is "Racist".

5. This disproves your claim that the media "report facts as they are at the moment".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?

Libs just say shit. Their words mean nothing to them, they should not mean anything to anyone else.
you believe hundreds of phony scandals and pure Misinformation that you cannot find anywhere else in the world but your stupid ridiculous GOP propaganda machine. You also disrespect our wonderful law enforcement, which believes you are a brainwashed functional moron just like everyone else outside your bubble of s***
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?

Libs just say shit. Their words mean nothing to them, they should not mean anything to anyone else.
you believe hundreds of phony scandals and pure Misinformation that you cannot find anywhere else in the world but your stupid ridiculous GOP propaganda machine. You also disrespect our wonderful law enforcement, which believes you are a brainwashed functional moron just like everyone else outside your bubble of s***

Still waiting for you to back up your claim about how Fox is "wrong half the time" and "Rush all the time".
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....

Dude. He said, "i;m not talking about the white nationalists:

And the next question, was " are you talking about the white nationalists
Link to Trump denying it please? I think I did see that. Whatever. Everything you know is a lie. Hillary's scandals tax rates global warming...

Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....

1. If the media is willing to lie to you on something so easily and clearly seen to be a lie, what other lies are they telling?

2. If the media is ABLE to lie to you and convince of something so clearly false, what other things have they fooled you on?

3. And this is a big one. Telling jews and blacks that the President is a nazi sympathizer is the type of lie that is tearing this country apart. People are being terrified and set against their neighbors and friends. This nation is being torn apart.
So you found one debatable mistake by an actual journalist, and that is is bad as hundreds of phony scandals about Hillary Obama holder the FBI the CIA? Republican voters live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes, and don't bring up anything but federal income taxes or you can see it's a joke. Everything you know is garbage and conspiracy Nut Job ism. You are also the rubes who believe conspiracies about vaccinations, or that doctors are killing babies that survive abortions etc etc. Absolute idiocy...

Dude. You are pretending to be ignorant of the fact that the major mainstream media outlets were all telling that same lie about what Trump said.

Do you realize how ignorant you would have to be to truly be that unaware?

Something like this.

So one debatable mistake proves that every media in the world outside your bubble of idiocy is corrupt, right? LOL..
Just like Rush Limbaugh says two stupid professors at an obscure UK College prove that global warming is a hoax? Absolute idiocy as always, hater Dupe.
Sure. I'v done so many times before on this site, and I've heard it discussed in major media, many times, but I will do it again, for you.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. ..."

Note the absolute dishonesty of the press. He states clearly that he is not "talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists"

And the reporter asks, if he is talking about the white nationalists.

That can't be dismissed as simply incompetence. That is pushing a narrative.

This is where you admit that the press does not report facts.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?

Libs just say shit. Their words mean nothing to them, they should not mean anything to anyone else.
you believe hundreds of phony scandals and pure Misinformation that you cannot find anywhere else in the world but your stupid ridiculous GOP propaganda machine. You also disrespect our wonderful law enforcement, which believes you are a brainwashed functional moron just like everyone else outside your bubble of s***

Still waiting for you to back up your claim about how Fox is "wrong half the time" and "Rush all the time".
How many imaginary crimes against Hillary do you know from them, and how many were found by our wonderful law enforcement system? Wake up and smell the coffee.
Because you found one that might be debatable? While Fox is factually wrong half the time, and Rush Limbaugh etc etc all the time....
/——/ Care to back up those claims about Fox and Rush?

Libs just say shit. Their words mean nothing to them, they should not mean anything to anyone else.
you believe hundreds of phony scandals and pure Misinformation that you cannot find anywhere else in the world but your stupid ridiculous GOP propaganda machine. You also disrespect our wonderful law enforcement, which believes you are a brainwashed functional moron just like everyone else outside your bubble of s***

Still waiting for you to back up your claim about how Fox is "wrong half the time" and "Rush all the time".
How many imaginary crimes against Hillary do you know from them, and how many were found by our wonderful law enforcement system? Wake up and smell the coffee.

I don't watch Fox news. So, if you want to support your claim, i can't help you.

Perhaps google for research into accuracy studies, though you will have to be careful of the sources you use.
If that's the best the GRU can do, it does make me wonder how the fuck Trump got 48% even with the spirit of Leon Helmsley running a the top of the dem ticket.

Russian trolls had no impact in the election.

not for reality based thinking bipedals.... for the others? they were spoon fed racist, pie in the sky pablum to keep them faithful to the cause.

1. Please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it front in the first place.

2. A few Russian trolls would make no difference considering the vast number of domestic trolls. It was like dumping sand in the Sahara, a complete waste of time.

3. Also, fuck you.

^^^ triggered. :113:

Said the cowardly pussy, that can't back up the shit he spewed from his face anus.

My point stands. Russian trolls, vastly outnumbered by domestic trolls, had no impact on the election.

Don't bother making an empty denial of that fact. YOu already demonstrated that you can't make any argument against what I said.

uh-huh. rosenstein presented the who what where when & how those russian trolls duped you & your ilk, cartoon boy. did he include any american trolls in that there report?


the only points you have are on yer head & at the end of yer tail.
Russian trolls had no impact in the election.

not for reality based thinking bipedals.... for the others? they were spoon fed racist, pie in the sky pablum to keep them faithful to the cause.

1. Please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it front in the first place.

2. A few Russian trolls would make no difference considering the vast number of domestic trolls. It was like dumping sand in the Sahara, a complete waste of time.

3. Also, fuck you.

^^^ triggered. :113:

Said the cowardly pussy, that can't back up the shit he spewed from his face anus.

My point stands. Russian trolls, vastly outnumbered by domestic trolls, had no impact on the election.

Don't bother making an empty denial of that fact. YOu already demonstrated that you can't make any argument against what I said.

uh-huh. rosenstein presented the who what where when & how those russian trolls duped you & your ilk, cartoon boy. did he include any american trolls in that there report?


the only points you have are on yer head & at the end of yer tail.

I addressed that in my post already.

Any russian trolls would have been vastly outnumbered by domestic trolls and has not impact.

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