So Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Extend Unemployment As Millions Are About To Go Broke?,And It's The Republicans Delaying It? Unbelievable!

Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
The house passed one 10 weeks before yesterday.
yeah, but $3T isn't going to work. The Senate has a better one.

The Senate Bill doesn't meet any definition of "better" - for anyone.

The Senate is giving more money to companies who don't need it, and cutting off the workers. There's money to build a new FBI Headquarters, but none for the Post Office to prepare for the election, and no money for the states for testing. The Senate bill also includes a poison pill: Immunity from lawsuits for employers who fail to protect workers.

So no, the Senate wasn't doing anything for workers anyway. The Democrats passed eviction protection, extended unemployment benefits, and gave money for States and their testing and "essential workers", and the Senate didn't even look at the Bill, much less pass a bill in the Senate before going off on vacation, letting benefits lapse and ensuring that civil unrest will worsen.
Here's the democrat's Bill. Its $3T and its not going anywhere. So we'll see how long both sides can hold their breath.

The Senate, lead by Republicans, let this happen. Hopefully the voters will hold them accountable.

They won’t
The House, led by Democrats, let this happen. Hopefully the voters will hold them accountable.

They did their job. They passed a bill. That is what houses of Congress do.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.

They should have started 10 weeks ago when the House Dems did their job.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.
“I hear” isn’t very convincing. That sounds like what Trump says when he makes shit up.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.
“I hear” isn’t very convincing. That sounds like what Trump says when he makes shit up.
Too fucking lazy to google before posting stupid shit?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.
“I hear” isn’t very convincing. That sounds like what Trump says when he makes shit up.
Too fucking lazy to google before posting stupid shit?
My bad. Sorry, shouldn’t have made the comment.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.
Can you believe Pelosi keeps getting reelected? She has to go. Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to the United States of America!

Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.

But you have 15-20 GOP senator's that say we don't need another bill. Now what?
Nancy, Chuck, Mnuchin, and Meadows need to work out a deal, that's what. Its called "negotiating". I hear Nancy refuses to negotiate. So we'll see what happens.
Those 15-20 senators will be convinced to support a fair and balanced deal.

They supposedly did this morning.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
Douchebag Nancy knows the fake news media will cover for her.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
Well that's a lie.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

Nice try. The House passed their plan almost two months ago. It's the Senate Republicans who are in disarray and walked out of town without even a hint of negotiation. McConnell is already taking his lumps in the media despite his best attempts at deflection. This disaster belongs entirely to Republicans. There's no way to spin this as anything other than a huge black eye for them as long as they delay.
Same shit different day..............the deal to extend was based on taking out the loop holes on those making more money to stay home than work.............BASED ON INCOME PREVIOUS..........There is no incentive to work when you make more money sitting on your ass...........

Dems love the free shit.........and want the tit as long as they can........HELL REPS do too......I know workers here that weren't happy coming back.......after a 5 month vacation they called it.......having trouble climbing because they got fat sitting on their asses..........not by choice........

Pelosi also wants money for POT FARMS in here state........bail out............LOL

Churches must stay closed........but the WEED MUST FLOW.

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