So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Where's the proof? Give us some proof. Otherwise, this is just more alt-right fever swamp bullshit to divert attention away from Trump's treasonous actions. Let the investigations begin!

Trump’s Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI

Trump's Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI

So, the FBI was granted a FISA warrant. Good for the FBI. Apparently they had probable cause to get the warrant. How does that relate to Obama?

And there is no way in hell they would have done that without obummer approval. And based on the fact that the head of the DOJ was a good buddy of obummer it is an easy step to see him ordering, and the AG following those orders. Only a complete dimwit, or a partisan hack (and you qualify for both appellations) wouldn't come to that conclusion.

Bullshit. FBI Director James Comey is a Republican. He requested a warrant from the FISA Court - and it was granted. How in the hell can anyone point the finger at Obama? Are you suggesting that Obama ordered Comey and the FISA Court to do that?

Thank you for making my point about your inability to think properly so eloquently. Truly, I couldn't have done it without you! The AG ordered Comey to do it. The AG is a friend of obummer. I can't make it any plainer for a person of such low intellect and low ethics as you.
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.
More of the good old days!
Why Eric Holder's Excuse for Spying on Reporters Isn't Enough
This is one of the few accurate things you have ever posted. Now, why did obummer allow pootin to do that with no consequences? And no, sanctions, as they were enacted, were not a consequence. They were window dressing.

Perhaps Obama did not want to start a WWIII over Crimea and the sanctions were ALL that he could use to castigate Putin's land-grab......Do you think that NATO would really loin us in a ground war against Russia? I doubt it and perhaps if it were my choice to make, I would have been harsher against the ex-KGB thug....

Now, that stated, I wonder WHY at the RNC convention, Trump and company (Manafort, Flynn, et al) decided to NIX arming the Ukraine with more powerful weaponry to fight off the Ruskies....

Any ideas offered by Trump lap dogs as to why this generous gesture was made by Trump?
Where's the proof? Give us some proof. Otherwise, this is just more alt-right fever swamp bullshit to divert attention away from Trump's treasonous actions. Let the investigations begin!

Trump’s Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI

Trump's Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI

So, the FBI was granted a FISA warrant. Good for the FBI. Apparently they had probable cause to get the warrant. How does that relate to Obama?

And there is no way in hell they would have done that without obummer approval. And based on the fact that the head of the DOJ was a good buddy of obummer it is an easy step to see him ordering, and the AG following those orders. Only a complete dimwit, or a partisan hack (and you qualify for both appellations) wouldn't come to that conclusion.

Bullshit. FBI Director James Comey is a Republican. He requested a warrant from the FISA Court - and it was granted. How in the hell can anyone point the finger at Obama? Are you suggesting that Obama ordered Comey and the FISA Court to do that?

Thank you for making my point about your inability to think properly so eloquently. Truly, I couldn't have done it without you! The AG ordered Comey to do it. The AG is a friend of obummer. I can't make it any plainer for a person of such low intellect and low ethics as you.

Funny. As you may have noticed regarding Hillary - Comey doesn't take such orders - even if given. AG Lynch gave him a free hand.
This is one of the few accurate things you have ever posted. Now, why did obummer allow pootin to do that with no consequences? And no, sanctions, as they were enacted, were not a consequence. They were window dressing.

Perhaps Obama did not want to start a WWIII over Crimea and the sanctions were ALL that he could use to castigate Putin's land-grab......Do you think that NATO would really loin us in a ground war against Russia? I doubt it and perhaps if it were my choice to make, I would have been harsher against the ex-KGB thug....

Now, that stated, I wonder WHY at the RNC convention, Trump and company (Manafort, Flynn, et al) decided to NIX arming the Ukraine with more powerful weaponry to fight off the Ruskies....

Any ideas offered by Trump lap dogs as to why this generous gesture was made by Trump?

He wouldn't have had to go to war to get the russians to withdraw. Had he frozen all business with the russians, and had NATO and the EU do the same, pootin would have had to withdraw. He didn't. He slapped some pathetic "sanctions" on pootin and his cronies which had zero effect.
Wow, another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory from the morons in denial...
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.
Obama denied it Let the pos trump show proof like he did with his birther claim NONE Impeach this lying pos
So apparently the White House's defense was a Breitbart article the moron-in-chief read :cuckoo:
He wouldn't have had to go to war to get the russians to withdraw. Had he frozen all business with the russians, and had NATO and the EU do the same, pootin would have had to withdraw. He didn't. He slapped some pathetic "sanctions" on pootin and his cronies which had zero effect.

Wrong.........First Europe (NATO) would have nixed the plan.......and, second, Putin would NEVER withdraw with just the withdrawal of western businesses....his despotic regimewould have been in jeopardy.

I STILL want a direct answer as to why Trump and the RNC opted to WEAKEN the Ukraine and sided with Putin.........Keep in mind that when the RNC platform was passed in Cleveland, within days, Russia released tons of emails damaging Clinton......Coincidence???? I doubt it.
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Was Barack Obama against wiretapping before he was for it?

Moron, as your hero Kristol himself wrote,,,,,,,"then [Obama] became president of the United States, he got all the briefings … (and) he decided … the balance is probably pretty appropriately struck."
Was Barack Obama against wiretapping before he was for it?

Moron, as your hero Kristol himself wrote,,,,,,,"then [Obama] became president of the United States, he got all the briefings … (and) he decided … the balance is probably pretty appropriately struck."
Sure, after you liberals put him in office as part of "Hope and Change" he became aware how critical his holding power was to illegal wire taps and spying.

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