So now a simple accusation true or false can jail Trump

A hearing of such a statement will be based on the facts of the events surrounding the words.

He can't say the election was stolen because 38 people, including Pence and Barr and Meadows told him flatly that he lost. He can't say, "I disagree with the findings on the facts, thus my opinion shelters me."

Nope, he does that, he will be sanctioned.
Bullshit...that is straight up authoritarianism and completely against the first amendment....and you're crazy if you think the truth actually matters in this case.
This is not about lying it's about forced silence.
The precedent being set now is making criminals pay for their crimes. Surely you aren't against that?
Complete has nothing to do with the other.
You cannot mandate the silence of an opinion you don't like by relabeling it as a lie; Also you cannot tell some they can't's not illegal. Under oath it is...even then the definition is more often than not subject to opinion. You will soon see politicians being arrested all over the country for every frivolous dispute creating an inherent chaos with no option to reverse it. Another Harry Reid mistake only much, much deeper and far more lethal.
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Attempting to put Trump in jail would be a disaster for liberals. While it could placate the most rabid idiots on the left for a few days, most of whom post here, the overall optics would be ruinous. I say go for it.
Attempting to put Trump in jail would be a disaster for liberals. While it could placate the most rabid idiots on the left for a few days, most of whom post here, the overall optics would be ruinous. I say go for it.
We could see real action here...
This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? WTF??? False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more. So the moment he says something somebody doesn't like all they have to do is call it a lie and he's gone .... The left has let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be controlled or even harnessed.
What in Hell are you talking about?

Gag orders have been used and enforced for a long time. I doubt you will sell lack of ability to impose and enforce court ordered requirement to an appellate. Good luck to ya, though.
I can’t think of an occasion when a political candidate was the victim of a gag order.
So the moment the campaigning begins Trump will be accused of lying( doesn't even have to be an accurate accusation) and they will try to arrest him.
SCOTUS can and should overturn this.
And will.

But he has to arrested first, to get standing.

This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? WTF??? False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more. So the moment he says something somebody doesn't like all they have to do is call it a lie and he's gone .... The left has let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be controlled or even harnessed.
The Soviet Union had more freedom that America does now....but when they were oppressive they weren't hypocrits about it. They told you they didn't give a shit about your rights.
Bullshit...that is straight up authoritarianism and completely against the first amendment....and you're crazy if you think the truth actually matters in this case.
This is not about lying it's about forced silence.
Case law proves you wrong. When indicted, you cannot deliberately lie to protect yourself. For instance, "the election was stolen" is settled; it was not. To use it as a defense is a lie. The George Constanz defense fails here.
So when are Republican DAs and AGs going to start charging and arresting democrats?
Mayorkas, democrat DAs, etc.
Your Orange Baboon-God needs to keep his mouth shut... when it comes to his angst against those prosecuting him at-law.

No WONDER you MAGA Brown Shirts Red Caps are worried... Teflon Don keeping his mouth shut? Somebody call Guiness. :auiqs.jpg:
Fuck you commie carrion crow, we have 1st Amendment Constitutional rights to free speech, and "false statements" are fucking SUBJECTIVE!!!!
This banana republic BULLSHIT HAS GOT TO END!!!!
Fuck you commie carrion crow, we have 1st Amendment Constitutional rights to free speech, and "false statements" are fucking SUBJECTIVE!!!!
This banana republic BULLSHIT HAS GOT TO END!!!!
Correct. Political figures inciting their minions to commit violence against their fellow citizens and adversaries... it's got to end.

And the judge's entirely righteous and correct admonitions and cautions directed against your Orange Piece-of-$hit aid in that effort.
"It's not a lie if you believe it," said George Constanza.

That is only defensible within a reasonable man standard.

"Stolen election" is not defensible for Trump: he knows better, we know that he knows better, and the Judge knows that we know that he knows better.

Going to be an interesting campaign because His Orangeness will challenge it.
This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? WTF??? False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more. So the moment he says something somebody doesn't like all they have to do is call it a lie and he's gone .... The left has let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be controlled or even harnessed.
What election are we having this week?
They absolutely 'get it', and they know no one is going to push back or stop them, it's as simple as that. :dunno:
This will bite them in the ass sooner or later the same way Harry Reid's mistake bit them in the ass. But they're so caught up in the moment of salivary self-satisfaction that they simply cannot control themselves. This is no longer just about Trump; It's about the evolution of the political machine from a democratic system to a fascist one. Expect to see political rivals arrested and locked up in the near future simply for being political rivals and not just Republicans.

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