So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

This would be the perfect ending to this Liberal McCarthy Witch Hunt - Obama in handcuffs and in prison for illegally Wire-tapping Trump.

We already know he illegally acquired information on the Trump team during his last days in office, gave it to 16 Intel agencies, and thereby set up the leaks and this Witch Hunt.

Obama also has a very public record of illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS. Based on this everyone, willing to admit it or not, knows Obama is not above illegally spying on Trump.

He was so / is so desperate to save everything he did his 8 years in office, to save his Legacy, that it is all too possible Obama had Trump wire-tapped.

Whether he did or not, he has proven he is not above illegally spying on anyone, even Congress.
McCarthy, the alcoholic republican, who died of liver disease at the age of 49.
This would be the perfect ending to this Liberal McCarthy Witch Hunt - Obama in handcuffs and in prison for illegally Wire-tapping Trump.

We already know he illegally acquired information on the Trump team during his last days in office, gave it to 16 Intel agencies, and thereby set up the leaks and this Witch Hunt.

Obama also has a very public record of illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS. Based on this everyone, willing to admit it or not, knows Obama is not above illegally spying on Trump.

He was so / is so desperate to save everything he did his 8 years in office, to save his Legacy, that it is all too possible Obama had Trump wire-tapped.

Whether he did or not, he has proven he is not above illegally spying on anyone, even Congress.
McCarthy, the alcoholic republican, who died of liver disease at the age of 49.
And now we have the new Liberal McCarthys - hypocritical, lying, Russian gift-exchanging snowflakes who broke the law to seditiously go after the current govt...sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic 'Commies' trying to brand others as 'Commies'.
James Clapper was on the Meet the Press this morning and he said
(1) during the investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian influence during his tenure, there was NO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. and
(2) Obama did not request a wiretap on Trump at any time. Did not happen. Flat no, did not happen, and he would have absolutely been told.

I take back any cautious optimism I've had that this President will be okay at leading the country. By starting this conflagration based on gum flapping by some conservative radio show hosts reported on Breitbart, with no evidence, Trump has shown he has no intention of calming down and uniting this country. None at all.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer released a statement that offered no evidence, instead saying the White House wouldn't comment until Congress had investigated his claims. The president "is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016," the statement said...
Spicer said the White House would not comment again until Congress had investigated the matter.

White House asks Congress to probe whether Obama abused powers

We all know how long that will take and how much blood loss there will be before it's over. And it will find what we already know--that in the investigation into Russian interference with the election, a connection between a server in Trump Tower and a Russian bank was "tapped" and NO EVIDENCE of any wrong doing was found. That was months before the election and was reported at the time. It had nothing to do with Obama or the White House.

"Unnamed" white house officials say Trump is fuming that the Russian stuff (and especially Sessions recusing himself) is not going away. He's "furious," some say. This is how Trump shows his displeasure, apparently, by ripping the country apart some more.
"Unnamed" white house officials say Trump is fuming that the Russian stuff (and especially Sessions recusing himself) is not going away. He's "furious," some say. This is how Trump shows his displeasure, apparently, by ripping the country apart some more.

Donald Trump calls on the navy to investigate the missing strawberries

James Clapper was on the Meet the Press this morning and he said
(1) during the investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian influence during his tenure, there was NO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. and
(2) Obama did not request a wiretap on Trump at any time. Did not happen. Flat no, did not happen, and he would have absolutely been told.

I take back any cautious optimism I've had that this President will be okay at leading the country. By starting this conflagration based on gum flapping by some conservative radio show hosts reported on Breitbart, with no evidence, Trump has shown he has no intention of calming down and uniting this country. None at all.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer released a statement that offered no evidence, instead saying the White House wouldn't comment until Congress had investigated his claims. The president "is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016," the statement said...
Spicer said the White House would not comment again until Congress had investigated the matter.

White House asks Congress to probe whether Obama abused powers

We all know how long that will take and how much blood loss there will be before it's over. And it will find what we already know--that in the investigation into Russian interference with the election, a connection between a server in Trump Tower and a Russian bank was "tapped" and NO EVIDENCE of any wrong doing was found. That was months before the election and was reported at the time. It had nothing to do with Obama or the White House.

"Unnamed" white house officials say Trump is fuming that the Russian stuff (and especially Sessions recusing himself) is not going away. He's "furious," some say. This is how Trump shows his displeasure, apparently, by ripping the country apart some more.

Yeah, we now have a President that's giving back as much as he has to take. This whole Russia business is nothing but politics to convince the low-information voters that they really didn't lose, and to make sure they come out next election.

The politically correct thing to do is sit there like a punching bag and take it. But Trump is about as anti-politically correct as we've ever seen in politics. He's not going to take it. If they are going to attack him with made-up stories, he's going to make up some stories of his own, and I say good for him.

The people who are responsible for "ripping the country apart" are those that just can't let this Trump victory go. If you leave Trump alone, he will leave you alone.

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