So, Now A Baker In LongwoodFlorida Is Being Threatened For NOT Baking Cake.

Can someone post some of the actual threats to the bakery, so I can be outraged.

here you go....

Christian bakers face government wrath for refusing to make cake for gay wedding Fox News

A previous version of this column stated that the Kleins could face a fine of at least $200,000. However, an attorney for the bakers says the actual amount is at least $150,000.

And if they refuse to pay the fine...jail.......

I was talking about bakery called Cut the Cake from the OP.

2aguy, please stay focused.

Yeah....keep up the tude why don't you........see what happens....
Okay, tough guy, what will happen? Oh right, nothin'.

I am polite to those who are polite to me....I won't be as polite to assholes and morons....we'll see what happens....
We already know what will happen, moron, nothing. have already shown countless times that you are a fucking moron who doesn't deserve respect or polite if you want to continue to be an asshole and a fucking moron there is nothing to stop you...but as an asshole, I will treat you as such.....asshole.... have already shown countless times that you are a fucking moron who doesn't deserve respect or polite if you want to continue to be an asshole and a fucking moron there is nothing to stop you...but as an asshole, I will treat you as such.....asshole....
Why don't you just do the board a favor tough guy, and STFU. You can't take a piss without wetting yourself. have already shown countless times that you are a fucking moron who doesn't deserve respect or polite if you want to continue to be an asshole and a fucking moron there is nothing to stop you...but as an asshole, I will treat you as such.....asshole....
Why don't you just do the board a favor tough guy, and STFU. You can't take a piss without wetting yourself.

Yes....the brave liberal brave beyond the computer screen and doing nothing but being an asshole the whole time.....what a little internet coward you are.............. have already shown countless times that you are a fucking moron who doesn't deserve respect or polite if you want to continue to be an asshole and a fucking moron there is nothing to stop you...but as an asshole, I will treat you as such.....asshole....
Why don't you just do the board a favor tough guy, and STFU. You can't take a piss without wetting yourself.

Yes....the brave liberal brave beyond the computer screen and doing nothing but being an asshole the whole time.....what a little internet coward you are..............
Projection, little asswipe. You are the one making threats, I am the one telling you to STFU.
Did this baker previously bake an "I am against straight marriage" cake? If not, the customer has nothing to complain about.
Don't threaten the idiotic need to stoop to the domestic terrorists on the left's level. She will get what is coming to her because 2 can play this game....:) We are doing it right they want their faggot cakes we want our anti faggot cakes. :) Either accept NEITHER should be forced to make them or we continue this battle.
Simple question for the left here how many of you who support the baker in the Op right not to bake anti gay cakes also supported the Christian bakers right not bake pro gay cakes? For those who have supported both I applaud you for those who only support the side they agree with your hypocrisy has been acknlowdeged now please STFU.
I think that PA laws could go away....and I wonder why the Right is spending all its time crying about them and the gays instead of constructively working to repeal those laws....they've been around for decades.
Public accommodations laws should remain, they're necessary and proper regulatory policy.

But the question is nonetheless valid: why haven't republicans sought to repeal public accommodations laws if they 'violate' religious liberty. In fact, republicans should advocate to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Simple question for the left here how many of you who support the baker in the Op right not to bake anti gay cakes also supported the Christian bakers right not bake pro gay cakes? For those who have supported both I applaud you for those who only support the side they agree with your hypocrisy has been acknlowdeged now please STFU.
I think that PA laws could go away....and I wonder why the Right is spending all its time crying about them and the gays instead of constructively working to repeal those laws....they've been around for decades.
Public accommodations laws should remain, they're necessary and proper regulatory policy.

But the question is nonetheless valid: why haven't republicans sought to repeal public accommodations laws if they 'violate' religious liberty. In fact, republicans should advocate to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
And ironically, when the subject of who was more for Civil Rights comes up, the pubbies and cons here will boast proudly "you know, it was republicans who passed the CRA of 64!"

So there!

We've seen the vote count posted here about a thousand times now. They are all atingly about it.
Here's a thought..
If someone won't bake you a special cake or if Red Lobster or the local pizza joint
won't cater your special day celebration you can take your business elsewhere.
You don't need to go to the Supreme Court to hear your case...
Once again the left follows the disengenous talking points.

1. Set up a false dichotomy.

In this case the OP gives the impression that somehow because it is a anti-gay cake that conservatives would not support the baker.

2. Argue against that false dichotomy.

As we see the OP goes off as if every single conservative responded in condemnation of the baker when in reality there wasn't one comment made. Except by dishonest liberals jumping in with the dishonest OP.

3. Claim victory.

The OP acts that by the shear reason they are pointing out this great hypocisy of conservatves they have won some sort of moral battle.

As as always the opposite is the result of the stated liberal intent. It is the left wing that is being hypocritical if they don't support the anit-gay group, if there even is a group desiring a cake and making threats. No conservative is going to support someone taking away the right of the baker.

Another colossal fair for the liberal left.
Here's a thought..
If someone won't bake you a special cake or if Red Lobster or the local pizza joint
won't cater your special day celebration you can take your business elsewhere.
You don't need to go to the Supreme Court to hear your case...

It is not as much fun if a person can't force a person to do something against their will, the SCOTUS is so impersonal.
The idiocy of most conservatives is truly amazing; an ignorant bigot in Colorado refuses to serve a gay couple wishing only to purchase a wedding cake in accordance with that state's public accommodations law, and the moronic right contrives the ridiculous lie that the bigot's 'religious liberty' has been violated.

This idiocy from the right needs to stop.

If it were not all turning out to be left wing lies you might have a point.
Here's a thought..
If someone won't bake you a special cake or if Red Lobster or the local pizza joint
won't cater your special day celebration you can take your business elsewhere.
You don't need to go to the Supreme Court to hear your case...

It is not as much fun if a person can't force a person to do something against their will, the SCOTUS is so impersonal.

Most laws force many people to do something against their will. Take down all the speed limit signs and see what happens.

The crazies on both ends continue to proudly tear the country apart, pointing the finger at the crazies on the "other" side.

I am sure that in all cities there are bakeries who happily bake a cake to celebrate the wedding of a gay couple, along with those who would not.

If a gay couple happens to go to a bakery one that finds that due to religious convictions can not accommodate their order, they should go one that will.

It is as simple as that.

Only worthless shit disturbers make an issue out of such a simple concept.

Then, again, they love shit. Especially licking it off each others' dicks and rectums.
The idiocy of most conservatives is truly amazing; an ignorant bigot in Colorado refuses to serve a gay couple wishing only to purchase a wedding cake in accordance with that state's public accommodations law, and the moronic right contrives the ridiculous lie that the bigot's 'religious liberty' has been violated.

This idiocy from the right needs to stop.
The person in Florida needs to bake the cake. She is a bigot if she doesn't. Nobody can be discriminated against, remember. That was your story yesterday.
The Left will keep assaulting religious liberty under the guise of opposing discrimination and inflammatory/dangerous/hate speech.

Remember that last year the Houston city council demanded (subpoenaed) sermons delivered by some conservative churches in the area, because--gasp--the pastors were defending traditional marriage and opposing gay marriage based on biblical teachings. There was such strong pushback over this Nazi-like action that the city council backed down. But, you wait: In a few years some liberal town council will try this again, and they won't back down unless ordered to do so by a judge or a legislature. (Incidentally, early on in Hitler's reign, the Nazis began censoring what Christian pastors and priests could teach.)

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