So Obama Blames Congress For Bad April Statistics. We're Not That Stupid !

Mar 16, 2012

It's congresses fault again? Not Bush's? It's been 3.5 years! What happened in the first two years when the Dem's put all of their job proposals/stimulus & health-care into play??
Does Obama actually think that the tens of millions of independent voters are that naive on what is happening to the economy?
Like President Romney said,,,,,It's The Economy, and none of us Americans are That Stupid !!!
Obama will never tell the truth in regards of how many times congress has presented a job creation plan and Obama blocked it.
So where is Joe Biden this and next week to tell the world of the summer of recovery to come?
This man cannot accept responsibility for anything. Narcissism at it's height. Frightening.

When there's a Democratic Congress while a Republican is in the WH, you guys routinely blame Congress for the nation's problems.
and where are the 38/39 % of americans who think Obama is doing a great job on the economy? oh,let me guess, on the beaches of California? welfare? spending our tax dollars on pot and surf boards?
Our government has a role to play in this recovery.

Some spending cuts across the board are needed, and some have been enacted (500,000 federal workers gone). The federal gov't is smaller.

The President and the Pentagon agree on cuts there. This is the first Democrat President to cut Medicare.

But investments need to be made as well, and I directly blame the GOP caucus in the House for holding up a recovery that wants to happen.

A huge highway bill continues to be held up. That creates jobs.

Targeted projects like bridges and other things create jobs and then keep creating jobs as transportation gets better in places that need it the most.

The President and his party have put forward ideas on this. There are public-private partnerships waiting to be had, except extreme forces in the GOP caucus are only interested in playing God on women's health care and their wombs.

It prevents me from voting Republican at this time.

The America I know is a place looking to recover. Millions of people want to get back to work and contribute. Wall Street sits on a cool $2 or $3 trillion in money we gave them in order to lend again. They haven't because they haven't seen the gov't show any commitment to the economy or job creation.

Once they do, they'll put up the money and millions of people will start to go back to work and the boom will accelerate. This perverted version of the GOP in Washington knows this, and they know this President would end up getting easily re-elected should they agree to the kinds of things they've agreed to numerous times in the past.

I can't believe as a former Republican that I'm saying this, but this Republican party is not looking out for America more than they're looking to hurt America's President by wishing for a bad economy and preventing the acceleration of a recovery that has been going on for 25 straight months now of job creation, thanks to both Obama and Bush, who decided to do the right thing and invest in America.

John Boehner and his caucus ought to be ashamed of themselves.

As Americans, we are better than this. Better than their cheap display. Better than turning our backs on people who need action.
and where are the 38/39 % of americans who think Obama is doing a great job on the economy? oh,let me guess, on the beaches of California? welfare? spending our tax dollars on pot and surf boards?

Yes, a good job on the economy.

GM is alive and Bin Laden's dead, the opposite of what we were facing before this President.

And when this President went and used the military, he spent $1 billion and it took less than a year to get an American-killing dictator killed.

That's economical compared to 10 years and a couple trillion in the shithole of Iraq.
and where are the 38/39 % of americans who think Obama is doing a great job on the economy? oh,let me guess, on the beaches of California? welfare? spending our tax dollars on pot and surf boards?

GM is alive and Bin Laden's dead, the opposite of what we were facing before this President.
Wow...You should make a bumper sticker that sez that! :rolleyes:
and when u think of all the jobs you could of created with only 1 trillion! pisses me off! 5 trillion down the drain and up to 2 million more americans out of work.

It's congresses fault again? Not Bush's? It's been 3.5 years! What happened in the first two years when the Dem's put all of their job proposals/stimulus & health-care into play??
Does Obama actually think that the tens of millions of independent voters are that naive on what is happening to the economy?
Like President Romney said,,,,,It's The Economy, and none of us Americans are That Stupid !!!

Actually, you're so stupid, ignorant, and misled, you're a functional MORON. First, your FACTS are all WRONG. The Dems were filibuster-free for less than SIX MONTHS, ASSHOLE PUBS and silly dupes!!

Shut your stupid mouth and change the channel, fool of greedy rich ASSHOLES who caused this mess and now refuse to pass any jobs bills the GOP always would...

No compromise, "un-American GOP" (TIME)- silly dupes/haters...:cuckoo::eusa_angel::lol::lol:
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the left will always find excuses for the never ending miserable economic conditions, and who wrote up the thousands of new regulations?

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