So Mayor Pete is currently in #1 position....Wait until he goes to a state with a decent black pop.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
That's what Biden is counting on. Biden expects to get most all of the Corn Pop vote.
The only reason Peter Butt Gig is leading the Fudgepack is strictly because he is gay and no other reason.

Being Homo-Pedo is like being a priest in the DemNazi Party!
Blacks detest Gays...and they don't hide the fact.

It's impossible for him to win the democratic nomination, but if he somehow managed to do it...Donald Trump
would get 40% of the black vote
Blacks detest Gays...and they don't hide the fact.

It's impossible for him to win the democratic nomination, but if he somehow managed to do it...Donald Trump
would get 40% of the black vote
Getting 40% of the black vote would be pushing it. 40% of the blacks that normally vote staying home is more likely.
Blacks detest Gays...and they don't hide the fact.

It's impossible for him to win the democratic nomination, but if he somehow managed to do it...Donald Trump
would get 40% of the black vote

I don’t know how Democrats are going to get Blacks and Latinos to come out and vote for a gay candidate. Religious Blacks and Latinos are pretty conservative just like whites. Myself, I’m very conservative and would vote for Pete over Warren, Sanders, or Biden. The only Democrats I would vote for over Pete would be Gabbard and Bloomberg.
"Shadow" voting app... The caucus was a farce and Buttigig and company need some jail time.

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