So, Mueller has Trump's "original" letter regarding firing Comey???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
This should prove an interesting addition to the "obstruction of justice" allegation.

IF the original letter specifically states that Trump (as he told his Russian buddies just days after Comey's firing) that Trump CLEARLY wanted the Russian investigation to go away AND that Comey must openly declare that the orange buffoon was not under investigation........THAT would be clear obstruction of justice.

The original letter was drafted by the neo-fascist Trump aide, Stephen Miller; the letter contained ... other reasons for dismissing Comey. Reasons that were apparently so objectionable that Trump was urged to look for a new excuse to dismiss the FBI director.

The drip-drip-drip, continues........
To the Trumpbots there is no possible crime that would make them withdraw their support.
What Justice? comey Whitewashed Hilly before he had any facts....

Even if your bullshit is even remotely "true"......Is that WHY Trump wanted Coemy fired?......or was it because the orange clown didn't like want his fat ass investigated regarding his Russian oligarchs' ties?
To the Trumpbots there is no possible crime that would make them withdraw their support.
Well now that's just not true. What the trumpbots would like to see is some actual proof that Trump is guilty of anything BEFORE we convict him. You've been asked a thousand times for proof and all you can do is provide he said she said nonsense and lying media website links that prove nothing.
IF that letter clearly states that Trump wanted to fire Comey to STOP the Russian investigation, he IS guilty of obstruction......Now, Trump can "pardon" the neo-fascist Miller......BUT he can't pardon himself (and I'm sure he has already checked with his lawyers if he COULD pardon himself.)
Every day that goes by, it's more and more obvious Trump needs to do a Corleone Baptism on his leftist enemies
Trump needs Nixon's plumbers to stop that drip-drip-drip that doesn't seem to end anytime soon.....

Go Mueller !!!!
Every day that goes by, it's more and more obvious Trump needs to do a Corleone Baptism on his leftist enemies

Yeah, you're right......Trump is not much different than a cheap, wanna-be Mafia Don.....

The orange idiot "thought" he could run this nation as he did with his fraud-filled businesses,,,,,but he CANNOT and will pay the ultimate price........I LOVE it.
Just the facts........

What "facts"???....................In the same way that we haven't seen Trump letter, you have not seen Comey's memo......So, "facts" are somewhat relative......

We'll soon see how the orange clown fares under the spotlight.
This should prove an interesting addition to the "obstruction of justice" allegation.

IF the original letter specifically states that Trump (as he told his Russian buddies just days after Comey's firing) that Trump CLEARLY wanted the Russian investigation to go away AND that Comey must openly declare that the orange buffoon was not under investigation........THAT would be clear obstruction of justice.

The original letter was drafted by the neo-fascist Trump aide, Stephen Miller; the letter contained ... other reasons for dismissing Comey. Reasons that were apparently so objectionable that Trump was urged to look for a new excuse to dismiss the FBI director.

The drip-drip-drip, continues........

I pretty much have the same reaction to all this derps posts now.....
The MOST damaging, irrefutable fact is the video of Trump telling his Russian buddies.......(and this latest "letter" proves he is in deep shit.)...Trump's own ARROGANCE will be his undoing....LOL

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
Only a liberal would believe a person not under investigation (TRUMP) is guilty of obstruction justice for firing a person who wasn't investigating him in the first place.
Only a liberal would believe a person not under investigation (TRUMP) is guilty of obstruction justice for firing a person who wasn't investigating him in the first place.

So, you're one of those fucked up right wing morons who "THINKS" that Trump is NOT under investigation??? ...........Really???...............LOL

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