So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.
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That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trunp to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperately and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt, this is an all out coup attempt and a subversive attempt to overthrow Democracy.


Here is the link again which I have posted 3 times in this thread.

FISA and the Trump Team

This covers the first FISA request which was denied and a second one. They asked for another one and then wire tapped Trump Tower through a PC in a certain "sensitive office."

Talk about interfering with an election and commiting high crimes and misdemeanors....WOW!!!!


Wiretapping with out a Warrant?

FISA and the Trump Team

The Nazis and Russians would be impressed by the scheming and skull duggery of Obama and his cronies.
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From the article

According to the New York Times(based on FBI sources), the FBI initially determined that the Trump Tower server did not have “any nefarious purpose.” But then, Heat Street says, “the FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses related to the server.”

Again, agents do not ordinarily draw FISA requests around possible crimes. Possible crimes prompt applications for regular criminal wiretaps because the objective is to prosecute any such crimes in court. (It is rare and controversial to use FISA wiretaps in criminal prosecutions.) FISA applications, to the contrary, are drawn around people suspected of being operatives of a (usually hostile) foreign power.

The Heat Street report continues:

The first [FISA] request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; [sic] SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank. While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons.

FISA and the Trump Team
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Obama needs to be in jail right now. That is an EXTREME Abuse of his office and is actually a FELONY, and is A Seditious Violation of his Oath of Office to Defend The Constitution and Our Individual Liberties.

All you Phucking Hypocrite Lying Goat Phucking Devil Worshipping Pieces of Shit Can go to Hell if you condone this.
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The wire tap was completely illegal.

This is far worse than what Nixon did.

But worst yet for Lefty is not only is this a bigger scandal than Watergate they found absolutely nothing.

People in black suits should be traveling to The Obama compound now with a warrant and. handcuffs.

That was Comey.

He got Hillary, he will get Donald.
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

You, Tree, are all bark and no bite.

I Wire tapped your house.

You have a strange affinity for My Little Pony & Monkey Porn!
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

You, Tree, are all bark and no bite.
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Forget your meds today?
Isn't that what "Watergate" was all about? It's alleged that LBJ bugged Goldwater's plane but the media thought that was fine and dandy.. Nixon's only problem was that he was a republican and the media hates republicans and back then the media was large and in charge. It's ironic that the democrat party is still playing by their 60's playbook when Cronkite was king and the only information available was filtered through a liberal ideology. Dems still can't get it through their thick skulls that conservative Americans are smarter and better informed today. Look at the liberal posts. Their idea of a political argument is a photo shopped freaking made up cartoon.
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it is abusus to preface your stupid thread title with the string: CONFIRMED

i also note the many snowflakes still butthurt by the wildly successful obama presidency. you can witness trump trying to claim the fruits as his own. LOL. but he inherited a mess. hahahaahahahahhaha
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Forget your meds today?

He just wants attention. Hopefully the mods will give him the attention he deserves.
Hey..left wing assholes........Obama doesn't control the Justice Department anymore.........these are actual crimes that he committed..........and now people are starting to hear about what he did.......this is worse than Nixon...actually using law enforcement and the intelligence community to wire tap a political rival's the middle of an election.....and you moron's want to pretend it isn't a big are vile

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