So now....about that caravan invasion.....

Will that brave group of militia men and women stay at the border protecting us from those evil refugees?

You know they were refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

I think you need to contact Homeland security with your divine knowledge.
Or stop lying.... whichever.
You know they were not refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

That’s what American immigration law, the right to due process, and the rule of law are for: to determine who is or is not an actual refugee seeking asylum in the United States in good faith.

The right’s ‘caravan’ lie was never about terrorism or security – it was about fear, bigotry, hate, and demagoguery, a failed attempt to use unwarranted fear for some perceived partisan gain.
Will that brave group of militia men and women stay at the border protecting us from those evil refugees?

You know they were refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

I think you need to contact Homeland security with your divine knowledge.
Or stop lying.... whichever.
You know they were not refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

That’s what American immigration law, the right to due process, and the rule of law are for: to determine who is or is not an actual refugee seeking asylum in the United States in good faith.

The right’s ‘caravan’ lie was never about terrorism or security – it was about fear, bigotry, hate, and demagoguery, a failed attempt to use unwarranted fear for some perceived partisan gain.
Refugee would seek refugee status in the first country they came to. Mexico has the same language and culture. So why was it necessary to cross the entire country of Mexico to reach the USA?
Every caravan has always turned back long before they got to our border.

Armed with this knowledge, Trump and Fox News saw an opportunity to perpetrate the perfect con on the rube herd. :lol:
Not to worry.

US Regulars will stay on-station until the caravan has dissipated and dispersed.

Just in case.
This "invasion" reminds me of those creepy fake evangelical preachers who say God will call them home unless you send them a lot of money.
It's not real. It won't happen. But after all the rubes send in all their Social Security money to the fraudster, he will say, "Your prayers and money stopped me from dying!"

Just like every other caravan, this one will never arrive here. The tards have already forgotten how their propagandists got them all stirred up just this past April about another caravan. A caravan which never arrived.

And when this one doesn't arrive, the Chief Fraudster will claim, "Your hatred and my armed soldiers stopped us all from dying! Am I a hero, or what?"

It reminds me of the conservatives screaming about ebola during the Obama years.

We all were supposed to be wiped out from ebola because of Obama.

It was all so ridiculous.

Just as that so called "invasion" is.
So funny...

Will we keep hearing from trump about this horrible invasion coming right at us?
Will that brave group of militia men and women stay at the border protecting us from those evil refugees?

You know they were refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

I think you need to contact Homeland security with your divine knowledge.
Or stop lying.... whichever.
You know they were not refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

That’s what American immigration law, the right to due process, and the rule of law are for: to determine who is or is not an actual refugee seeking asylum in the United States in good faith.

The right’s ‘caravan’ lie was never about terrorism or security – it was about fear, bigotry, hate, and demagoguery, a failed attempt to use unwarranted fear for some perceived partisan gain.

Nice hissy fit darling.

They are still are not getting in.

If they were refugees what was the matter with Mexico?
This "invasion" reminds me of those creepy fake evangelical preachers who say God will call them home unless you send them a lot of money.
It's not real. It won't happen. But after all the rubes send in all their Social Security money to the fraudster, he will say, "Your prayers and money stopped me from dying!"

Just like every other caravan, this one will never arrive here. The tards have already forgotten how their propagandists got them all stirred up just this past April about another caravan. A caravan which never arrived.

And when this one doesn't arrive, the Chief Fraudster will claim, "Your hatred and my armed soldiers stopped us all from dying! Am I a hero, or what?"

It reminds me of the conservatives screaming about ebola during the Obama years.

We all were supposed to be wiped out from ebola because of Obama.

It was all so ridiculous.

Just as that so called "invasion" is.
Again, why, if they are refugees don’t they seek it in Mexico?
More Dem traitors out themselves by siding with illegals who KILL and RAPE Americans.
Wow. Thank God you’ll never see Jesus. Cause you’d have a lot to answer for.

If that person is a christian, St. Peter is going to laugh in his face when he shows up outside heaven expecting to get inside.

St. Peter will probably thank him for being such comic relief just before he denies that person entrance into heaven.
Will that brave group of militia men and women stay at the border protecting us from those evil refugees?

You know they were refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

I think you need to contact Homeland security with your divine knowledge.
Or stop lying.... whichever.
You know they were not refugees? You know that for a fact? You have vetted every single one?

That’s what American immigration law, the right to due process, and the rule of law are for: to determine who is or is not an actual refugee seeking asylum in the United States in good faith.

The right’s ‘caravan’ lie was never about terrorism or security – it was about fear, bigotry, hate, and demagoguery, a failed attempt to use unwarranted fear for some perceived partisan gain.

No, I don't know. That is my whole point. You don't know. I don't know.

What we do know for a fact, is this.....

None of those people need to come here, to apply for asylum.

They can apply for asylum at the embassy in Honduras.
They can apply for asylum at the embassy in Guatemala.
They can apply for asylum at the embassy in Mexico.
They can apply for asylum at a port of entry.

They have made the choice to not do this.

How do we know? Because we know that the migrants have ignored the laws of other countries, illegally entering those countries.

On Friday morning, however, Mexican officials, including the country’s ambassador to Guatemala, circulated through the crowds of migrants, appealing for order and inviting them to present themselves at the border one-by-one, where they would be processed by migration authorities.

The migrants defied the request, however, and about midday local time, the throng — now numbering in the thousands moved toward the border crossing, coming to a stop at the closed Guatemalan border fence. After an hour of rowdy yelling and chanting, some migrants managed to push open the fence and hundreds surged through behind them, overwhelming a small contingent of Guatemalan riot police officers.
As Trump Assails Caravan, a Clash Between Migrants and Mexico Police


Police officers attacked by the migrants, while storming the border in violation of law.

So again..... I ask you.... have you vetted any of these people? Because they are not going to apply for asylum. They intend to storm our border. Just like they did in Guatemala and Mexico.

Do you think we should simply allow unknown people to storm our country, without vetting any of them? Especially when we already know they are willing to attack police, and ignore the laws of the countries they are in?
More Dem traitors out themselves by siding with illegals who KILL and RAPE Americans.
Wow. Thank God you’ll never see Jesus. Cause you’d have a lot to answer for.

If that person is a christian, St. Peter is going to laugh in his face when he shows up outside heaven expecting to get inside.

St. Peter will probably thank him for being such comic relief just before he denies that person entrance into heaven.

If you were a Christian, you would know that nowhere in the Bible does "St Pater", have any control over who gets into Heaven.
Many of the men vowing to assault our border have already been deported. They said they intend to ask for a pardon. Not realizing that asylum and a pardon is not the same thing. Those guys can be packed up and sent back without a hearing.

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