So now....about that caravan invasion.....

So they quit? Then thank God Trump did tell them no....and showed's how you do things.....

Those murderous street gangs really folded thanks to a bunch of cheap talk from an old man.
Actually, there was a particularly bad MS-13 cell in Long Island. Trump sent in a force to clean the shit out.

In this thread we talk about the caravan. Go start another thread if you want to change the topic.
More Dem traitors out themselves by siding with illegals who KILL and RAPE Americans.
Wow. Thank God you’ll never see Jesus. Cause you’d have a lot to answer for.
for a guy who says Jesus and god dont exist you sure throw their names out there enough....
The right wing has thrown Jesus out there for decades. Now with their policies, they prove they don’t believe he exists. The party of racism and hate can no longer be considered the party of God.
Jesus orders would be to help these people.
So they quit? Then thank God Trump did tell them no....and showed's how you do things.....

Those murderous street gangs really folded thanks to a bunch of cheap talk from an old man.
Actually, there was a particularly bad MS-13 cell in Long Island. Trump sent in a force to clean the shit out.
got any proof or are you just looking to brag?
MS-13 crackdown wins praise for Trump ahead of NY gang summit
This "invasion" reminds me of those creepy fake evangelical preachers who say God will call them home unless you send them a lot of money.
It's not real. It won't happen. But after all the rubes send in all their Social Security money to the fraudster, he will say, "Your prayers and money stopped me from dying!"

Just like every other caravan, this one will never arrive here. The tards have already forgotten how their propagandists got them all stirred up just this past April about another caravan. A caravan which never arrived.

And when this one doesn't arrive, the Chief Fraudster will claim, "Your hatred and my armed soldiers stopped us all from dying! Am I a hero, or what?"

Instead of sending their social security money to a fraudster, Americans sent it to democratic government.

At least after Madoff, some of the money still remained. The democratic government spent every penny.
Actually, when the people who invested in Madoff lost all their money, the one single source of income for many of them is Social Security.
So funny...

exactly, why did CNN, MSNBC and the other broadcast channels stop reporting on them? what the fk?
Will we keep hearing from trump about this horrible invasion coming right at us?
SIX of the deadliest mass shootings in America came in the last 13 months and there was no caravan
Who was president?? a gun loving SOB is
Are you referring to San Bernardino? The Night Club in Orlando? I love your blame game tactics. nut jobs with guns isn't good enough for you, you must point at someone. Well here you go point.
More Dem traitors out themselves by siding with illegals who KILL and RAPE Americans.
Wow. Thank God you’ll never see Jesus. Cause you’d have a lot to answer for.
for a guy who says Jesus and god dont exist you sure throw their names out there enough....
The right wing has thrown Jesus out there for decades. Now with their policies, they prove they don’t believe he exists. The party of racism and hate can no longer be considered the party of God.
Jesus orders would be to help these people.
The right wing has thrown Jesus out there for decades
so?....i was talking about you,not the right wing....many so called religious people are fucking hypocrites...
The party of racism and hate can no longer be considered the party of God....
well your a bigot and you are not much different....
Jesus orders would be to help these people.
if Jesus was who he said he was, with just a nod of his head those people would be helped beyond what any normal person would be able to do...
More Dem traitors out themselves by siding with illegals who KILL and RAPE Americans.
Wow. Thank God you’ll never see Jesus. Cause you’d have a lot to answer for.
for a guy who says Jesus and god dont exist you sure throw their names out there enough....
The right wing has thrown Jesus out there for decades. Now with their policies, they prove they don’t believe he exists. The party of racism and hate can no longer be considered the party of God.
Jesus orders would be to help these people.
Ah the typical rdean post.
What policies prove we don't believe Jesus?
What kind of "help" are you talking about
( I bet rdean thinks food stamps, public housing and terrible schools are wonderful for poor people, he would never think to actually get them out of those conditions, no to him that's mean)

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