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So nominee Gorsuch proclaims Roe v. Wade as precedent

sak is getting by far the worst of it.

Morally, he is incorrect. Logically, his argument is deficit. Legally, he does not get it.

Mom and viability have priority over the fetus.
Sak does not understand freedom and liberty, and Doc1 does not understand underwriting free contraception and age appropriate sexual education is a cost benefit in our society.

A fetus has no inherent right re: the Constitution. Such rights must come in legislation that does not conflict with inherent constitutional rights. Thus mother over fetus.

no fetus rights? then tell us, oh brilliant one, what happens at the instant of birth that creates rights that did not exist an instant earlier.

Answer that and you may have a point, will be waiting----------------------------
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

If you are not ready to have a child, don't screw. That method of BC is 100% effective.

You seem to support using abortion as a way of keeping the poor population from growing. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you for continuing her goal of keeping blacks ("human weeds" according to her) from reproducing.
Why do you loons cheer legislation that allows murdering the most innocent of all? Freaking ghouls

Why do fools like you reject free contraception to all fertile females, and oppose age appropriate sexual education as part of a comprehensive health care curriculum? Are you stupid or brainwashed?

Why do fools like you constantly demand that others pay for things you decide you want?

Only fools oppose both contraception and abortion. I'm not one of those, you are. It is oxy - moronic of you to piss and moan, and be penny wise and pound foolish - but that defines you and other's like you

Only fools think they know anything and everything better than everyone else. Worse yet are the fools that think giving something to someone that someone else was forced to pay for is a solution to anything. Worse even than that are the fools who think killing a child is a solution to anything.

Only fools and authoritarians oppose age appropriate sex education, abortion in all cases and means to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, i.e. methods of contraception and means to prevent SDT's.

Stupid people believe "just say no" is an effective method of preventing pregnancy and disease, and you seem to fit the mold of a mentally retarded and fully brainwashed person.

yep, that's the liberal mantra, no personal responsibility ever for anything, just rely on Massa government to take care of you.

Why do you want to be a slave to the government?
Redfish repeats the far right mantra, but offers nothing that conflicts with the certainty that Mom and viability precede fetal rights.
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

I have to disagree with your stats on the birth control measures. I believe most birth control pills are 99% effective when taken properly. (I have heard that with larger women) accidents can happen even though they're taking them as precribed. Condom's are always effective. Women who are forget full to take pills have devices they can choose from, that will work until they choose to have a family.

But the hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always fascinating. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which were always answered by ancient white male Republicans who self-appointed themselves as "experts" on the function of womens' bodies. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices their insurance company would pay for--LOL It went all the way to the Supreme Court, and was slapped down.

So while they were having conniption fits over abortion--they were also campaigning against the measures that prevent them. It was absolutely astounding to watch.

Not learning a dam thing from the loss in 2012--they again put up several Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in 2016--that in one single sentance could have chased away the majority voting block (women.) They were Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindhal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry & Rand Paul. All of them who do not give exceptions on abortion--for the life ot the mother, rape and incest.


Basically the Republican party has turned into the party that openly express's their distain and outright misogyny for Women in this country. Here they are actually stating they don't care about women's lives.

And women are FIGHTING back.


Woman's march the day after Trump's inaguration. This was going on in every state, including deep red states. For more pictures of what was happening in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant and they're going to pay for it in 2018--2020 and beyond.
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My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

Really? Hard to believe.

But they don't always work, as my daughter can attest to, and not everyone can take them, as I can attest to. Despite being scrupulous with my precautions, timing and everything else involved with responsibly attempting to avoid getting pregant, I had two unplanned pregnancies during my first marriage. So I find this argument that it's just sheer lack of concern or care with birth control that is at the heart of the issue. Birth control pills are not the solution, and no they are not free, in the US. The tests which the state mandates a woman must have before being issued a prescription, aren't free either.
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

They're free at Planned Parenthood clinics, but most women use their own private OB/GYN's for physicals and those doctors prescribe and their insurance pays for them.

You also rail against Planned Parenthood which is another one of your hypocricies. You continually call to DEFUND planned Parenthood which would prevent them from giving poor women birth control pills--dumbass.

Last edited:
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

They're free at Planned Parenthood clinics, but most women use their own private OB/GYN's for physicals and those doctors prescribe and their insurance pays for them.

You also rail against Planned Parenthood which is another one of your hypocricies. You continually called to DEFUND planned Parenthood which would stop them from giving poor women birth control pills--dumbass.


Any public health department....dumbass. Been that way for decades
My ass got kicked like trumps ass got kicked in the election(I'm not a trump supporter). And again let me go sarcastically go back in my time machine and tell the SCOTUS they got dred Scott, 3/5s compromise, kilo, and DOMA right. They'll be excited to hear that, and that's there's no point arguing with them.

I'm sorry you want to deny scientifically proven, and constitutionally recognized human life the right to life, despite prophylactics being the cheapest and easiest to get. I'm sorry you're happier with dehumanizing, and instead resorting to logical fallacies to keep you're worldview alive.

It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

They're free at Planned Parenthood clinics, but most women use their own private OB/GYN's for physicals and those doctors prescribe and their insurance pays for them.

You also rail against Planned Parenthood which is another one of your hypocricies. You continually called to DEFUND planned Parenthood which would stop them from giving poor women birth control pills--dumbass.


Any public health department....dumbass. Been that way for decades

But you still have to have the tests done and the prescription issued to get them. And those things are only free if you have access to a Planned Parenthood office, which not all US women do.
It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

They're free at Planned Parenthood clinics, but most women use their own private OB/GYN's for physicals and those doctors prescribe and their insurance pays for them.

You also rail against Planned Parenthood which is another one of your hypocricies. You continually called to DEFUND planned Parenthood which would stop them from giving poor women birth control pills--dumbass.


Any public health department....dumbass. Been that way for decades

But you still have to have the tests done and the prescription issued to get them. And those things are only free if you have access to a Planned Parenthood office, which not all US women do.

It's completely obvious you don't know the first thing about Public Health Clinics and I have neither the energy or willingness to teach you.
It is not the right to life of humans that's at issue, it's the right to privacy in deciding how and when you will increase your family - the most basic human right of all - the right to own your own body - something no man will ever truly understand. I can't imagine being forced to carry a child to term that I did not want, for whatever reason. It is difficult enough to be pregnant when you want the child. What is dehumanizing is forcing a woman to bear a child under these circumstances.

All birth control fails. Half of all women who seek abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. I'm having another grandchild in August because my daughter's birth control pills failed. Condoms have a 15% failure rate. But here's the thing, countries with mandatory maternity leave, government funded health care, and even free abortions, have lower rates of abortion than the United States.

In the United States, the vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor - 80% live below or close to the poverty line. Poor women, on average, have fewer children than middle class or wealthy women. It's the working poor who are getting abortions. That's the truth about abortion Republicans refuse to deal with and its why Republicans cannot win on the abortion issue.

The hypocrisy of the Evangelical Reich wing is always astounding. In 2012 they were railing against abortion while at the same time refusing to pay for birth control pills--which is a common prescription drug that has always been paid for by insurers. Then they went into what is LEGAL legitimate rape questions--which was always answered by an ancient white male Republican who self-appointed himself as an "expert" on the function of womens' bodies. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then they were cheering on Hobby Lobby--whom actually interferred into a woman's Doctor/Patient relatiionship trying to dictate what type of birth control contraceptives and devices they would pay for--LOL

So they were railing against abortion--but were also railing against common measures that prevent them.

Birth control pills have been free for decades

Your argument is invalid

They're free at Planned Parenthood clinics, but most women use their own private OB/GYN's for physicals and those doctors prescribe and their insurance pays for them.

You also rail against Planned Parenthood which is another one of your hypocricies. You continually called to DEFUND planned Parenthood which would stop them from giving poor women birth control pills--dumbass.


Any public health department....dumbass. Been that way for decades

But you still have to have the tests done and the prescription issued to get them. And those things are only free if you have access to a Planned Parenthood office, which not all US women do.

Women who do not QUALIFY as poor cannot walk into a Planned Parenthood office and get FREE birth control pills.

These Reich wingers who refuse to get out of the Reich wing media bubble they have been living in for the last couple of decades--believe that Planned Parenthood ONLY does abortions. They are much more than that to poor women. They do mammograms, pap smears (which are required for birth control pills) and offer a lot more things, at a lower cost to the patient. That is what the Federal funding is for.

Taxpayer dollars cannot be used for an abortions. I find it astounding that from all the claims from the Reich wing that taxpayer dollars are used to fund abortions, that they have yet to come up with one single woman over these many years, that will state that she got her abortion paid for by the taxpayers.


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