So Obama Thinks "The Reagan Way" Will Be An Econmic Doom. But His Way Is Working.

Mar 16, 2012

So now we are hearing that "we already tried it the Republicans way" excuses by Obama. Right, as if Republicans were all for giving away mortgages to anyone who wanted a home, etc, etc. Now wait, wasn't it the Democrats who forced banks to give loans to the poor? Does anyone recall Bush announcing that anyone can now get a mortgage, no questions asked?
And lets go back to the Reagan Era. You got to admit, for many adults in the 40-60 range, it was the best times of our lives. Who wouldn't wanna go back to the 80's and relive the best times of our lives?
And yet Obama is making it sound as if Reagan totally screwed up the economy and we can never go back to those days.
What Obama is actually saying is, you white average americans had your chances, and you blew it!!! Now we are all gonna do it MY WAY !!!
and so how many millions of college graduates have found jobs since the spring of 2009? anyone got any figures? and how many college graduates are still living with mom&dad?
and Obama's priority during all of these crisis's are taking vacations and Golf Weekends. Maybe he should switch places with Biden being he never felt like Governing in the first place.

Has Reagan been good to you? Or didn't you even know how badly you'd been fucked?

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