So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

BINGO! Democrats are corrupt and dumb, they will regret opening up this can of worms. If President Trump turns the FBI and intelligence agencies loose on investigating Dem's they will shit themselves a full pant loa

When the DNC has Russian agents come in the back door, as Trump did at the Trump Towers, then you may have a point.....Until then, have some laxatives....LOL

Nobody cares what you think troll boy.
National Review report and others confirm what you have posted. To me, this is explosive. A sitting president getting a FISA court's approval to listen on phone calls of a presidential candidate of the opposing party? This can blow this whole Russian story wide open. I do not want to sound conspiratorial, but I smell collusion between the establishment, from both parties, and the media to bring Sessions (God knows what he can find at the DOJ and he is loyal to Trump/country, not to the party) and ergo Trump down. Very interesting. This alone sways me to give Trump a benefit of a doubt. If the Washington dinosaurs and the media want to bring him down so badly, the guy must be doing something right. Just mho.

National Review report and others confirm what you have posted. To me, this is explosive. A sitting president getting a FISA court's approval to listen on phone calls of a presidential candidate of the opposing party? This can blow this whole Russian story wide open. I do not want to sound conspiratorial, but I smell collusion between the establishment, from both parties, and the media to bring Sessions (God knows what he can find at the DOJ and he is loyal to Trump/country, not to the party) and ergo Trump down. Very interesting. This alone sways me to give Trump a benefit of a doubt. If the Washington dinosaurs and the media want to bring him down so badly, the guy must be doing something right. Just mho.

Trump will go after these seditious traitors with the full power of his Office
This constant BS about every thing, from both sides, is this one more of those deals like child sex in the basement of a pizza place that has no basement. some poor dumb guy now is gone from his wife and 2 children. because he thought the story was true & went to save the children. now going to jail ,posting should state what is confirmed , or that it is opinion, there are a lot of mentally unstable people who over react.
Well... how else could they meet with anyone but in Trump Tower? It's not like Trump had a political office in Washington to host foreign dignitaries. He was a businessman and private citizen, free to meet with whomever he wanted. Without even checking, I bet he had met with people from many other countries. It's not a crime.

BINGO! Democrats are corrupt and dumb, they will regret opening up this can of worms. If President Trump turns the FBI and intelligence agencies loose on investigating Dem's they will shit themselves a full pant loa

When the DNC has Russian agents come in the back door, as Trump did at the Trump Towers, then you may have a point.....Until then, have some laxatives....LOL
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National Review report and others confirm what you have posted. To me, this is explosive. A sitting president getting a FISA court's approval to listen on phone calls of a presidential candidate of the opposing party? This can blow this whole Russian story wide open. I do not want to sound conspiratorial, but I smell collusion between the establishment, from both parties, and the media to bring Sessions (God knows what he can find at the DOJ and he is loyal to Trump/country, not to the party) and ergo Trump down. Very interesting. This alone sways me to give Trump a benefit of a doubt. If the Washington dinosaurs and the media want to bring him down so badly, the guy must be doing something right. Just mho.

So we have this "supposedly" legal wire tap, we have an IRS that conspired to harass conservative groups, we had a FBI director make recommendations to an AG not to bring charges against a woman who had her own server keeping confidential and classified material on it which she didn't return and bleach-bitted the information, but leftists don't believe government is too large and too powerful.

Not only that the idiots preserved all the illegal spying and warrantless wiretaps records and recordings in the hopes Hillary could somehow use them against The GOP like she illegally used The FBI files back during the Slick Willy Days and Obama illegally used the IRS and NSA against his political rivals.

The FBI already stated they found nothing. But tell you what, the Dems are going to get hit hard with some new investigations because The biggest Russian ties are actually to The Clintons, Obamas, Schummer and Pelosi and I would not be shocked to see McCain and Graham get nailed too.

Drain The Swamp!

Obama assumed Hillary would win and they would use this wiretap info to destroy Trump after the election, the retard must be shitting himself that Trump actually won and its Trump who has all the power now to destroy Obama.

ALL the reports say the distribution among ALL the Intelligence agencies came after Trump won and they did so to preserve the evidence the intel community gathered on the Russian Connection, so that TRUMP would not be able to illegally incinerate it...or, so Trump could not gt rid of the evidence AGAINST him and his pro Russian campaign team....

NONE OF IT is illegal....breaking down ''The Wall'' between intel agencies that was put up in the bill clinton admin that Jamie Gorelick introduced was broken down after 9/11 occurred.

THANK GOODNESS this was done! Preserving evidence is IMPORTANT. Now, hopefully the Intelligence committees investigating can gt to it!
That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts - The New York Times
The worst thing about W, is that his big government globalist world view and policies led to Obama, who then doubled down on the stupidity.
Barry Soetoro aka Mohamed Obama, probably wire-tapped the White House too.

It's expected of him and his gang of community agitators.

No surprises there.

Little scared, aren't you???? LOL
Calling out corruption is not that scary. Obama funded and armed horrific people and set them loose to cause chaos. He did it abroad and he did it in the states. Hacking state election systems is also being overlooked. It will catch up.
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Barry Soetoro aka Mohamed Obama, probably wire-tapped the White House too.

It's expected of him and his gang of community agitators.

No surprises there.

Little scared, aren't you???? LOL
Calling out corruption is not that scary. Obama funded and armed horrific people and set them loose to cause chaos. He did it abroad and he did it in the states. Hacking state election systems is also being overlooked. It will catch up.
What is funny nat?
Not only that the idiots preserved all the illegal spying and warrantless wiretaps records and recordings in the hopes Hillary could somehow use them against The GOP like she illegally used The FBI files back during the Slick Willy Days and Obama illegally used the IRS and NSA against his political rivals.

The FBI already stated they found nothing. But tell you what, the Dems are going to get hit hard with some new investigations because The biggest Russian ties are actually to The Clintons, Obamas, Schummer and Pelosi and I would not be shocked to see McCain and Graham get nailed too.

Drain The Swamp!

Obama assumed Hillary would win and they would use this wiretap info to destroy Trump after the election, the retard must be shitting himself that Trump actually won and its Trump who has all the power now to destroy Obama.

ALL the reports say the distribution among ALL the Intelligence agencies came after Trump won and they did so to preserve the evidence the intel community gathered on the Russian Connection, so that TRUMP would not be able to illegally incinerate it...or, so Trump could not gt rid of the evidence AGAINST him and his pro Russian campaign team....

NONE OF IT is illegal....breaking down ''The Wall'' between intel agencies that was put up in the bill clinton admin that Jamie Gorelick introduced was broken down after 9/11 occurred.

THANK GOODNESS this was done! Preserving evidence is IMPORTANT. Now, hopefully the Intelligence committees investigating can gt to it!
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.
Not only that the idiots preserved all the illegal spying and warrantless wiretaps records and recordings in the hopes Hillary could somehow use them against The GOP like she illegally used The FBI files back during the Slick Willy Days and Obama illegally used the IRS and NSA against his political rivals.

The FBI already stated they found nothing. But tell you what, the Dems are going to get hit hard with some new investigations because The biggest Russian ties are actually to The Clintons, Obamas, Schummer and Pelosi and I would not be shocked to see McCain and Graham get nailed too.

Drain The Swamp!

Obama assumed Hillary would win and they would use this wiretap info to destroy Trump after the election, the retard must be shitting himself that Trump actually won and its Trump who has all the power now to destroy Obama.

ALL the reports say the distribution among ALL the Intelligence agencies came after Trump won and they did so to preserve the evidence the intel community gathered on the Russian Connection, so that TRUMP would not be able to illegally incinerate it...or, so Trump could not gt rid of the evidence AGAINST him and his pro Russian campaign team....

NONE OF IT is illegal....breaking down ''The Wall'' between intel agencies that was put up in the bill clinton admin that Jamie Gorelick introduced was broken down after 9/11 occurred.

THANK GOODNESS this was done! Preserving evidence is IMPORTANT. Now, hopefully the Intelligence committees investigating can gt to it!
I bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

Its not that often that something surprises me, the Obama administration bugging Trump tower during the election for political gain, wow that's pretty fucked up. I know his administration was lawless but holy shit.
This just in Lefty Judge just helped an illegal escape From jail in Oregon despite ICE order to hold him!

Phucking Lefty is Bat Shit Seditious Raving Mad!
more awesome zone #2 content for the moderator to ignore. LOL

i fail to see the relevance of this post to the alleged topic of the OP. i suspect it might be more polarizing and baiting. shocking.
some cheese with that whine?
If bugging the headquarters of the opposition political party isn't illegal, then this country has sunk a long way towards the kind of governments they have in places like North Korea and Cuba. You know what kind of person would defend this behavior? A douche bag.

If the headquarters of a presidential candidate is colluding with the U.S.' arch enemy, IT IS IMPERATIVE to find out if treason is taking place.

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