So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.
The Constitution requires some evidence first, moron.
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Thanks for identifying yourself as a douche bag, Nat.
'Arch enemy?' Are we at war with Russia? I thought we had a 're-set' with good old Hill and are now good friends.

If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.
After all that dishonesty and corruption from the DNC that we found out about with the Wikileaks revelations about what went on in the campaign we know that it is a fact.

Democrats are scumbags. They always have been and always will be.

I hope Trump and Kellyanne pursues this and Obama and Crooked Hillary get put in jail. It is criminal.
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Treason? Hillary reset relations with Russia using a mspelled red button!!! We're best buds now. Even Obama assured Putin that'd he'd have more leeway to give in to the Russians after the election. Do try and keep up.
I'm going to say it again...this is going to end very badly for Democrats. If they know whats good for them they will stop this which hunt and undermining post haste. But they won't...They are stupid.

I agree. If I were the trumpster I would immediately open a criminal investigation of the wiretapping.
Don't worry. President Trump already has his DOJ working on it.
When this is over Obama et al are going to make Nixon look like Mother Theresa.
Obama engaged in sedition and treason, but because Dems have no moral compass, it only hits their radar when their LMSM give the order
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Yes, Jake, Obama was colluding with the enemies or Freedom and he will be held accountable
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.
Yeah sure. Meanwhile Russia-Putin gets a free pass in interfering with our elections.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Yes, Jake, Obama was colluding with the enemies or Freedom and he will be held accountable
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Yes, Jake, Obama was colluding with the enemies or Freedom and he will be held accountable
Yeah sure. Meanwhile Russia-Putin gets a free pass in interfering with our elections.
Obama engaged in sedition and treason, but because Dems have no moral compass, it only hits their radar when their LMSM give the order

I get the feeling they're about to.

Obama and Hillary might be getting thrown under the bus and MSM will "restore its integrity".
Hmmm, were you just as upset about Obama interfering in Ukrainian elections and installing a 'president' of his choice there?

If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Yes, Jake, Obama was colluding with the enemies or Freedom and he will be held accountable
Yeah sure. Meanwhile Russia-Putin gets a free pass in interfering with our elections.
Hmmm, were you just as upset about Obama interfering in Ukrainian elections and installing a 'president' of his choice there?

If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

Yes, Jake, Obama was colluding with the enemies or Freedom and he will be held accountable
Yeah sure. Meanwhile Russia-Putin gets a free pass in interfering with our elections.

That was a Nazi president in Ukraine. The people promptly ousted him
Hmmm, were you just as upset about Obama interfering in Ukrainian elections and installing a 'president' of his choice there?

No, nitwit.......I'd be upset if Obama helped yo install a PRO-RUSSIAN guy in a NATO country......You may be thinking of Manafort, Trump's campaign head who DID help the pro-Russian faction.
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Where's the proof? Give us some proof. Otherwise, this is just more alt-right fever swamp bullshit to divert attention away from Trump's treasonous actions. Let the investigations begin!
Hmmm, were you just as upset about Obama interfering in Ukrainian elections and installing a 'president' of his choice there?

No, nitwit.......I'd be upset if Obama helped yo install a PRO-RUSSIAN guy in a NATO country......You may be thinking of Manafort, Trump's campaign head who DID help the pro-Russian faction.

Your friend Jake drew a firm line against sedition, much like Obama and the Progressives are apparently attempting
Arch enemy?' Are we at war with Russia? I thought we had a 're-set' with good old Hill and are now good friends.

No, moron.....Russia has annexed Crimea (part of another country) and is looking to reestablish a 'soviet union" including all of the Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, etc......

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