So much for transparency

“The heart of the accusation against Trump is that he abused his official powers, including withholding a promised White House meeting and congressionally mandated military aid, in an attempt to coerce Ukraine’s president into announcing investigations that could deliver personal political benefits to Trump.” ibid

This is yet another example of why it was perfectly appropriate and warranted to impeach Trump.
“The heart of the accusation against Trump is that he abused his official powers, including withholding a promised White House meeting and congressionally mandated military aid, in an attempt to coerce Ukraine’s president into announcing investigations that could deliver personal political benefits to Trump.” ibid

This is yet another example of why it was perfectly appropriate and warranted to impeach Trump.

In other words, any government official running for office should be immune to any crimes that they may have previously committed, right?
“The heart of the accusation against Trump is that he abused his official powers, including withholding a promised White House meeting and congressionally mandated military aid, in an attempt to coerce Ukraine’s president into announcing investigations that could deliver personal political benefits to Trump.” ibid

This is yet another example of why it was perfectly appropriate and warranted to impeach Trump.
That’s an odd answer. Coming from the side of the aisle that has benefited the most financially from Ukraine
this is a sad commentary on politics in america, my friends!
And the above is a sad commentary on all the media fed idiots who don't know one goddam thing except what the media tells them and then they they parrot it like they were right in the middle of it. no one can be more stupid than those people.
I would think anything related to Ukraine may be used in the upcoming Impeachment trials in the Senate and therefore not something that should be released until after all litigation is over. Doesn't seem unreasonable at all.
White House Refuses to Release 20 Emails About Ukraine Aid Freeze

“All 20 documents are being withheld in full,” wrote Dionne Hardy, the office’s Freedom of Information Act officer.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nothing in DC ever changes. It is all just empty talk.
Weren’t you the guy in another thread that told me the Iraqis killed solemini not America
And we’re supposed to believe you now

That is what the initial report in the story from FoxNews said. Later information was updated and I corrected my statement.
White House Refuses to Release 20 Emails About Ukraine Aid Freeze

“All 20 documents are being withheld in full,” wrote Dionne Hardy, the office’s Freedom of Information Act officer.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nothing in DC ever changes. It is all just empty talk.

Yes Obama was not transparent at all, but Trump is being held to a different standard.

Like I tell everyone, if you want the far left press to do it's job, make sure a republican is president.

Then again who needs documents when the far left "press" will just make it up as they go along!
White House Refuses to Release 20 Emails About Ukraine Aid Freeze

“All 20 documents are being withheld in full,” wrote Dionne Hardy, the office’s Freedom of Information Act officer.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nothing in DC ever changes. It is all just empty talk.

Yes Obama was not transparent at all, but Trump is being held to a different standard.

Like I tell everyone, if you want the far left press to do it's job, make sure a republican is president.

Then again who needs documents when the far left "press" will just make it up as they go along!

This is all we ever get from you people...poor Trump is being mistreated...never once is anything his fault or his doing...there is always an excuse.

And this is why nothing ever changes.
White House Refuses to Release 20 Emails About Ukraine Aid Freeze

“All 20 documents are being withheld in full,” wrote Dionne Hardy, the office’s Freedom of Information Act officer.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nothing in DC ever changes. It is all just empty talk.

Yes Obama was not transparent at all, but Trump is being held to a different standard.

Like I tell everyone, if you want the far left press to do it's job, make sure a republican is president.

Then again who needs documents when the far left "press" will just make it up as they go along!

This is all we ever get from you people...poor Trump is being mistreated...never once is anything his fault or his doing...there is always an excuse.

And this is why nothing ever changes.

Yes we know you treated Obama much better than Trump!

You just ignore facts to push your debunked agenda rooted in far left cult propaganda!

It is all about Trump and not the false narratives from the far left including the sham impeachment!

But why hold them accountable for their destruction of the process and only blame Trump!
Seems our freedom of information act is freer for some than others.....~S~
Yes we know you treated Obama much better than Trump!

You just ignore facts to push your debunked agenda rooted in far left cult propaganda!

It is all about Trump and not the false narratives from the far left including the sham impeachment!

But why hold them accountable for their destruction of the process and only blame Trump!

Actually I like Trump better than Obama and was equally critical of him. There are many reasons I consider Obama the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

I have been against the impeachment from day one and have said so 100 times or more on here.

How boring that you assume because I do not worship Trump that I am some how an Obama lover.

This will blow you little mind...but it is possible to not like either one or either party.
Yes we know you treated Obama much better than Trump!

You just ignore facts to push your debunked agenda rooted in far left cult propaganda!

It is all about Trump and not the false narratives from the far left including the sham impeachment!

But why hold them accountable for their destruction of the process and only blame Trump!

Actually I like Trump better than Obama and was equally critical of him. There are many reasons I consider Obama the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

I have been against the impeachment from day one and have said so 100 times or more on here.

How boring that you assume because I do not worship Trump that I am some how an Obama lover.

This will blow you little mind...but it is possible to not like either one or either party.

No you were not!

You weer not as critical of Obama as you are of Trump!

And yes you want the impeachment to go through despite any claims you make here!

Yet you only hold Trump accountable and not the lies of the far left in Congress.

Yes we all the Orange Bad Narrative and all it is doing is ensuring a Trump 2020 victory!

If you really want prove that you dislike both parties then you should not participate in the far left narratives!
No you were not!

You weer not as critical of Obama as you are of Trump!

That is odd thing for you to say considering I was not on this forum then and I have said on here many time Trump is better than Obama. But as a Trump worshiper all you have is make believe so I should not be surprised.

And yes you want the impeachment to go through despite any claims you make here!

and now you are a mind-reader across the internet....fascinating.

Yes we all the Orange Bad Narrative and all it is doing is ensuring a Trump 2020 victory!

Yes, I agree Trump will likely win.

If you really want prove that you dislike both parties then you should not participate in the far left narratives!

I don't.

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