What is the republican explanation for why Trump is trying so hard to block congress from getting data related to Jan. 6th?

Ok, principal

I expect both sides to do what they have to do

The dems want to crush Trump and I would NOT cooperate with them in any way

If I’m on the other side I want to crush hillary

She knows that and if she showed up its only because she had to

Thats her problem not mine
It was funny watching Hillary drag Trey Gowdy & other members of the GOP goon squad all over the hearing room for hours on end.

She owned every single one of those assclowns, especially Billy Goat Gowdy.
The gullible Trump rubes believe their boy is doing it because he's all so worried about EP. Yea, sure he is. The rubes are blind to the fact that their boy was in on the whole deal but he's got them bullshitted to the point that they can't tell their own elbow from Trump's big ass.

If Trump & his crew were innocent they'd be busting their humps to clear the air.
The saddest thing is that they don’t see he doesn’t give a flying fuck about them.
Ok, principal

I expect both sides to do what they have to do

The dems want to crush Trump and I would NOT cooperate with them in any way

If I’m on the other side I want to crush hillary

She knows that and if she showed up its only because she had to

Thats her problem not mine
They did, what, like 8 hearings? All a waste of time and she showed up to each one. It was all so fucking stupid.
Surely, if Trump had nothing to hide, he would let congress see this data. I mean talk about owning the libs right? The witch hunt would fall flat on its face! My god, can you imagine how republicans would react if Hillary did something like this?

Well, obviously Trump has something to hide.

The appeals court doesn't seem to be buying much of what trump's lawyer's have had to say.

Surely, if Trump had nothing to hide, he would let congress see this data. I mean talk about owning the libs right? The witch hunt would fall flat on its face! My god, can you imagine how republicans would react if Hillary did something like this?

Well, obviously Trump has something to hide.

You libtards watched Trump clearly and explicitly denounce w.s. and insisted that he said that they were "fine people".

Anything you are given, is nothing but gist for your lies.

That is our REASON.
"They are chasing the wrong tail....... instead of a broad and fair assessment."
"Instead of a broad and fair assessment".....???
OK. I guess. But......
But how would you know good poster 'shocked'?
Have you read transcripts of witness testimony?
Seen video of any of the testimony?
Read the queries put to the witness by the bi-partisan committee?

In short, have you been briefed by any knowledgeable Committee member or staffer?
If not, well then...................

"It's his election, he has every right to be involved. Since it was stolen,"
Ah, good poster Lenny, another whiney tantrum about that election?
When, mein freund, when are you gonna do something about it other than whine and hissy-fit it?
Come back to the forum with your concrete plans to prove the election was stolen and who you have presented your evidence to.

Or, alternatively, come back to the forum without any of that. But then, don't whine about it.

Right now, and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but.....but your poor overworked avatar is looking awfully weak and indecisive. You should be better than that.
Good luck.

"Trump lives rent free in dem heads."
As has been offered on this venue several times: Better for America that Don Trump lives rent free in the heads of Democrats......than rent free in the White House.
I know, I know, good poster '1sr' it's too long to put on a bumper sticker....but there is some truthiness there. No?

"...not disclosing miles of security video from that event"
Has the bi-partisan investigating Committee seen all of it?
Has it been examined by authorized law enforcement folks knowledgeable in such things?
And who presented their findings to the bi-partisan Committee?
Have you seen these "miles" of tape?

If so, how did you get complete access, good poster Markwees?

And if you didn't ......well then......

"Jan 6th is a fabrication."
Yupper, and no disrespect intended, but.......but Marjorie Taylor Green suggested the Mandalay Hotel shooting in Las Vegas was staged. Alex Jones publicly stated the Sandy Hook shooting was done with child actors portraying dead kids.

And with that as context, so now, good poster Progs, comes here with the assertion that the January 6th breach of the Capitol of the United States of America was, in his words, a....... "fabrication"?
A hologram?
An anime?
A film?
Play acting?
Ashli Babbitt not really shot?
Ashli Babbitt not really dead?

I love this bar. (
insert roll eyes emoji here)
Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about Obama-Biden's PROVEN treasonous coup attempt assisted by a very criminal CIA, NSA, & FBI...

Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about domestic terrorists antifa's & BLM's terrorist violence that caused
literally BILLIONS in damage...

Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about Biden's failed Afghanistan withdrawal and leaving hundreds of Americans behind...

...but they want to hold hearings about an incited political protest that got out of control.....

Good grief
Here’s the best reason there is

Never cooperate with your sworn enemies or assist them in any way
Perhaps, like the rest of us, he is tired of their bullshit attempts to 'get Trump'. 6 years is enough. Their best efforts still can't distract from Biden's massive continuous fuck-ips...
About the same as they did when she spent hours in front of a Congressional Hearing on Benghazi claiming "I don't remember", "I don't recall", and "I don't know".

If Trump appears before that kangaroo court, he should play the same card.

When you appear in Congress to testify about every little detail about something that happened 5 years prior, it's unlikely you'll be able to recall everything precisely.

Clinton testified for 11 and a half hours. She did so calmly, thoroughly, and to the best of her ability. She didn't hide, refuse to cooperate, or refuse to answer questions. Something Trump has NEVER done.

This is not a "kangaroo court", this is the Congress of the United States.
Surely, if Trump had nothing to hide, he would let congress see this data. I mean talk about owning the libs right? The witch hunt would fall flat on its face! My god, can you imagine how republicans would react if Hillary did something like this?

Well, obviously Trump has something to hide.

I don't know probably something I can to the same reasons why Obama has spent the last 12 to 16 years of his life vigorously blocking all access to his birth records and college records.
There isn't a single politician in DC including the Biden family that doesn't have teams of lawyers blocking the privacy of their personal records.
It's not unusual at all and it's only a big issue right now because the left is focused on Trump.
When you appear in Congress to testify about every little detail about something that happened 5 years prior, it's unlikely you'll be able to recall everything precisely.

Clinton testified for 11 and a half hours. She did so calmly, thoroughly, and to the best of her ability. She didn't hide, refuse to cooperate, or refuse to answer questions. Something Trump has NEVER done.

This is not a "kangaroo court", this is the Congress of the United States.
You're right it's not a kangaroo court there's no kangaroo on the face of the planet that can jump as high as Congress can.
Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about Obama-Biden's PROVEN treasonous coup attempt assisted by a very criminal CIA, NSA, & FBI...

Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about domestic terrorists antifa's & BLM's terrorist violence that caused
literally BILLIONS in damage...

Democrats don't give a damn about holding hearings about Biden's failed Afghanistan withdrawal and leaving hundreds of Americans behind...

...but they want to hold hearings about an incited political protest that got out of control.....

Good grief

There was no "treasonous coup attempt". Trump has been trying to sell that lie but nobody's buying. Durham couldn't even a make charge on those allegations. Not one charge against the "investigators".
The "terrorist violence" committed at the 2020 protest was committed by right wing thugs and terrorists, not black lives matter. There likely will be a hearings about what happened in 2020 and you're not going to like the outcome of those hearings. Much of the violence was institgated by the police. The cities and the police departments in these cities are not going to come out well in the hearings.

American police have a long sad history of attacking leftists protestors marching for their rights, fomenting violence and starting riots. From women marching for the vote, to unionists marching for better working conditions. Leftist protestors are always met with tear gas and billy clubs. See student marches in the 1970's. 4 students shot at Kent State. Beatings on the Edmund Pettis Bridge.

The summer of 2020 was no different. Between the violent police, and the violence of the right wing thugs, once again, people march for rights, and the police and the thug right, turned the marches into riots. WE SURE AS SHIT WELCOME A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION INTO THOSE PROTESTS. ESPECIALLY THE PART ABOUT DHS SOLDIERS "DISAPPEARING" PROTESTORS.

Biden's Afghan withdrawal was a success. I can see why you continue to promote the idea that it wasn't but getting a 120,000 people out of that country in the final 2 weeks, with minimum loss of life was a fucking miracle.

Yes, they want to hold hearings on a coordinated attempted overthrow of the federal government - to make sure it never happens again.

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